They've Been Dealt With

I bit my lip as I nervously waited for Damon to finish up. The room he had them in was soundproof. No one could hear the screams from the Bushemp's. No one would come and save them from the punishment they were receiving. There was no hope for them whatsoever.

Finally the door opened and Damon walked out of the room. His once white shirt was now covered in blood splatters. He began to unbutton it and strip it off of his body. He placed it into a bag and to be disposed of. He then went over to the duffle bag that was in the room and pulled out a fresh shirt.

"Are you okay?" The darkness was gone from his voice. He approached me as he buttoned up the shirt.

"Yeah. I'm okay." I answered as I looked him over. "What exactly did you do in there?"

He shook his head. "You don't need to know that Love. Trust me on this."

"Okay." I knew in my gut he was right. With how much blood was on him it had to have been pretty brutal.

"Have they all been dealt with then?" I just wanted this whole fucking thing to be over. I didn't want to have to watch our backs again and I never wanted to deal with my piece of shit family ever again.

"They've been dealt with." There was a flash of darkness in his eyes for a moment. "Justin and my men are working on cleaning it up. Meredith has been sedated yet again and when she wakes up she'll be the police's problem."

I could feel in my stomach a slight hint of anxiety and panic. "Oh god. The police, what if she rats us out? What if we get in trouble for this?"

We had two kids we needed to worry about. I may not have witnessed the demise of Zachariah and Alastair but I still knew about it. Meredith wasn't worth destroying our family over. What's done was done though, there was no going back at this point.

"Calm down Love." His voice was gentle and soothing. "I have it all taken care of. You don't have to worry about a thing."

"What do you mean?" I wanted him to be more specific.

"I have a warehouse dedicated to putting people through hell." He began to explain. "I have my ways Love, just trust me. It's going to be fine. Besides, they would believe me over her anyway."

I took a deep breath in and let it out to calm myself down. "Okay."

"Let's get you out of here." Damon suggested. "Before we risk you seeing too much. The children will be at your mother's all night, let me get you home and get you relaxed."

"Okay." I nodded.

Damon took my hand in his and we exited the warehouse. We were both silent as we got into the black BMW. He started it up and drove off in the direction of home. I looked out of the window at our surroundings. Our silence remained during the drive, I wasn't sure what to say right now and I don't think he did either.

The car pulled into the garage and he turned it off. We both got out and headed into the mansion. Damon took my hand as he led the way up the stairs. We went into the bedroom and he shut the door behind us.

"Let's get cleaned up." He directed as he began to strip off his clothing. He then headed for the bathroom once he was naked.

I stripped my clothing off as well and followed behind him. By the time I got in there he was in the shower with the water running. I joined him inside and wrapped my arms around his waist. I then gave a gentle kiss to the scar on his back. This whole thing was really over.

We stayed under the water for a moment to let any evidence wash down the drain. He then turned around to face me. He took my chin in between his fingers and his mouth met mine.. Our lips moved in sync with each other and his hands began to roam my body.

His lips then moved down to biting and sucking on my neck. One of his hands gave my ass a firm squeeze as the other made it's way in between legs. He began to play with my core to get me excited and ready for him. When he felt I was wet enough he turned me around and had me bend over.

I placed my hands on the wall to support me as he placed his shaft at my opening. His hands firmly gripped my hips as he thrusted into me. I let out a low moan as he quickened his pace and went deeper. One of his hands then reached around my waist and back to my core where he began to play with my clit.

I let out a moan for him. "Damon."

He let out grunt after grunt as he continued pumping in and out of me. He was getting closer to his climax. His fingers moved faster as his thrusts got more and more forceful. Before I knew it I could feel my body cave into the climax that had built up. I let out a loud moan as I felt myself tightening around his erection.

As I finished mine his grip on my hips tightened and he let out a low grunt, almost like a growl. I could feel him throbbing inside of me as he continued thrusting into me as he had been taken over by his own climax.

When he was done he pulled out of me and we finished our shower. Then he turned off the water and we dried off. I then followed him back into the bedroom and we got beneath the sheets. Damon laid on his back and I put my head on his chest.

"How are you so calm about this?" I asked. I was honestly curious.

"Because it's not like it was done because I'm a murderer. I view it more as a form of self defense." He answered.

My green eyes met his icy blue orbs. I could tell he really didn't have any regrets about what happened. I didn't feel any either but that doesn't mean I was still freaking out a little inside. This was a big secret for us to have to keep.

"How so?" I raised a brow.

"Love, there is a lot of darkness in the business world. You would be surprised how many people are similar to the Bushemp's." He elaborated further. "Unfortunately in this situation it was either them or us. They weren't going to stop, it was either kill or be killed. I did what I had to do to make sure our family could be safe."

I nodded as his words made sense. What he had done was something we agreed upon. The fact he would go through such lengths for us only proved how much he loved our family. What happened didn't make him a monster, he was just a man doing what he had to do.

"I would do absolutely anything for you and our kids." I could see the sincerity in his eyes as he spoke. "I don't care who it is, I will fuck up anyone who even harms a hair on your heads."

I placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "I love you Damon."