I Know Who It Is

(Damon's POV)

"Mr. Moore is here to see you." Stacey spoke through the phone.

I hadn't asked for him to come. He must've had some kind of break through last night after the system had crashed. That could be the only reason he had for coming here unannounced. If that wasn't the reason then he better turn his ass around because I refused to talk about anything else until I had the information I wanted.

"Send him in." I responded before hanging up the phone.

Justin came in seconds later with a file in his hand. I could sense right away he was nervous about what he had with him. "We need to chat."

"About?" I waited to see if he was going to give the answer I wanted.

"I know who it is." He held up the file. "Everything is right here." He approached the desk. "You were right and Kaydence was right to bring up looking into alter appearances."

He opened the file and placed down two photos. One was the scrawny nerd I remember Zachariah being. The other was him now with facial hair, a new haircut and he was a lot buffer than before. Looking at them side by side I could see the similarities but he definitely was trying to not look like himself from years ago.

"Zachariah Bushemp." I spoke as I looked at the two pictures. "Of course Meredith would send in her lap dog to do her dirty work."

"My guess is that outing Bushemp Industries for everything they've done must've really set her off." Justin spoke.

"Of course." I scoffed. "However I underestimated her threat. She's always been all bark and no bite before, I assumed that's how it was going to be this time as well. That was my mistake."

Zachariah was Alastair's son. What I told Kaydence was true, we had been friends until I found out which family he came from. Meredith had sent him to Los Angeles to get in with me to help their plans. When I found out I tossed his ass to the curb. I only kept this from Kaydence because I didn't want to bring up her father's family unless I needed to. It however seemed that now I had no choice but to tell her.

"I need to call Kaydence here so we can go over more of this together." I spoke as I reached for my phone.

"Wait." He spoke once more.

I gave him a curious look. "Why? She has every right to know that this was the Bushemp's." The last thing I needed was for my wife to feel like she hadn't been included when we were working as a team.

He let out a sigh. "To go all the way into it I need to confess something first. There was no system crash last night."

I clenched my fist so tight my knuckles began to go white. "So what the fuck happened then Justin? What did you do?" My tone was dark as I started thinking of the best ways to take him out if needed right now.

"I didn't do anything! The confirmation sent me down a fucking rabbit hole of fucked up shit though that I needed the time to piece together. I knew you were at dinner and you wouldn't let it go so I lied." He confessed. "That's why I told you it crashed."

I still didn't feel like that was enough reason for her to not be here. "And she can't hear this, why?"

He sat down in front of me. "Because this has all been about her. Every fucking thing has been about them getting to her since they found out she existed. And the information I have is going to be better coming from your mouth than mine."

"So tell me what you have." I watched him so he knew he had my full attention.

"When Kaydence's dad left the company he took his share with him. Meredith was pissed off about it. It's the last money that Bushemp Industries actually earned without cheating." He began to explain. "He put it into a trust fund for Kaydence. It's set to release on her twenty-fifth birthday."

"And?" I could tell there was more to this.

He opened the file and passed me some documents. I looked it over and recognized exactly what it was. This was something that you could only get from someone on the dark web and they kept records for blackmailing purposes. It was a hit that had been put out.

"Meredith is the reason why Kaydence's father Samuel was killed in that plane crash." Justin spoke as he noticed me looking over the paper. "She wanted the assets he had so bad that she thought if he was out of the way they would be her's immediately. Then she learned after his death that wasn't the case."

"So there's more then?" I raised a brow.

"Meredith was pissed when she found out. So she interfered with Kaydence's life when she could." Justin continued. "For example Kaydence was supposed to go to a school for fashion in New York, she had been a top pick. But Meredith was keeping track of things and threatened them to turn her away. The school she ended up in is the only one who was not bothered by Meredith's threats."

"So she's been fucking with her granddaughter's life because she wants money?" My disgust was in my voice.

"Her point seems to be to try to get Kaydence weak enough that upon finding out about them she would be grateful and let them take her in. Then they could get closer to the money." He paused. "Which comes to my last thing that I have evidence for."

"What is it?" What more could this bitch have done?

"Before you the last obstacle to get to Kaydence was her mother Mira." He pulled out another paper that showed an exchange. "Someone was paid to mess with the x-ray to make her cancer look worse than it was. The thought was if it looked bad enough then they wouldn't operate. That would make her give up and stop treatment, ultimately killing her after some time. That's why her original doctor was confused. It was when you saved Mira that Meredith learned that you were involved with Kaydence. You got in the way and you continue to keep getting in her way."

I could feel the rage continue to grow inside. Nothing could calm me down right now. The information I had learned was vile and disgusting. It seemed I had underestimated the darkside of my opponent. The only thing on my mind right now was plotting my revenge, for myself and for Kaydence. And this time I didn't care if I got blood on my own hands.