Come To My Office

"Why didn't you tell me about this part of pregnancy?" Julie groaned as she walked out of the bathroom.

I let out a small chuckle. "To be honest, I forgot about it. But also because when I had it I honestly kept thinking it was other things."

"I don't think I've ever felt this terrible." She responded.

"Now don't say that. You still have a way to go." I gave her a slight smile. "There's a lot more to go through, but it's all worth it."

"I hope so." She took a sip of water.

"I know so." I reassured her.

She was a little over four months pregnant at this point. She had a bad case of morning sickness that started about two weeks after finding out. It didn't seem to want to go away at all. She spent a lot of time running back and forth to the bathroom.

Because of this Samantha had taken on quite a bit more. We planned on that though. We were starting to get closer to the opening and she needed to be fully prepared. No matter what we threw at her though she took it like a champ. It only proved why I had chosen her for the promotion.

"Sam." I spoke to get her attention.

"Yes?" She responded.

"Can you come to the back room with me real quick?" I asked.

"Of course." She nodded.

I led the way to the room and she followed closely behind me. I sat down in the chair behind my desk and she sat across from me. "I just wanted to see how you're feeling about the manager position after going through all the training."

We had less than two months until Sterling's birthday. Then we would open up the Atlanta location. These last few weeks were going to fly by. I just wanted to make sure she was ready, especially since she would be making such a drastic move.

"I'm feeling great." She smiled. "I'm feeling more and more confident as we get closer. I mean I do sometimes feel a little nervous but I think that's natural in this situation."

I nodded. "I remember feeling nervous when this one was going to open. I think nerves are part of the process."

"Definitely." She agreed with a smile.

"Do you have any questions right now?" I wanted to make sure all her concerns were addressed during this time.

"No, not really. You've explained everything and shown me a lot. I understand it all now." I could sense the confidence in her as she spoke. "Well, I do have one question actually."

"What's that?" I asked.

"I was just wondering about the living arrangements. Is there any update on that yet?" She patiently waited for my response.

To be honest I knew Damon was working on it but he hadn't really given me any updates. He had a shit ton of things he was swamped with right now. I needed to get an answer for her. She would be needing to make this move soon.

"I don't have all of the details." I was honest with her. "But I'll have it figured out by the end of the day."

The door opened and Julie poked her head inside. "Your knight in shining armor is wanting to speak with you." She was clearly talking about Damon.

"Okay." I nodded and picked up the phone from my desk. "Did you sense I was talking about you?"

"I need you to come to my office." His tone was serious as he spoke.

I furrowed my brows together as a feeling of worry began to take over. "What's wrong?" It was weird for him to not even greet me.

"We have some information we need to discuss and it's better to do it in person." His serious tone remained.

"Is this about Zach?" I questioned further.

He let out a frustrated sigh. "Just get to my office as soon as possible please."

"Okay." I didn't want to push him any further to tell me over the phone. "Oh hey, while I have you real quick what's going on with the move for Samantha? You told me you were going to make sure she was set up in a place."

"Things are being finished up." I could tell this was the least of his worries and he'd rather I just do what he had asked. "Stacey will send her an email with the pictures of the space and further details."

"Okay. Thank you." I responded and before I could say anything further he hung up. I then looked over at Samantha. "There will be details emailed to you. If you'll excuse me I apparently need to go."

I walked out of Amethyst and got into the back of the car. I was feeling uneasy. He sounded serious, but that happened from time to time. What really had me worried was how he ended the call. He never ended one that abruptly.

That alone seemed to confirm the suspicions that I had. This had to be about Zach and it had to be important. Did Justin find something? Was Damon right? Was this Zach the person he had thought it was?

I was pulled out of my thoughts as the car pulled up to Tipton Enterprises. I got out and Max followed behind as I made my way inside. We got into the elevator and waited for it to make it's ascent to the thirty second floor. I was being put on edge as I was over thinking that call. This elevator couldn't move fast enough.

Finally it dinged and I marched my way to the office doors. Stacey smiled as she saw me approach. "Hey Kaydence."

"Hello." Her smile dropped as I responded with seriousness in my tone.

"He's waiting for you." Stacey spoke once more.

"Did anyone else come up here today?" She was the one who let people in. If someone else had paid him a visit then she would know.

"Um." She bit her lip as she seemed nervous to respond. "Mr. Moore had paid him a visit not too long ago but he left about twenty minutes ago.

I nodded. "Thank you." I gave her a small smile as I headed for the office doors to go inside.

She had confirmed enough for me. Justin had been here, that meant Damon had information. The fact he waited for Justin to leave before calling, well that only pissed me off.