Give Me Some Closure

I had spent most of my day going through and placing the last orders for the Amethyst in Atlanta. The store would open when the spring line launched, it made it a little more exciting that way. That meant double the orders for the launch day and because of that we had to hire more people to help get these clothes prepped and ready. This was all going to be worth it though.

"Kay." Julie spoke loud enough to get my attention. "So there's a collect call on the line, it's from the women's prison. I bet you can't guess who it is."

I let out an annoyed sigh. There was only one person who would attempt to call me from prison. I made a mental note to myself to talk to Damon about this. He would make sure they put a stop to it. She was supposed to be out of our lives, not making phone calls to talk.

"Hang up." I directed. "It's not worth my time."

"Okay." Julie nodded and headed out of the backroom.

I finished up what I was doing and collected my things. I said goodbye to my staff and got into my car to go home. Now that the threat was gone we were giving ourselves a little more independence. Granted Max still followed me around but it was just to be safe.

I pulled out of the parking lot and began the drive home. My eyes were focused on the road but I couldn't help the thoughts going through my mind. Even after what she witnessed Damon do she had the audacity to call me. The nerve of this old hag.

That then led me back to the subject of Alastair and Zachariah. What did Damon do exactly? I knew they were dead but the curiosity was only eating at me more and more. I wanted to know exactly how they had met their end. Maybe I could get Damon to tell me something, just so I knew and had a little more closure on the matter.

I pulled into the garage and turned off the car. It was clear Damon had beat me home as his car was already parked. I got out of mine and went inside the mansion. I walked to the living room where Damon was seated with the children. It appeared he had already relieved my mother from babysitting duty.

"Can we talk?" I asked in a serious tone.

I noticed him slightly jump, I must've startled him. He got up from the couch and came over to me. His eyes looked me up and down and he noticed right away this was going to be a private matter.

"Rose!" He called out.

"Yes Mr. Tipton?" She asked as she came in from the kitchen.

"Kaydence and I need to go to the study for a moment. Please watch the children." He ordered.

"Of course Mr. Tipton." She nodded and headed over to Sterling and Scarlett.

"Let's go." He spoke as he grabbed my hand and led me to the hallway.

He continued leading the way until we reached the study. He then opened the door and we stepped inside. Once we had our privacy I began to address my concerns.

"Meredith tried calling me at Amethyst today from the prison." There was no point of easing into the topic. It was much better to get right to the point.

I could see the irritation on his face as he sat down at the desk in the study. "I'll have that handled by the end of the night. Is that what seems to be bugging you?"

"Part of it." I took a seat across from him. "There's something else."

"What is it?" He raised a brow.

"I want to know what you did to Alastair and Zachariah." I don't know why, but until I knew I know I wasn't going to let it go. I needed the details.

"We've talked about this Kaydence." Damon sighed. "You don't want to know and you don't need to know."

"Damon give me some closure." I shot back. "I want to know. Please."

"No." He refused to budge on the topic.

"Why not?!" I was beginning to get a little frustrated.

"Because it wasn't pretty!" He blurted out. "Because maybe if you find out all the details then you'll look at me differently. I don't want to risk you thinking I'm some kind of monster."

"I could never think that." I reassured him. "I just want to know because it's going to be at the back of my mind until I do. I just want to know what happened in there so that I can fully move on."

"If I tell you then I don't want to hear about this anymore." His tone was serious but calm again. "We're supposed to be past this, not still talking about it. If you really need to know to let it go then fine, but no more after this."

I nodded in agreement. "I promise."

He thought for a moment and then began to give me what I had asked for. "I slit Zachariah's throat and made Meredith and Alastair watch as he bled out. Then I proceeded to bash in Alastair's head. Is that enough for you Kaydence? Or did you want the gorey details while I'm at it?"

"No." I answered. "That's enough."

I knew not to push it any further. The details given were good enough to satisfy my mind. Damon was right, we needed to be done with this and I agreed. This would be the last time we would have a conversation about the Bushemps. I had my closure.

"Good." I could tell he was a little frustrated that I had made him tell me. In his mind he kept it inside as a way to protect me.

"I just want to know. If it was really that bad, has it set you back? Are you doing okay?" I didn't want his PTSD to be triggered over the situation.

"No Love." I could sense his honesty in his voice. "I feel fine, to be honest I feel more relaxed knowing that they're gone."

"How are you so calm with it?" I was curious.

"Because I look at you, Sterling and Scarlett and I know that I made the world a little bit of a better place for the three of you. There's one less threat out there because of what I did." His blue eyes looked into my green orbs as he spoke. "I don't regret it and I will never regret it."

I nodded. "You made the right call in making me leave that room."

"I know." He responded. "I know you, if just wanting to know the details was eating at you this much then actually witnessing it could've really done a number on you."

I stood up from my chair. I walked to his side of the desk and placed a kiss on his cheek. "As promised, I won't ask anymore."

"Good." He seemed pleased with my words.

"I'm sorry I pushed you into telling me though." I understood why he didn't want to.

"It's okay." He stood up and got as close as he could to me. His lips went down to my ear. "I'm just going to have to punish you for it. Very, very roughly."