It's Not Fair

Damon's hand remained on mine. He held on to me tightly and his eyes kept looking me over. He was worried about me. I could tell he was. I didn't react how he thought I would at the office and my attitude had yet to change.

To be honest I was taking this better than I had expected myself. Typically I'd be angry and probably would've broken down in tears. Right now though it was almost as if I were numb to my emotions. The only thing I felt was the anger and need for revenge.

Revenge that I intended to get. We were still working on a plan. So far we had a few ideas in mind. It was interesting to see how dark my husband's mind could go. I would have maybe been disturbed by the ideas he had but they seemed very fitting for the people who had fucked with us.

"Love, are you okay?" Damon's voice was soft as he spoke.

"Yeah." I answered as I kept my eyes on the scenery out of the window.

The car pulled up to the mansion and parked. We got out of it and headed inside. Sterling and Scarlett were in the living room playing with my mother when we walked in. I couldn't help the heartache I felt when I looked at her.

"Hey. Did you guys have a good day?" She asked as her eyes fell on Damon and I.

"Good." I faked a smile as my hand gripped Damon's tighter.

I should've told her, I know I should have. I planned to as she deserved the truth herself. I just couldn't do it right here and right now. I still needed to fully digest the information myself. I just needed an extra day or two before I informed my mother that her crazy ass mother in law was why she was a widow and why she almost died.

"Busy, that's for sure." Damon chimed in as well.

She came closer to us. "Do you both need anything before I leave?"

"No." I shook my head. "Thank you though."

My mother looked me over. I could see she was studying my demeanor. "Is everything okay? You seem a little on edge Kay."

"She's just had a full day." Damon swooped in and answered for me. "She's just getting nervous about the opening of the second location."

"Yeah." I nodded in agreement. "That's all."

"Okay. Try to relax." My mother responded. "You've got this."

She gave me a hug goodbye and then was on her way. We spent the rest of the night with the kids. Sterling and Scarlett were good distractions from the more serious matters at hand. Watching them play together and being in their presence made it easy to put my anger to the side. I didn't want them to see me being angry and upset.

Dinner had been ready soon after we came home. We all sat down at the table and Sterling carried the conversation. He told us everything he had done at school and how his day went. He was thrilled about a new project he had been working on in class.

"That sounds like so much fun buddy." Damon responded to Sterling's excitement.

"I can't wait for you and Mommy to see it!" Sterling smiled.

"I'm sure it will be amazing." I smiled in return.

We finished up dinner and then it was time to start getting the children to bed. Scarlett went down easily after her bath. Then it was Sterling's turn to get to bed but he needed a story read to him first. Damon sat in the room with me as I read to him. When I finished I gave him a kiss on the forehead and we told him good night.

Damon followed me into our bedroom and shut the door behind us. I felt all my emotions come to the surface and finally started breaking down for the first time today since receiving the information about Meredith and everything she had done. The tears that left me were a mix of anger and sadness.

It was obvious why I felt angry, but I felt sad because I felt like I had missed out. I missed out on having my father meet my children. I missed out on him meeting Damon and giving his approval. I should have him here to walk me down the aisle when the time comes for the wedding. There were so many things that he should have been here for and he didn't get the chance to.

"These kids have a grandfather that they don't know ever existed. It's not fair." I spoke through my tears.

"I know." Damon's tone was soft as he stepped closer to me.

"They were robbed of knowing how amazing he was. I was robbed of having him there for me when I needed him the most!" My voice slightly rose as my emotions had taken over completely.

"You're right. It's not fair." Damon responded.

"And she had the audacity to try to do the same thing with my mother. How am I supposed to go to her and tell her all of this? How am I supposed to tell her that Meredith almost took her life as well?" It's part of the reason I couldn't tell her earlier. Where did I even fucking start? This wasn't information you would just blurt out to someone."

"I'll help you figure this out Love." I could see the concern on his face as he spoke. "I'll even do the talking if I have to. But you're not alone in this and I'll make sure of that."

"This is a fucking disaster." I let out between my angry sobs.

Damon wrapped his arms around me tightly. "It's going to be okay Love. I won't let her hurt you anymore." His voice was soothing as he spoke.

"I hate them. I hate them so much." I spoke through gritted teeth.

"I know." He responded and placed a kiss on the top of my head. "I understand where you're coming from."

"In your office you asked me what I wanted for their outcome to be." I looked up at him with my tear filled eyes. "I think I finally made my decision."

In his office earlier Damon had asked what I wanted the end game on this to be. He felt like this was my family issue that I should get a say. He had already decided what he wanted to do with Zachariah, but wanted my input on the other two. I had been on the fence about deciding their fate but now I think I finally knew exactly what we should do.

"And what's that?" Damon raised a brow as his icy blue eyes looked into my green orbs.

"I want to go with the second option. I understand completely what that means and what will happen, but I think it's better to go that route." I answered.

Damon nodded. "If that's the case then maybe I should take this on myself Love. I don't want you getting your hands too dirty over this matter."

"No." I spoke sternly. "I need them to face me. I need them to look me in the eyes as they realize they brought this on themselves."

I meant what I said in his office, I needed to be there when they were punished.