It's Just Ironic

Damon had an arm wrapped around me as he guided me to the elevator to go down to the conference room. We had returned from Atlanta a few days ago and we had business we needed to get to here. It was time to merge Bushemp Industries with Tipton Enterprises.

The elevator opened and we went right into the conference room where Mr. Ward and Damon's lawyer were already waiting. They both stood up as we entered the room. Damon had his lawyer come to make sure everything was handled correctly, including the personal contract with Justin.

"Mr. and Mrs. Tipton, it's good to see you again." Mr. Ward held out his hand.

We both shook his hand and then we all sat down. "It's nice to see you again Mr. Ward." I smiled as I was trying to be polite.

"Mr. Ward, while we wait for our other guest to arrive my wife has something she would like to go over with you." Damon spoke. I knew what he was referring to right away. This was a matter we had talked about on the jet ride back home.

"What is it?" Mr. Ward asked.

"You said you handled things for my father when he left Bushemp Industries, correct?" I asked.

"Yes." Mr. Ward nodded.

"Did you also handle the trust fund he had put in place for me?" I questioned.

"I did." Mr. Ward responded. "He had it put into an alias so that Meredith would have a harder time finding it. He made it a point to make sure it was hidden from everyone and anyone, including your mother to keep her safe from Meredith."

Damon had revealed why my mother didn't know about it when we told her everything about Meredith. She still received a portion of money but it had been disguised as insurance money. It was my father's way of keeping her safe, however in the end it still didn't work as Meredith tried to use her illness to kill her.

"I've given it some thought and I don't want it." I appreciated the thought my father had put into this, he was trying to prepare me for a future. There's no way he could've known I would marry into a wealthy family and get the opportunity to start my own clothing brand.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Ward looked at me curiously.

"I don't want it." I repeated. "I don't need it. My father always taught me to help others, so when the time comes I've decided I want the trust fund to go somewhere it can really be used."

"Where's that?" Mr. Ward asked.

"I want a portion to go to my mother. I don't want her to have to worry about anything for the rest of her life." I explained. "Then I want the rest to go to the orphanage here in Nashville for the boys and girls."

Damon had spent a good chunk of money helping get things they needed and fixing up the place, but I wanted to help the kids further. This money would help them be a part of a program where they could go learn some skills for work or it could even pay tuition for college. The unfortunate reality was not every child gets adopted out, I wanted to help make sure those who didn't still had the chance to have bright futures ahead. There was more than enough money in that trust fund to do so.

"Are you sure?" Mr. Ward raised a brow.

"Yes." I responded confidently.

Mr. Ward nodded. "Very well. It's due to be released next year on your birthday, however it seems your father was prepared for every possibility. With the fact you would like to donate it, I can have the paperwork done so it is released this year."

"Thank you." I felt good about the decision I had made. It would be all worth it in the end.

Justin came into the room soon after and took a seat. It was time to finally complete the transaction that originally brought us here. Mr. Ward got out the papers and I signed where I needed to become the owner of Bushemp Industries. It was then on to the papers that Damon's lawyer had prepped.

We both gave our signature where it was needed on those as well. Within a matter of minutes Bushemp Industries was now part of Tipton Enterprises. Damon had already had the name change initiated. Bushemp Industries was no more so quickly. It would now be known as Resurgence Industries

"Well, everything is finished up on my end." Mr. Ward spoke once the papers had finished being signed. "Is there anything further you need from me?"

"No. Just for the trust fund to be taken care of." I reminded him.

"I will have the papers sent over to your lawyer within the next week." Mr. Ward responded.

"Thank you." I gave him a pleased smile.

We shook his hand once more and then he left. Now we were on to the very last part of the deal, the agreement with Justin. Damon's lawyer pulled out some more papers, the ones that Justin would sign to give Damon full permission to act however he saw fit if Justin attempted to do anything he shouldn't.

"Did you read the copy I emailed you?" Damon asked Justin. "It'll make this whole thing go a lot quicker if you did."

"I did." Justin nodded.

"Good." I could tell Damon was pleased as he responded.

We went over a few of the details and then Justin and Damon both signed it. Everything was done and put in place. All agreements had been taken care of. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at that thought.

"What's so funny?" Damon raised a brow as I managed to get both his and Justin's attention.

"This whole thing is just ironic." I responded.

"How?" Justin questioned.

"I started an agreement with you, which was shit by the way." I explained and then turned to Damon. "And then I started an agreement with you. It's just interesting how it all played out and in the end you both signed an agreement with each other."

Damon nodded. "I guess that is quite ironic."

We shook hands with Justin before he left the conference room. Everything had been done, he now needed to get to Dallas so he could get settled before Damon arrived with his plan he had to get the company back on track.

We both stood back and watched Justin as he headed for the elevator. "I think this will be good for him." I spoke to Damon.

"Yes." Damon agreed. "He's lucky, I don't give second chances very often."