I Could See It In Their Eyes

The next few weeks came and went pretty quickly. Things were already looking up from Resurgence Industries. So far as a team Justin and Damon we're killing it. Also as Damon predicted, the media had thought it was just a buy you. My ties to the Bushemps had managed to remain hidden thankfully.

"Mommy!" Sterling came running into the kitchen. "How do I look?"

It was his eighth birthday and we decided to celebrate it at our home this time. He was dressed up in a white button up shirt and a pair of dark colored jeans. I didn't think it was possible but the more he grew up the more and more he looked like Damon.

"You look very handsome." I smiled at him.

"I hope so." He responded.

"Why?" I raised a brow as I questioned him.

"Because I have to impress Isabelle!" By his tone it seemed like he expected me to know the answer already.

"I'm sure that won't be a problem." I reassured him. "Why don't you go play with your sister while we wait for the guests to show up?"

"Okay." He nodded and hurried out of the kitchen

Rose let out a chuckle as she finished up with his birthday cake. "That boy is quite the character. Reminds me a lot of how Damon was when that age."

"They definitely have their similarities. That's for sure." I may not have been around Damon as a child but I could tell they had the same temperament and seemed to think the same way on certain things.

I finished getting the food set up as Damon began to greet our guests. Sterling had invited his classmates and the children from the orphanage. In total we had about seventy kids here running around in the backyard. It was a lot going on but we had prepared for this, it also helped that the weather had cooperated with us.

Damon and I made our rounds to the other parents thanking them for coming and socializing a little bit. We also kept an eye on the children who were all either on the bounce house stuff we had rented or the playground. Thank goodness Damon had thought ahead and fenced off the pool when Sterling came to live with us last year, it was one less thing to watch.

I noticed my mother and Simon had arrived as they were carrying on a conversation with Trish, Peter and Martin. It was nice to see that all of the grandparents could get along with each other. It made life easier when it came to events for the kids.

We saw Trish and Peter occasionally but the relationship with them had gotten pretty close. Things had been so busy that visits had been mainly for bigger events but we tried to let Sterling stay a weekend at their house once a month at least. It was important to me that they were included. They also had developed a relationship with Scarlett and practically treated her as their own blood.

"Hey." I greeted them all. They had slipped in while we had been conversing with the other parents.

"Hey." My mom smiled.

"Everything looks great Kaydence." Trish complimented. "You've done a wonderful job here."

"Thank you." I smiled.

Damon joined me for a moment while we talked with them. Rose brought out the cake soon after and we all sang happy birthday. Everyone got a slice of the cake and ate it fairly quickly. The children all had eaten so fast as they wanted to get back to playing.

When Damon was finished he took Scarlett around to go play for a little while. I made my way over to Mrs. Strahm who was watching over all of the children at the orphanage with the help of Emily. I noticed her eyes were on Sterling and Isabelle.

"You know he was so worried about making sure we had some things she liked as well for today." I spoke as my attention had now fallen on them as well.

Mrs. Strahm let out a chuckle. "Gotta love how considerate that little boy is. Especially when it comes to someone he cares about so much."

"Yeah." I nodded in agreement. "That probably has something to do with what he was taught from the orphanage. That's where he's spent most of his years so far anyway."

I noticed her smile at the complement I had given. "We can teach them, but in the end it's really them who decide how to apply being kind to others. He's just a sweetheart in general."

"He is." I responded. "How are things at the orphanage going? Do you guys need anything at all?"

"Not at this time." Mrs. Strahm broke her attention away from the children to look at me. "Besides you and Mr. Tipton have done more than enough for us. I don't think I could allow you to do anymore."

When the papers were drawn up I had to go over a few details with her. She tried to be respectful and decline the money that would be coming from the trust fund. I knew she was only refusing though as she felt a little guilty for taking that much money. I wasn't taking no for an answer though. It was either she take the money willingly or when it was released to me I would give it to them as an anonymous donation.

"Well if you think of anything let us know. It's no problem at all." I reassured her. With how in disrepair things had been before I didn't want her to hesitate if they needed help.

Damon had felt the same way. While the situation had been messed up the place had taken good care of his son for years.

"You'll be the first to know if we do. I promise." She smiled.

I turned my attention back to Sterling and watched how he played with Isabelle. When they were going on one of the bounce houses or the playground he let her go first. There was one point she had fallen and he was right there to make sure she was okay and helped her back up. It was really adorable to watch them.

There was one point when another girl had approached him to play. He refused to leave Isabelle's side though. If others wanted to play then he had her tag along with them. It seemed to disappoint the ones who wanted all of his attention but he was oblivious to it. In the end he managed to get away from the group and returned to spending one on one time with Isabelle.

To be quite honest he probably would've been content if he had just spent a day with Isabelle. He seemed his happiest with her. I noticed he smiled with just her, when others approached he got the same annoyed look on his face Damon got sometimes.

These two would for sure have a love story one day. I could just see it in their eyes when they looked at each other. I would be more surprised if they didn't at this point. Their connection was just too unique for them to not eventually fall for each other when they were older.