What's Your First Choice Then?

"So what's on the wedding planning agenda Mrs. Tipton?" Julie asked as we sat at the front counter of the store.

"I'm still thinking of things. It'll be easier once we have a venue picked out." I responded to her question as I looked through various ideas on my phone.

Damon was on his way to pick me up to look at different places. It was hard to pick flowers and other decorations until I knew what kind of space I would be working with. If I knew where I would put certain things then it would all fall into place. Until that happened I had reached a plateau in wedding planning.

"Well duh." Julie spoke up once again. "I bet you find one today."

"What makes you so sure?" I raised a brow.

"It's Damon Tipton's wedding." She answered. "Places are practically going to be begging to have it there. So much they'd probably offer to tear the whole building down and build it exactly how he wants."

I let out a small chuckle. "Oh whatever. I doubt that."

"I don't." She spoke once more. "Your husband holds a lot of power Kay. Your business would give a company some major exposure."

"I guess that's true." She made a valid point. But I didn't want venues to feel like they needed to bend over backwards for us just because of his reputation.

The door of the store opened and I looked to see Damon had entered. His jet black hair was slicked back and he was wearing a charcoal grey suit today. I bit my lip slightly as I looked him up and down. I could feel the desire and excitement rise inside of me, however now was not the time to get distracted.

"Are you ready to go?" His hands were in his pockets as he stepped closer to the counter I sat at with Julie.

I got off the stool. "Yes." I smiled and then turned to Julie. "I'll talk to you a little later."

"Sounds good. Have fun." She responded as she waved us away with her hand.

Damon removed his hands from his pockets and used one to grab mine. He led the way to his black BMW and we got inside. He focused as he began to drive to the first venue we were looking at. We had found only three that really got my attention when I looked at the pictures.

We arrived at the first one within a few minutes of leaving Amethyst. The owner was waiting eagerly for us outside. I could see the excitement in her as she noticed Damon and I approaching. Julie was right, these people were probably going to do and say anything to convince us to go with their venue.

"Mr. and Mrs. Tipton, it's a pleasure to meet you." The middle aged woman greeted us. Her dirty blonde hair was pulled into a bun and she wore a dark pink blazer with a matching skirt. "I'm Tiffany Anderson."

"It's a pleasure to meet you as well Mrs. Anderson." I gave her a small smile.

I glanced up to Damon who's face held nothing but his intimidating emotionless look. I see exactly what he's doing. He's treating this as if he's coming in to make a business deal. It's an interesting approach I guess.

"Let me show you inside." Mrs. Anderson smiled and then proceeded to turn around and guide us inside the building.

Damon kept his demeanor the entire time Mrs. Anderson guided us through the venue. She showed us the bridal room and the room for the groom. Both of them were quite spacious with a ton of mirrors. She then led us down some stairs to the area where chairs would be set up for the ceremony. Once the ceremony finished the chairs would be moved to the tables and this area would become a dance floor.

She finished the tour and we informed her we would look at the others and inform them of our decisions. We left this one and went and looked at the other two. Both were pretty similar to the first. The only difference was the lay out and one was a little more rustic than the others. The three owners were the same, practically willing to change anything as long as it pleased Damon Tipton.

We got back into the car and I let out a sigh to myself. Damon glanced over to me. His emotionless expression had disappeared. His face was much softer as he looked me over. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"To be honest, none of them really impressed me as much as I thought they would." I confessed to him.

He nodded as he thought for a moment. "I have one more idea Love. To be honest it was my first choice personally, but I wanted you to take the lead here. You are the bride after all."

I raised a brow at him. "What's your first choice then?"

A sly smirk appeared on his lips. "You'll see."

The smirk remained on his lips as he shifted the car into drive. I looked out of the window to try to figure out where he was taking me now. He could've told me about this first choice anytime, I asked over and over for suggestions. What did he have up his sleeve?

He continued driving until we reached a familiar area. I had only really been here once before. We didn't get the chance to come back after we visited here once. Things had just been too chaotic and busy.

"What do you think?" Damon asked as he put the car in park in front of the pond.

Willow pond. Where he held some of the best memories of his childhood. I knew how much this place held a piece of his heart. And now thanks to Martin it was ours.

"Here? How would you recommend going about that at a pond?" I asked.

"Come on." He opened the driver side door and got out of the car.

I got out and followed behind him. He led the way to the only building here. When we got to the door he sifted through his keys until he found one in particular. He then put it in the lock of the door and opened it up. He held my hand tightly as we stepped inside.

He then turned on a light to better show exactly what we were looking at. There was a massive open area and a small kitchen. I walked around the area. Clearly no one had been in here a long time. Things were covered in dust.

"There's bathroom's down the hall and then there's some stairs that lead to two rooms." Damon spoke as he followed me around.

"Why is this here?" I questioned as I continued looking everything over.

"My mom wanted a special place. A place for us to stay here if we wanted and a place she could rent out as it was a beautiful area. This was finished right before she died." Damon explained. "It never got used though. My father locked the doors after she passed and never came back. I talked to him, he agreed that maybe it's time we put it to use."

I turned around to face Damon. "It's perfect."