This Is Going To Be Really Good

"Okay. we'll see you in a couple days." I told Sterling as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You better behave for grandma."

"I know." He responded. "I'll be a good boy, I promise."

I stood up and turned to face my mother. "Again, thank you for watching them. I really really appreciate it."

She let out a low chuckle. "It's not a problem Kaybug. You guys should probably get going though."

"You're right." I nodded.

I gave Scarlett a kiss and a hug as Damon said goodbye to Sterling. We had to go to Atlanta and make sure everything was set. The store would be opening right after Sterling's birthday which was already coming up on us quickly. We also had to make sure Samantha had gotten settled in and how she had been handling things at the store so far.

Once we had both told each child goodbye we exited the mansion and got into the car. Damon held my hand as we went through the city towards the air strip where he kept his provate jet. His jet was one thing I was grateful for, it made things very convenient. The flight times were shorter as there were no other passengers and no layovers. It was just a lot more relaxed this way.

The car came to a stop and the jet was ready and waiting for us. My hand remained in Damon's as we got out and quickly approached the stairs leading inside. The pilot, Charlie, was waiting and greeted us with a smile.

"Welcome back Mr. and Mrs. Tipton." He spoke in a pleasant tone.

"It's nice to see you again Charlie." I smiled. "How are you?"

"I'm doing well." He gave his own smile in return. "Once you both are buckled in we'll be ready to take off."

"Sounds good." I headed for the chair and sat down.

"Thank you Charlie." Damon spoke as he walked to his own seat across from me.

We buckled in and moments later the jet was ready to make it's way down the runway. I looked out of the window as we went up into the air. It was a little easier to leave this time. I knew the kids were safe and there was no threat out to get us. We also still had security upped at the house until Damon smoothed things over with absolutely everyone he may have pissed off when he had tried to get information.

I looked away from the window and noticed Damon's eyes were focused on me. "What?" I asked as I raised a brow.

"Nothing." A slight smile was on his lips briefly. "Can't I just look at my beautiful wife?"

"No, because if you look too long we might end up with three kids." I joked.

He leaned in closer and I could see a look of determination in his icy blue eyes. "If I want a third child, trust me I'll get it."

"Is that so?" I questioned. He seemed so sure of himself.

"Yes." He responded confidently. "I know you love the things I can do to you, the way I can make your body feel. Birth control isn't one hundred percent effective, I just got to fuck you enough and it'll happen."

"You are something else Damon Tipton." I spoke in a teasing tone.

"That I am." He sat back up straight in the chair. "But always remember, you're the one who agreed to marry me. Twice."

"And I have no regrets." I smiled at him.

We continued talking back and forth about various topics before we decided it was time to start focusing on Amethyst. He pulled up some information for me to go over on his laptop. Just some paperwork finalizing a few things for the event of the opening. This one was looking to be a little bigger than when we opened the first store as I now had people who were familiar with me and my work.

An hour and a half later from when we took off the jet was touching back down to the ground. It came to a stop and Damon grabbed anything that we needed. We exited through the door and down the stairs to the car that was waiting for us. We got inside and it took us directly to the store location.

We drove a few minutes through the city until the car parked at the familiar location. I looked out of the window and noticed Samantha standing outside by the front door waiting for us. Her eyes fell on us as we got out of the vehicle.

"Kaydence, Mr. Tipton. How was your flight?" Samantha asked as we approached her.

"It was good." I responded. "Are you getting settled in alright?"

"Yes!" She answered excitedly. "That apartment is amazing, thank you so much for helping secure it for me. I'm so excited for this entire opportunity!"

"No problem." I smiled. I was pleased that she seemed to be getting a little more confident each time I talked to her about this.

"Let's go inside shall we?" Damon suggested.

"Of course." Samantha nodded and turned around to open the door.

We stepped inside the building and I looked around everything. This store was set up almost the same as the one in Nashville, by my request of course. There were some things that were in different spots but that was okay. The store itself looked fantastic.

"Have you had any trouble with the suppliers?" Damon asked Samantha as we walked around and took a more thorough look at everything.

"No. No issues." She responded.

"And you're still feeling good about this?" I questioned. I just needed to make sure if she needed an out that she got it if necessary.

"I'm feeling great about it." She smiled. "The staff that was hired have been wonderful so far. They'll be in around nine tomorrow so you can officially meet them."

When it came to hiring the staff for this one Samantha had conducted the interviews and I watched from a webcam. With so much going on there had been no time for me to come out this way. After the interviews she and I had talked in depth about who we felt like were a good fit. We had settled on about ten people by the time we were done.

We spent the rest of the time just going over some details with Samantha. Most of the people hired to help celebrate the opening had been confirmed. I made sure she knew what times to expect the caterer and the days leading up that the decorator would need to come in. All she had to do was let them in and make sure the clothes made it in the designated spots.

When we had finished up going over all the details Damon and I went back to the car. He glanced over at me in the backseat. "Now Love, how are you feeling about all of this?"

"Great." I smiled. "I can tell this is going to be really good for me and the brand."