Everything To Do With My Sister

(Damon's POV)

"Mr. Stiles is waiting for you in meeting room B." Stacey informed me after entering inside of my office.

"Thank you. Why don't you take a break?" I suggested. "This is a matter that your services won't be needed for."

"Okay." She nodded. "Do you need anything else before I go?"

"No. That will be all Stacey, thank you." I responded.

She turned around and walked out of the office. I directed my attention to Justin who was seated in front of me. I could tell by his demeanor and the sweat on his brow he was nervous. He was about to meet the man who had fathered him, it was kind of a big deal.

"Relax." I spoke calmly. "I haven't seen you this nervous in ages. Reminds me of all the times I used to call you in here to fuck with you when you worked for the company."

Justin glared in response. "Thanks for the reminder."

I'm not going to lie, when he worked here I was quite cruel to him. Sometimes when I had a bad day I would call him in here and make him really sweat. Justin didn't have much of a backbone when it came to me until everything went down with Kaydence. Even then the only reason he started being so courageous was because Ava was backing him up. Now he didn't have her to do that anymore.

"Justin, you have to remember what happens here is all up to you. You're in charge of this situation." I was trying to reassure him. "Jacob is at your mercy, you have the evidence and well you are part of the Tipton family. He wouldn't dare do anything that may cause me to get pissed off."

Justin nodded. "I think I'm ready to get this over with."

"Are you sure?" I raised a brow. I wanted to make sure he felt like he could handle this. He was fucked up enough and this could possibly fuck him up even more.

"Yes." Justin straightened his posture and forced down his anxiety and nerves.

I stood up from my chair. "Let's go get this taken care of then."

Justin stood up and walked beside me. I had the file secured in my grasp as I knew I might need it. If everything went well hopefully Jacob would just own up to what he knew. If he didn't though then I was prepared with the needed evidence.

We walked to the elevator and stepped inside. I pressed the button to take us to the floor below us. It didn't take long before the elevator doors opened and we stepped back out. I led the way to the conference room where Jacob Stiles was waiting.

I opened the door and he glanced up at me. The only other person in the room was his secretary. His eyes then fell on Justin who had walked in with me.

"I thought you had fired him from Tipton Enterprises?" Jacob asked with a confused look on his face.

I let out a low chuckle as I took a seat across from Jacob. "I did fire him. What you're here for has nothing to do with my company. It has everything to do with my sister though."

"What do you mean?" The confusion on his face only grew as he looked between Justin and I.

"I know you fooled around with Ava around the time she got pregnant. I also know that Robert isn't Justin's father. You are." I informed him of the news I suspected he was already aware of.

"Elizabeth, step out and wait for me to finish up this meeting." He ordered his secretary to leave. She got up without a word and he watched as she left the room. He focused back on me and Justin once she was gone. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Really?" I placed the folder on the table. "Are you sure about that? Because it'll be a lot easier if you can just tell us the truth Jacob."

He thought for a moment again to try to come up with an excuse. He finally gave up and then let out a defeated sigh. "Fine. Yes, I knew Justin was my son."

"Why didn't I know?" Justin's voice was calm as he asked. "You've been around me for years, our families have vacationed together. You could've told me at any point."

"There was never a good time." Jacob defended his actions. "Robert seemed so happy to have a son. I didn't want to ruin it for him."

"A good time would've been when he left after everything came out!" Justin's frustration came out in his voice. Robert had pretty much been so ashamed he had no problem abandoning him. In his defense though Ava and Justin were acting terribly so it was easy for him to leave.

"Justin, I'm sorry. I should've told you the truth." I could see the regret in Jacob's eyes.

"Why were you depositing money into Ava's bank account?" I was curious as to what the payments were for exactly. Was it a form or child support? Was it out of guilt?

"Because after a while Robert gave Ava an allowance to spend on herself, one that she didn't feel was good enough." Jacob rolled his eyes and made his annoyance clear. "She knew I didn't want to tell Robert so she began to threaten me."

"How?" I could hear the hesitation in Justin's voice about asking. He must've had the same gut feeling I had. Ava had proved to have a devious mind, it wasn't like her to think small on her plotting.

"She threatened to tell Robert the truth unless I gave her monthly payments." Jacob confessed. "Which after a while I no longer cared. But then she took it further and threatened to tell Robert that I had raped her while they were together and that's how Justin came to be. I couldn't have her tarnishing my name like that and Robert's such a good friend of mine, I couldn't let it happen."

"That conniving bitch." I mumbled under my breath. She really had been such a fucking snake her entire life it seemed.

"Justin, I really am sorry." Jacob spoke sincerely to his son. "If I could take it all back I would. I can make this up to you. Hell, I'll give Robert a call when I leave here if that means maybe we can have a father and son relationship."

Justin carefully contemplated his response in his head. "I think you should let him know the truth, after everything my mother put him through he deserves it. As for where our relationship will stand, I don't know. I have no answer for that yet."

Justin got up from the table and walked out of the room without another word. It was now just Jacob and I in the room. He ran his hands through his brown hair. "Damon, I wish you wouldn't have ambushed me like that. But thank you I guess."

I leaned back in the chair slightly. "I was just doing what needed to be done."