I Have To Call Damon

"How was the meeting yesterday?" Julie asked with a smirk on her face as I finished looking at some of the paperwork for Amethyst.

"It was very hands-on I may say." I bit my lip as I responded.

"I bet it was. But other than satisfying your needs did you guys actually do any meeting stuff?" Julie raised a brow.

"Yes actually." I answered confidently. "We set general ideas for the opening of the store and when we plan to have the wedding."

After the meeting with Damon yesterday I went home to the children right after. I relieved my mom of babysitting duty and got right into our usual routine. I had totally forgotten to update Julie that we had set a date. Well a time frame that we had an idea on. No actual date yet but we'll figure that out soon.

"When?" Her eyes lit up with excitement.

"Well we decided after Sterling's birthday the second Amethyst will launch and then in April we'll have the ceremony." I informed her.

"How exciting." She gave a pleased smile.

Before we could speak any further the door to the store opened. Julie and I both looked to see who it was. It was a man I had never seen before. He was on the taller side with short light brown hair and some stubble on his face. His eyes were a dark blue as they fell on both Julie and I.

"Is there anything we can help you find?" I asked, we only got the occasional man in here every once in a while. Every time they usually were picking something out for a woman in their life and needed a little guidance.

"Yes actually." The man gave a slight smile as he came closer. "I have a girlfriend who's been raving about this store. She's only ever bought things online as we live out of town. I was passing through and decided to stop in and get her something on my way home."

"Great." I gave him a pleasant smile. "Is there anything in particular that you're looking for?"

"Not really." He let out a small chuckle. "All I can really tell you is she likes bright colors and dresses."

"Well, I have a few things I need to do but let me get a staff member who will be more than happy to assist you." I responded.

"Perfect." He shoved his hands in his pockets as he waited.

"Sam!" I hollered out and waited patiently for the young woman to appear in front of me.

"What is it Kaydence?" She asked, eagerly awaiting her instructions.

"Will you help Mr-" I paused and looked back at the man. "I'm sorry I didn't get your name."

"Just call me Zach please." He responded.

I looked back at Samantha. "Will you please show Zach around and help him find something for his girlfriend?"

"Of course." She nodded.

"Thank you." Zach gave a slight smile and then began to follow Samantha around the store.

I focused back on the paperwork at hand. Taking on more and more of the actual business side meant the more papers I had to go through. Julie stood by because as my assistant she was going to need to know how to go over these too. The harder my job began to get the harder her's would as well.

"Well isn't he a hottie?" She whispered once Zach and Samantha were out of ear shot.

"Julie." I sighed. "Aren't you supposed to only have eyes for Cody?"

"I'm in a relationship Kay, I'm not blind." She responded as she picked up one of the papers I had just finished going over.

"How is that going anyway?" I questioned. "Now that Damon has given him a little more free time."

"Good." She smiled. "As much as I know he enjoys his job it is nice to feel like he has more time for me now."

"Well good." I was pleased that it had all worked out in their favor. "I'm glad I was able to help."

Samantha and Zach approached for her to ring him up. I remained focused on the paperwork at hand while she finished the purchase. Samantha had been here from day one so I trusted she knew what she was doing. After the purchase was finished I could hear the heavy footsteps approach me once again.

"I just wanted to thank you for being so accommodating. I was a little intimidated coming in here at first." Zach let out a small chuckle.

I placed the paper back on the counter. "Not a problem. Come back anytime, and maybe next time you should bring that girlfriend of yours." I smiled.

There was an expression of amusement on Zach's face. "If I brought her in here I would probably leave as a broke man." He joked.

I let out a chuckle. "Whatever makes her happy though right?"

"Of course." He stuck his hand out. "It was nice to meet you."

I glanced down and what I saw made my blood run cold. He had a serpent tattoo on his wrist. The same tattoo Damon had used as a lead for his hitman. I quickly pushed back the uneasy feelings. I gave him my hand to shake and faked a smile. "Likewise."

I then watched as Zach turned and headed out of the store. My demeanor had completely changed once he was gone. I knew Damon said a lot of people had gotten that tattoo but it seemed a little too coincidental that someone with it would come into the store. Did I just shake hands with my husband's shooter?

"Kaydence, are you okay?" Julie asked in a concerned tone.

"Um." I began to speak and then turned my attention to Samantha. "Pull up the info on that transaction. Please."

She didn't question it. I could see she was slightly concerned by the change in me as well. She keyed in a few things and then looked back up to me. "Here."

I walked over to look at the screen. The purchase was made with a prepaid gift card. There was no name on it. I could feel the uneasy feeling grow. This didn't help my suspicions, if anything it only felt like it further confirmed them.

"Kaydence." Julie spoke.

I turned and headed for the back room. "I'm sorry. I have to, I have to call Damon." I spoke in a shaky tone.