You Should Never Doubt Yourself

"Are you ready Love?" Damon asked as he noticed I was looking myself over in the mirror of the penthouse once more.

To be honest I was nervous. We were officially opening the second Amethyst location. I couldn't explain why I was letting my nerves and anxiety get to me. It's not like this was the first time I had opened a store.

I took a deep breath in and let it out. "Yes. About as ready as I can be right now."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tightly against him. "You've done this before and you can do it again. I'll be here every step of the way, just relax."

I nodded. "You're right."

He placed a soft kiss on my cheek. "Let's go get this done, then we can come back up here and celebrate with some room service and mind blowing sex."

I couldn't help the smirk that made it's way to my lips. "I would love that."

Damon took my hand in his and led the way out of the penthouse. We got inside the elevator and it began it's descent down. Damon pushed me up against the wall as we waited for it to reach the lobby. His lips met mine and we moved in sync with one another. I could practically feel the nerves and anxiety disappear as I got caught up in the moment with him.

The elevator dinged and he pulled away from me. A small smile was on his lips. "Better?"

I bit my lip and nodded. "Yes."

He led the way through the lobby and we got into the car that was waiting for us. The driver then proceeded to head directly for Amethyst. We reached the location shortly and there was a massive crowd already gathered. I could feel my breathing get a little heavier as my nerves were coming back.

"Relax." Damon reminded me calmly. "You've got this Love."

I nodded and then we proceeded to get out of the car. The crowd turned their attention to us and I could hear their excitement as we approached the door. There were about two steps and I got onto the top one. I could feel all their eyes on me.

"Thank you all for coming out today to help celebrate the opening of our second location." I began to address the crowd. "Honestly it still amazes me that the brand has been so well received and that it's come this far. I want to thank you all for believing in me, especially my wonderful husband. Without him and all the support he has given I honestly don't think I would have gotten this far. So thank you, all of you."

I turned around and grabbed the scissors to cut the purple ribbon that had been put in place. Damon stood back as he waited with everyone else for me to cut it. I took another deep breath in and let it out. I proceeded to cut the ribbon and turned back to the crowd.

"The second Amethyst location is officially open for business!" I smiled as the crowd proceeded to applaud.

Everyone went inside after to take a look around. I was approached to have my picture taken by a few different people. I was more than happy to do so of course. Most of them were fans of the brand who had made it to the opening and a few were reporters who wanted to write a story.

Damon and I then spent most of the time mingling with the guests who were looking around the store. Some people were already making purchases from the clothing on the racks. I watched as Samantha and the rest of the staff were handling things flawlessly. She had trained them well and it only made me more confident that I had made the right decision when I gave her the promotion.

When we finally had a moment to ourselves Damon turned his attention to me. "You seem to be less nervous now. Feeling better?"

"Yes. Much better." I smiled.

The nerves and anxiety were completely gone now. Instead I had a feeling of fulfillment. This opening was much different to be honest. The first one everyone had showed up mainly because Damon. Either they had been told to come or they came willingly to try to socialize with him. This time though, all these people were here for me.

"I told you it would be just fine." Damon responded before placing a kiss on the top of my head. "You should never doubt yourself, you've done some amazing things and creating this is one of them."

"You're right." I sighed. When it came to my own accomplishments I always second guessed myself. When it came to the family matters though I felt like I could practically do anything.

We continued entertaining the guests for a few more hours before they all finally began to leave. Once the last person had left I shut the door to the store and locked it. I turned around to look at Samantha who seemed exhausted at this point.

"Still no regrets?" I raised a brow as I asked.

"Not at all." She smiled. "It may be exhausting but it was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it."

I gave her a smile in return. I appreciated her confidence. "Good. Let me help get things cleaned up and then you can all go home and rest." I suggested as I looked at all of the staff members.

Thankfully everyone who had been in attendance didn't make much of a mess. There was just some garbage around that needed to be picked up. I felt it was my obligation to help since it was already getting late in the day and the staff were the ones who had to come back early in the morning to open up.

Damon even helped as well. The store was spotless in just under a half hour. I knew it wasn't going to take very long. I said my goodbyes to the staff and assured them I would come check in on them tomorrow before we left back to Nashville.

Damon and I left the building and got back into the car. Once seat belted in he wrapped an arm around me as I laid a head on his shoulder. The driver got onto the road and proceeded to take us back to the hotel.

"You know, there's only one more big event left Love." Damon spoke softly.

My eyes looked into his icy blue orbs. "That's the one that I think I'm most excited for to be honest. To celebrate our love in front of all of our family and friends."

His lips met mine for a moment. His eyes met mine once more. "You make me feel complete Kaydence. Something I never thought I would ever feel again. After my mother's passing I felt so cold and alone for most of my life. Then god gave me you."

I placed a soft kiss on his lips. "You complete me too. This love of ours has been one hell of a ride, but I still mean what I said before. I wouldn't change a thing."