These Are For You

After my tea with Rose I decided it was time to get myself some rest. Scarlett was bound to wake up and it was best to get any rest I could at the moment. Especially with it being just me by myself. I had Rose if I needed help but I didn't want to always need Rose to help me. I was their mother, there's no reason I couldn't handle it on my own.

I took a hot shower and stood under the water for a while enjoying the warmth. After being in it long enough I got out and threw on a tank top and some shorts. I climbed into the silk sheets of the massive bed. I was missing having Damon lay beside me. It just made things feel off and I really wasn't sleeping as good as normal.

I did end up falling asleep. I didn't know exactly when but I was startled awake from a noise downstairs. I heard Jet let out a bark from Sterling's room. I looked at the clock on the nightstand. It was only midnight. Everyone should be asleep right now.

Automatically the panic and anxiety began to set in. What if the shooter had returned? Where were the guards at that had been put around the house? We were supposed to be protected from any intruder. Shouldn't I know if something was up?

I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts. Of course it couldn't be an intruder. If these guards had let someone in Damon would have their heads. I climbed out of bed and decided that it should be safe enough to go see who it may be. It might just be Rose messing around in the kitchen.

The hallway was dark as I opened the door of the bedroom. I walked quietly down the hall and made it to the stairs. There were no lights on. Things began to feel strange again. I noticed movement from the living room.

I hid behind the wall right before the stairs so that I couldn't be seen. Where the hell were the guards?! My breathing grew heavier as footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs. I clenched my fist as it was the only defense I would have.

The figure turned the corner and I struck them right in the face with my fist as hard as I could. The figure stopped in their tracks. I heard a groan and it sounded familiar. That's when it clicked in my head, I just punched my husband in the face.

I turned on the light of the hall and sure enough it was Damon. He held some flowers in one hand and his other hand was holding his nose where I struck him. I noticed the blood on his hand and it was seeping down his chest. A look of horror took over my face.

"I'm so sorry!" I approached him. "I didn't know it was you!"

"It's okay Love. Just help me to the room." He tilted his head back so he could attempt to stop the bleeding.

I took his hand with the flowers and guided him to the bedroom door. I opened it and he stepped inside. I guided him to the bed and helped him lay down. I propped a pillow up under his head so that he could still keep his head tilted back. I ran to the bathroom and brought out a box of tissues so he could use them to clean up the blood.

Once situated he held up the flowers. "These are for you. Why don't you take them down stairs and put them in some water while we wait for this to stop?"

"Okay." I grabbed the flowers and exited the room.

I took them down to the kitchen and grabbed a vase nearby. I filled it with water and placed the flowers inside. Once I knew they were situated I headed back upstairs. I couldn't help but feel bad. If I had known it was Damon I would've never done that.

I entered the bedroom. Damon was no longer laying on the bed. He was sitting up and had taken his shirt off, exposing his god-like chest. It laid on the floor with some blood on it. He cleaned up his face but he held a tissue to his nose just in case anymore blood came out. There was an amused grin on his lips as his icy blue eyes met my green orbs.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"I bring you flowers and in return you give me a bloody nose. It's a little funny." He chuckled.

"You only got it because you didn't tell me you were going to be coming home!" I defended my actions.

"Well, it was supposed to be a surprise Love. I've learned my lesson though." He responded with the amused grin still on his face. "It is a little reassuring though to know you can defend yourself."

"Why are you back so early anyway?" I asked.

"The matter in Florida was resolved quicker than expected. I was missing you and the children. I figured why stay when I could come home and be with the ones I love." He answered as he stood up.

He threw the tissue into the garbage and walked over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against his naked chest. He placed a kiss on the top of my head. I could help but let a small smile fall onto my lips.

"I missed you." I spoke as he kept me close to him.

"I missed you too Love." He pulled back slightly and used a hand to tilt my head up to force me to look at him. "And everything was fine while I was away. No negative feelings, no sign of PTSD and no shooter."

I studied his face. I could tell he was being truthful. It was a relief that we had been able to do this successfully. We both handled this as well as we could and it actually paid off for once.

"Good." I responded.

He placed his lips gently onto mine. My arms wrapped around his neck as his hands went back to firmly holding my hips. He pulled me closer into him as he deepened the kiss. He took the first opening he got and slipped his tongue into my mouth. We may not have been apart for long but this welcome home kiss was everything.

He pulled away, slightly breathing heavier. "As much as I'd love to go to town on you right now it's late and my face hurts."

I nodded. "There's always tomorrow right?"

A seductive smirk crossed his lips. "Of course. But for now we should really get some sleep before the kids wake up."

"I know." I responded.

He stripped off his pants and threw them into a pile with his shirt he had taken off earlier. I climbed into my side of the bed as he got in as well. My back was facing him so he wrapped an arm around me. He pulled me as close to him as he could.

He placed a soft kiss on my shoulder. "Now this, this is perfect."