Did You Piss Yourself?

(Damon's POV)

I waited patiently in my office for my guest to arrive. I called Justin here to do some questioning. Kaydence was right, just because he was in treatment that day doesn't mean he couldn't have helped plan this. I needed to confirm one hundred percent if he was innocent before I could let him continue working on this.

I needed to make sure I could trust him fully. It wouldn't take much for me to figure it out. He had been walking on eggshells around me since I took his hand. All I'd have to do to make him cave is scare him a little bit. That I had no problem with.

The phone on my desk rang. I quickly answered it. "Yes?"

"Mr. Moore is here." Stacey spoke on the other end.

"Great." A malicious smile crept it's way to my lips. "Send him in."

I hung up the phone and waited patiently. Seconds later my office door opened and Justin stepped inside. "Hey. You wanted me here immediately? Did you find something?"

"Have a seat." I motioned to the chair in front of me.

He sat down and I could tell he was still confused as to why he was here. We had agreed to talk again only when he had information on my shooter. He didn't expect my call this morning and he didn't expect the invitation to my office so soon.

"What's this about Damon?" He asked.

"My wife brought up a good point to me not too long ago." I answered.

"Yeah, what's that?" He questioned further.

"She thinks we shouldn't trust you just yet." I leaned back in my chair slightly. "That got me thinking, your track record for being honest isn't very good. But being a vindictive little shit, well I know that side of you all too well."

"You're seriously questioning me on this? Why would I help you if I was the one who did it?" Justin asked.

I sat back up straight. "To throw me off. It would be like hiding in plain sight."

Justin sighed. "I may have done some really stupid shit over the past few years, but I'm not that stupid."

"How can I be sure?" I raised a brow.

"Damon, I had thought the past was behind us right now." Justin was beginning to feel uncomfortable, I could tell by how he shifted in his seat. "I need your help, pissing you off isn't going to get that."

I stood up from my desk. "You know Justin, you're absolutely right. Pissing me off isn't going to get you what you want. Right now though, this is about what I want."

"What are you going to do?" I could hear the concern in his voice as my eyes looked down on him with nothing but darkness.

"I'm going to take whatever precaution I need to so that I can ensure all suspects are ruled out. Including you." I walked over to a collection of swords I had on display in my office.

I took one down and began to approach Justin. I could see his brown eyes fill with fear the closer I got to him. "Damon. W-what are y-you doing?" He stuttered out.

I used my free hand to grab a fist full of his hair. I then placed the sharp edge of the sword against the skin of his neck. "This is the one chance I will give you to come clean if you had anything to do with this. The one chance you have and I will consider sparing you."

"Damon please, stop!" Justin begged.

"Did you or did you not try to have me killed?" I asked in a calm but cold tone.

"Damon, put the sword down." He pleaded once again.

"Answer the fucking question!" I ordered as I pushed the metal of the blade into his skin but not enough to cut him, not yet anyway.

"I-I-" He stuttered out of fear.

I pushed the metal in more. This time slicing slightly to draw blood from his neck. All he needed to do was answer this one fucking question. It wasn't that god damn hard.

"I had nothing to do with it!" He finally answered in a raised tone filled with nothing but fear. "I promise, please don't kill me!"

I let go of him and backed away. I took a tissue and cleaned his blood off of the blade and set it back on display. "See, that wasn't that hard." I turned around to head to my desk.

I noticed Justin was as pale as a ghost. He was breathing heavily from being worked up so much. I noticed that his pants had gained a dark spot as well. I couldn't help the amused smirk on my face.

"Justin, did you piss yourself?" I asked.

I could see the embarrassment take over his face. "Yes. In my defense though you've been pretty unpredictable." He spoke between breaths. "I thought that you might actually kill me."

I let out a low chuckle. Since his last punishment and his treatment he clearly was changed. It must've made him realize he wasn't the man he thought he was before. The man who thought he could take me on and win. He must've finally figured out that he was no match for my wrath. With how scared he was right now, that gave me all the confirmation I needed. People seem to be quite truthful when they have fear pumping through them.

"There's a spare pair of pants in my bathroom. Go change." I spoke as I picked up the phone. I dilated the extension to Stacey as he got up from the chair.

"Yes Mr. Tipton?" She asked as soon as she answered the phone.

"I need a chair cleaned immediately." I spoke as I looked over the chair Justin just got up from. "I'll bring it outside of the door but make sure the cleaning crew have it taken care of sooner rather than later."

"Of course." She responded.

I hung up the phone and removed the chair from my office. Once it was outside for the cleaning crew to handle I shut the door to my office once again. The bathroom door opened and Justin stepped out. The pants he had were a couple inches too long as I was taller than him, but it wasn't extremely noticeable.

"You're one crazy asshole you know that right?" Justin spoke as he looked over at me.

"So I've been told." I headed back to my chair.

"And I'd also like to point out, if it was me then why the hell would I have taken you home the night you were drunk?" He brought up a valid point. "That would've been the opportunity to finish the job easily but clearly, you're still here."

I thought for a moment before responding. "Maybe you aren't as dumb as you look."