Look At What You've Accomplished

We spent the next day getting to know the staff for the store. They were all nice and extremely professional. I watched as Samantha took charge and interacted with them. In the end I felt like the Atlanta location was in good hands.

The last of our business here was finished up but Damon wanted us to take an extra day. Since everything that had happened he felt it was well deserved to take a night just for us. It didn't take much for him to convince me either. I knew I could use a night of relaxation.

I looked myself over in the mirror to make sure I looked presentable for the dinner he had arranged. I chose a dark purple strapless dress that went down to my knees and hugged my body tightly. My eyeshadow and my lipstick matched the dress and I let my golden hair flow down my back in loose curls. I finished off the look with a pair of silver heels.

"Wow." Damon spoke as his eyes fell on me.

His hair was slicked back and he was in an all black suit with a tie and shirt to match. There was just something about him and this color. It made him look so sexuy and confident. Hell maybe even a little intimidating to everyone else but me.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I bit my lip as my eyes looked over his body.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Yes." I answered as my eyes met his.

We left the penthouse we were staying in and headed down to the hotel lobby. We entered the car and made our way to the restaurant of his choice. It wasn't very far away from where we were staying at. Maybe about ten minutes is all.

He held my hand as we made our way inside of the steakhouse. We approached the hostess and she led us to the table that had been reserved for us. It was next to a window that overlooked the city and had a couple candles placed in the center.

"This is quite romantic." I acknowledged as I took my seat.

"That was the goal." Damon responded with a smile. "I'm glad it was a success."

Our waiter quickly approached and took our drink and meal orders. Damon and I both got steaks with a side salad and some corn. We waited about twenty minutes for the food to come out. As we waited we carried on conversation with each other and in a way, it was like we were finally catching up again.

Our lives had been working and taking care of the kids. The only one on one time we got was right before bed or when we surprised each other at work. Not that I'm complaining or anything. Our relationship was still stronger than ever, it's interesting how things can change after children are brought into the mix.

The meal was delicious, as expected. Damon always picked higher class restaurants for nice dinners. That didn't stop him from getting McDonald's or ordering from a local restaurant though for lunch. To be honest there had been a couple times late at night while I was pregnant he made Cody run out for various fast food for us both.

We finished the food and headed back down to the car. The look he had in his eyes when he looked me over told me all I needed to know. We both had the same thought on our minds. We wanted dessert and not from any restaurant.

As we drove back to the hotel Damon's hand went from my knee to my thigh. It kept moving closer and closer to my core. I could feel myself beginning to get wet with excitement. My eyes watched in anticipation as I waited for his next move.

His fingers grazed my core as his icy blue eyes looked into my green orbs. His fingers moved the fabric to the side and he rubbed up and down my slit. My breathing began to get heavier the more he teased. He took it a step further and slid a finger inside of me. He pumped it in and out of me a few times before pulling it out of my underwear.

Our eye contact remained as he brought up the middle finger that was now coated in my juices and placed it into his mouth and sucked them off. "Delicious." He spoke in a low and seductive tone.

The car finally parked at the hotel entrance and we couldn't get out fast enough. We rushed to the elevator and took it all the way up to the penthouse. He unlocked it and closed the door quickly behind us once we were inside. He then proceeded to pick me up and practically throw me over his shoulder like I was a bag of flour.

He marched to the bedroom where he placed me back onto my feet and stripped me naked in no time. I looked up into his eyes and could see nothing but his hunger and desire for me. Our eyes remained connected as I began to strip him down, if I was going to be naked he would be too.

He picked me up again once everything had been removed. He laid me down on the bed and began to kiss from my neck down to my breast. Hit gently bit and sucked on my nipple for a moment before doing the same to the other. I let out a low moan as my excitement was only growing.

His lips moved from my breasts and kissed down my body. He parted my legs with force and his head went right for my core. I felt his tongue lick up and down my slit before focusing on my clit. I moaned out as he nibbled and sucked on it to send jolts of pleasure throughout my body. No matter how much I squirmed he kept a firm grip on me so I couldn't get away.

I could feel myself getting closer and closer to my climax. Apparently he could tell as well as he pulled away from me. I unintentionally let out a whimper as I wanted more. I wanted to be pushed over the edge I had been so closed to reaching.

"How bad do you want it Love?" He asked as he moved the head of his shaft up and down my slick opening.

"So bad." I practically begged. I didn't care, I just wanted him inside of me.

He didn't say anything more. He positioned himself at my opening and rammed into me with force. I arched my back as a moan escaped my lips. He thrusted in and out of me harder and harder each time. He wrapped his fingers around my throat and held onto it firmly as his other hand reached down to play with my clit. I let out moan after moan and I could hear his grunts getting closer together. Before I knew it we both managed to reach our climax at the same time.

We were both out of breath as we came back down. He pulled out of me and laid on his back. I cuddled up next to him as we sat in silence for a moment. It took a few minutes but he was the first to speak.

"I want you to know I'm so proud of you." He spoke in between breaths.

"Why?" I asked as my eyes met his.

"Look at what you've accomplished." He responded. "It's something to be proud of."