We Have A Proposition For You

Damon pulled up behind me as I turned off my car. He came over to me with a serious look on his face. "Are you sure this is what you want to happen? It's still not too late to back out." He looked at me intensely as he spoke.

"Yes. This is what feels right." I responded.

When I first brought up the idea in his office his feelings were clearly mixed. He felt Justin had proved that he had gotten better, but also Damon felt we still needed to be careful. Just because Justin had helped us this once didn't guarantee he wouldn't try to burn us once things had calmed down. That to me gave more reason to have him do it, it was a way to keep an enemy close and we could watch him but still have him far away from us.

"Okay." Damon took my hand and we ascended the steps.

I felt confident this would work out. The Justin I had dealt with since the shooting was not the same person who had taken me off the street. Even then if it weren't for Justin I would've never got this close to Damon. In a way it felt like I owed him something since he had turned his life around and gotten better.

Damon rang the doorbell and we waited a moment before the door opened. Davis gave us a small smile. "Mr. Tipton is waiting for you in the living room."

We stepped inside the mansion. "Thank you Davis." Damon spoke as we proceeded to follow him to where Martin was.

Martin smiled as we came into his view. He was in the chair he always sat in when he was in this room. Even when I had lived here temporarily that was always the seat of his choice. I don't know exactly why, the couches looked more comfortable in my opinion.

"How are you two?" Martin asked as he stood up and proceeded to give us both a hug.

"We're doing well." Damon answered he gave Martin a hug in return and then led the way to the loveseat to sit down.

"May I ask what's so important that you wanted to talk about without the children present?" Martin asked. We decided it was better to talk to him in person about what we wanted to do.

Damon let out a sigh and began to explain the situation. He started with how I was receiving the company but didn't want it. He then went on to how we decided I would accept it and turn it over to him. Then came the part about Justin, Martin gave us his full attention as he listened. I could tell by his demeanor he was surprised what Damon and I wanted his opinion on.

"Well, I think it's a great idea." Martin finally spoke once Damon finished explaining everything. "But only do it if you think it's going to work out in the long run, not because he helped you once."

"We've talked about that." I reassured him. "Damon was hesitant by the idea but the more we discussed it, this feels like it's the right choice."

"I support it." Martin responded. His eyes then met Damon's. "I'm glad you two have been able to work through your differences. I knew it took a lot, especially after everything he had done."

"Doesn't mean I won't be watching him like a hawk." Damon's tone was serious as he spoke. "All it'll take is one little slip up."

We heard the doorbell ring again. Justin must've finally arrived at the residence. I watched the doorway as we waited for him to join us. I could hear Davis' voice and then the door shut. Seconds later Justin was entering inside the room with a puzzled expression on his face.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Sit down." Damon instructed.

Justin nodded and then took his seat. He looked between Damon and I. The puzzled expression was still plastered to his face. He had no clue why he was here, Damon had only told him he needed to come or he would regret it.

"We have a proposition for you." Damon finally spoke which caused all of Justin's attention to go to him.

"What is it?" Justin questioned.

"After Meredith had been sentenced a lawyer came to speak with Kaydence. She has inherited Bushemp Industries, but she doesn't want it so it will be signed over to me once I accept it." Damon explained. "Now I do have a family so I can't exactly go back and forth to Dallas every week. Therefore I will need someone to help run it. Would you like the job?"

The look of surprise on Justin's face was priceless. "Are you sure?"

"Do you not want it?" Damon raised a brow.

"No!" Justin quickly responded. "I do, this just seems to have come out of nowhere. Thank you."

"Don't thank me." Damon spoke and then glanced at me. "Thank Kaydence. This decision was all her's."

Justin turned his attention to me. "Thank you. But why? After everything why are you so willing to give me this chance?"

"Because you helped us." I answered. "Also since getting away from your mother and getting treated I really do believe you've become a better person compared to when we met. I want to give you a chance, but we aren't stupid. You will have to sign a contract and the first moment anything seems suspicious or we find out you're doing something you shouldn't be, you'll be gone."

Justin nodded. "I understand. Thank you, the both of you so much. I won't let either of you down. I promise."

"I'm glad this seems to have worked out for everyone in the end." Martin chimed in. "To be honest it kills me that the family has been so divided. Constance would've never wanted things to get this bad. I'm happy that you're all getting on good terms with each other."

Damon glanced at Martin and then to Justin. His stare intensified. "I just want you to understand one thing about this deal."

"What is it?" Justin's voice slightly cracked.

"If you even attempt to fuck me over or hurt my family you will be dealt with." Damon's voice was stern and dark as he continued. "I had no problem bashing Alastair's head in, I will have no problem doing it to yours as well."

I watched as the color drained from his face. This was the same look he had come back to the penthouse with many times when we were together. Only now I knew exactly how intense Damon could be with him. Just looking at how scared he was right now I could see he knew that Damon's were more than a threat. They were a promise.