Be Nice And Don't Cause Trouble

"Daddy!" Sterling smiled as he noticed Damon at the dining room table.

We decided to let it be a surprise for him that Damon had returned home early. Since Damon's surprise didn't go accordingly with me I figured it was best to make sure he had this one at least. So Damon went down and prepared some breakfast to give Rose the morning off and I got Scarlett fed. Then I placed her in her highchair with some toys and went to get Sterling.

"Hey buddy." Damon smiled back. His nose was slightly red and bruised from my hit last night.

"What happened to your face Daddy?" Sterling asked as he took his seat next to Damon.

"Your mom happened." He answered which caused Sterling to gain a puzzled look on his face. It took him a moment to realize what Damon had meant.

Sterling then turned his attention to me. "Mommy, hitting Daddy isn't very nice."

Damon let out an amused chuckle. "She didn't do it to be mean." He reassured Sterling.

"It happened because he surprised me and I thought he might be someone who was intruding." I explained myself to the seven year old boy who was attempting to reprimand me.

"Okay. But I'm watching you." Sterling spoke in a warning tone.

"Why don't we get to eating before it goes cold?" Damon suggested. "I know you two made plans to visit the orphanage today so I would like to make sure that still happens as well."

"Are you good to watch Scar then or is there anything you need to do?" I asked as I sat down and began to dish out the food on the table.

Damon glanced over to Scarlett playing with her rattle. "A little father daughter one on one time sounds fun." He smiled.

We ate our breakfast and then Sterling went and got himself ready. I sat and watched Damon play with Scarlett and a few stuffed animals. It was so cute watching how she melted his heart. From day one she had him wrapped around her finger and her hold on him just got stronger and stronger as time went on.

"I'm ready!" Sterling announced once he had made his way down the stairs.

I got up from the couch and gave Damon a kiss on the lips. "We'll be back in a little bit." I spoke and then gave Scarlett a kiss on the forehead.

"We'll be here waiting." He responded as he glanced at us and then back to Scarlett.

Sterling and I got into the car and headed off to the orphanage. He was getting antsy to see Isabelle even though it had only been a couple days. The way he was about seeing her I could believe that they had been inseparable when he lived there. I could tell too, every time we went there it was like he fell into his old habits.

We arrived shortly and got out of the car. If he was a grown man he would've dragged me right behind him like I was a ragdoll. He was clearly on a mission today. I stopped in my tracks and he only noticed when his arm jerked back. He turned and looked at me with a confused look.

"Sterling, is there a reason you're so determined?" I asked.

"I just miss her, that's all." He answered. "Can we please go in now mom? I don't want to keep her waiting."

"Yes, let's go." I responded. He'd probably lose his mind if I kept him out here waiting for another minute.

Sterling led the way into the orphanage straight to Emily. Of course instead of greeting her the first thing out of his mouth was asking where Isabelle was. He was surprised and disappointed to know she wasn't actually here at the moment.

"Where is she?" He asked eagerly. It was clear he wanted the answer and he wanted it now.

"Isabelle had a fall a few hours ago and we think she may have broken her arm. Mrs. Strahm is having her checked out but they should return anytime now." Emily explained to him.

Sterling was not pleased with the answer he had been given. His look of disappointment faded though and was replaced with concern. "How did she fall? Did someone push her?"

"No Sterling." Emily answered. "She just tripped on a toy that was left out. It's no big deal. Why don't you go join the others until she returns?"

Sterling nodded. "Okay."

Sterling played with the other children for the next hour. However that didn't stop him from watching the clock and door. I could see him getting anxious the more time went on. Finally after that hour he Mrs. Strahm entered the room but she was on her own. Her eyes found me and she headed right my way. Sterling of course came running to join the conversation.

"Hello Kaydence." Mrs. Strahm smiled. "Sorry for being away when you got here."

"That's fine." I responded. "How's Isabelle? Emily said she tripped and fell this morning."

"She's fine. She's in her room resting." Mrs. Strahm answered.

"Can I see her now?" Sterling chimed in with his question.

Mrs. Strahm chuckled. "Of course you can. Follow me."

Sterling and I followed her out of the play room and down the hall. She opened the door and let us both inside. Isabelle was sitting on her bed with a coloring book. Her left arm was wrapped up in a bright purple cast. Sterling rushed up to her as he had to make sure she was okay.

"Are you okay?!" Sterling asked with concern filling his voice.

Mrs. Strahm had gone back to the play room and I stood back to let the two children interact with each other.

"I'm fine." Isabelle reassured him.

"How did this happen?" The tone of his voice reminded me of his father. They had the same tone almost when they were in over protective mode.

"Someone left a toy out and I didn't see." Isabelle confirmed what we had been told earlier by Emily.

"Who was it?" Sterling asked. "I'll go make them trip over it themselves so they can see how it feels."

"No you won't." Isabelle scowled at him.

"Why not?" Sterling asked, his determination was still clear in his tone. Definitely his father's son through and through.

"Because it was an accident." Isabelle responded. "Now be nice and don't cause trouble."

I brought my hand over my mouth to conceal the small chuckle I had inside. These two were something else. That's for sure.