We'll Have To Make This One Quick

"Are you sure it's necessary to go to your mother's tonight?" Damon asks as he watches me gather my things.

"Yes." I responded. "It's tradition that you don't get to see me until I walk down the aisle."

"Love, nothing about our relationship has been traditional, why start now?" He raised a brow as he spoke.

"Because I said so." I shoot him a sardonic smile.

He put his hands up. "Whatever you want, you are the bride after all. Doesn't mean I won't be thinking of you while you're gone." His tone had turned seductive and dark. "Guess I'll have to resort to my old ways."

"And what's that?" I question curiously.

"My hand." He smirks.

"Damon!" My eyes went wide at his bluntness. Even after the past almost two years he still caught me by surprise sometimes. "I don't need to know that!"

A low chuckle escaped his lips. "If it's any consolation I prefer you. You're much more exciting to fuck."

I gave him a playful slap to the chest. "Stop it. Are you ready to go to the rehearsal dinner?"

"Yes." He sighed. "Sure you don't have thirty minutes to spare?"

"Sorry Mr. Tipton, I'm a very busy woman. You'll have to wait until tomorrow, when we leave for our honeymoon." I was putting my foot down this time. We had too much to do.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. I could feel his breath on my ear as he moved his lips close to it. "I'll have my way with you before this dinner is over."

I rolled my eyes as he let go of me and headed for the door of the room. I grabbed my bag and followed behind him. We headed downstairs and made sure both Sterling and Scarlett had everything that they needed. We then got into the car and headed for Martin's home where the rehearsal dinner was being held.

All the guests were already here when we arrived. We all got out of the car and headed inside. There were a few distant relatives who had come from both Damon's side as mine. Some of them I didn't totally recognize. In the mix were the faces I did know then, including Justin's who had been invited by Damon himself.

Their relationship had improved a lot since he had taken on what was Bushemp Industries. He was even here with Victoria, their making up had been more shocking to me. They met up when she had a shoot in Dallas and she saw how much he had really changed. She had given him a second chance and this time he was treating her like a queen.

After our arrival we all went and sat down at the set up Martin had for dinner. He had chicken served with a side salad and some vegetables. We all began to eat while everyone conversed with each other. When everyone was close to finishing Martin stood up to make a speech.

When he had everyone's attention he glanced over at me. "Kaydence, you have brought the Tipton family so much joy. You've helped get things back on track with my son and helped bring Sterling home, not to mention you've also given me my first granddaughter. I'm forever grateful to have you in our lives and I'm so proud to call you my daughter in law."

"Thank you dad." I smiled up at him. Martin had taken me in as if I was his own child. I was grateful for the things he had done for me, including accepting my past I had been so ashamed of.

Martin took his seat and my mother stood up as it was her turn for a speech. She looked at Damon with a loving look in her eyes. To her he was like the son she had never had gotten the chance to have.

"When you promised to take care of my baby in that hospital room I can see you really meant it." She let out a small chuckle. "You are perfect for my little girl and I'm grateful for everything you've done for her. Not only that but I'm so proud to see how much you've grown yourself Damon, you are an amazing man and I'm glad you're in our lives."

"Thank you." He gave her a soft smile.

After the speeches we finished the meal in front of us and then it was time to mingle with everyone. After we had talked to mostly everyone Julie quickly approached me. She was only a few weeks from giving birth, I gave her the option to skip the dinner but she insisted.

"I'm going to have to go." She spoke with a frown. "I'm getting exhausted."

"It's okay. I understand, get your rest for tomorrow." I gave her a reassuring smile. I then looked over to Cody who was beside her. "It's nice to see you Cody."

He was more behind the scenes now. He made sure the security was where they needed to be but no longer was out himself. Spencer had pretty much taken over his position. He still held his close bond with Damon, it was just more like they were friends now though.

"Thank you for having us." He smiled.

I was slightly surprised. I couldn't remember a time that man had smiled to be honest. Julie definitely brought out another side of him. We proceeded to tell them goodbye and then turned our attention back to the party.

Damon looked around the crowd of people who were busy mingling with each other. He grabbed my hand tightly and began to lead me away. I noticed right away the hunger and desire in his eyes. He really meant what he said before we left and he was clearly determined.

He led the way up the stairs and opened the bedroom door. He shut and locked it behind us. He then wrapped his arms around my waist and his lips crashed down on mine. I could feel the desire and hunger in his kiss. I wasn't getting out of this room until he was satisfied.

"We'll have to make this one quick." He spoke in between kisses.

He led me back to the bed and pulled my dress about my waist. His eyes looked into mine as he used his fingers to move my underwear to the side. He pushed a finger into my core and began to thrust it in and out of me roughly.

"Damon." I let out a low moan as I threw my head back onto the bed.

He pulled his finger and placed the head of his shaft at my entrance. He pushed inside of me with force and began to roughly pump in and out of me. His thumb went right to my clit and he began to play with it.

I covered my mouth with my hand to keep from moaning out too loud. I could feel my climax building up the rougher he moved his thumb and pushed deeper inside of me. He continued on and my body finally had enough. I kept my hand over my mouth as moans escaped my lips.

His grunts got closer and closer as he felt me tighten around him. I was still in the middle of my climax when he had given into his. He lowered himself to let his lips meet mine once more. Our lips moved passionately together as our climaxes both ended.

When we finished I went to the bathroom in the room and made sure I cleaned up and looked presentable still. I didn't want people to know exactly what we had disappeared to do. I walked out of the bathroom once I was satisfied with my look again and Damon was finished buckling up his belt.

"What room is this?" I asked as I looked around. It occurred to me I had never really explored Martin's home, not even when we stayed here for a few weeks.

"Mine. Well it was anyway." Damon answered as a smirk crossed his lips. "Lots of memories in here, just added another to the list."

He took my hand and we went back down the stairs. We mingled with the guests a little longer but then people started to leave around eight. Martin didn't want people to stay too long as we did have the children who needed to get to bed and tomorrow was going to be a long day for everyone involved.

When all the guests had left it was time for my mother and Scarlett to go with my mother. Sterling would be staying here with Damon tonight. I gave Sterling a big hug and then one to Damon as well. When I attempted to pull away he gave me a kiss on the lips.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." He spoke as his icy blue eyes looked into my green eyes.

"Yes you will." I smiled.

He let go of me and I exited the mansion with my mother who had Scarlett in her arms. I may already be his wife legally but the excitement was still there. Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.