We Can Move On

"Hey mom." I greeted her as I walked in to the mansion.

It had been a few weeks since the Bushemp's had been taken care of. In that time we celebrated Damon's thirty-second birthday and started focusing on the opening of the second Amethyst and the wedding ceremony. We were now in February and starting to also prepare for Sterling's eighth birthday. Everything was going relatively well right now to be honest.

Damon was right, no one came questioning us. I'm sure Meredith protested but it didn't work. Damon had been keeping an eye on things through his connections within the police to make sure everything stayed in our favor. As the more time passed it became obvious we were in the clear.

To be honest I wasn't surprised. Damon was feared by even the police. Let's be honest here as well, family's with deep pockets usually had their ways in covering things up. The Tipton's were definitely no exception.

"Hey. How was work?" She smiled as I sat next to her on the couch. She had Scarlett on a blanket playing with some toys.

My mother was even more in the dark about what happened than I was. All we told her is that the Bushemp's were no longer a threat to us. She didn't know any details of the plan and Damon wouldn't tell her what he did. Hell, I still didn't have all the details other than knowing the plan itself.

"Not bad." I answered. "Just working on the last minute little details. Samantha left for Atlanta this morning to get settled in so everything's getting set."

"That's great!" My mother was clearly excited for me. Even with everything Meredith had thrown my way I had managed to come out on top.

"Mommy!" Sterling came running in from the kitchen. I could tell by the chocolate on his face that he clearly had been getting a snack when I had come in.

"Hey buddy!" I held my arms out and wrapped him into a hug. "How was school?"

"It was great!" He was in a good mood so he must've had a good day. "We got a new kid in class and he's my friend now."

"Oh really? That's fantastic. What's his name?" I asked.

"Killian." Sterling answered. "I want to have him over to play one day. He lives here in the neighborhood."

I nodded. "I'll talk to your dad and get something set up."

"Okay!" Sterling was clearly content with my answer.

I looked over at my mother and noticed her face was pale white as she looked at the television. I turned to see what it was that had caught her attention. She had it on the news and the story that had come up was about the Bushemp's. There Meredith was front and center as she had been sentenced today for the crimes Damon had made her take the blame for.

"Sterling, go to your room." I ordered in a serious tone.

"Okay." He nodded and hurried up the stairs.

Once he was out of ear shot I turned up the television. My mother's eyes remained glued on it as we listened to the outcome. I could feel my breathing increase and my anxiety slightly build. What if somehow she managed to get herself out of this?

"Meredith Bushemp has been found guilty on all accounts for the murder of her son and grandson." The reporter on the screen stated.

The garage door opened and Damon came inside. He noticed the seriousness on both my mother and I's faces. "What's going on?" He asked.

"Shhh!" I responded as I kept my attention on the television.

He turned and looked at the screen as the reporter continued on. "Bushemp Industries began to fall once the reports and evidence had been released to the public about the company's past history of embezzlement. There is also now evidence showing the family had been so determined to hide their past that Meredith had her youngest son Samuel murdered after he had left the business. Once all the evidence of the embezzlements was published last year by a credible source it led to increased stress and put the family against each other, ultimately leading to Meredith Bushemp's breaking point where she took the lives of the remaining family members. She will be spending the rest of her life behind bars to pay for the crimes she committed recently along with everything else. As for Bushemp Industries, the future remains unclear."

Damon turned the television off and looked between my mother and I. "The case is now closed. We can move on."

"She's really going down for everything?" There was a hint of disbelief in my mothers voice as she spoke.

"Yes. I made sure she went down for it all, Samuel deserved for the truth to be out there." Damon answered.

"And people still don't know I have ties to the Bushemp's right?" I wanted nothing to do with them. I didn't need the Amethyst nor the Tipton name to be associated with them because people found out about me.

"Right. As far as everyone else is concerned Samuel Bushemp and Sam Bush are two different people. Anything linking the two of you to them has been destroyed." Damon was clearly very confident that we were free and clear of this mess once and for all.

My mother stood up and I could see the tears forming in her eyes. She gave Damon a hug. "Thank you. Thank you for getting Sam the justice he deserved."

"It was the least I could do." Damon responded as he returned her hug.

She let go of him and looked towards me and then back to Damon. "You know, Sam would've liked you."

"I sure hope dad would have." I spoke as I got up from the couch and picked up Scarlett.

"He would have." She spoke reassuringly. "There's a few similarities between your father and Damon."

"Like what?" I asked curiously.

"Like Damon, your father was very much family first. He did anything and everything to protect us and keep us away from his side for obvious reasons." She looked between Damon and I as she spoke. "Sam was a very kind man, and I can see that Damon is as well. You just don't like to admit it." She paused as she looked at her watch. "It's getting late, I better get going now. I'll see you tomorrow."

I gave her a hug and we walked her to the door. She seemed more relaxed, happier. To be honest I felt the same way myself. Our enemy had been eradicated pretty much. Things were going well for us and for once, I felt like it would stay that way.