We've Come A Long Way, You And I

"She's out finally." I spoke as I joined my mother in the living room. I had just finished putting Scarlett to bed upstairs in my old room.

"I bet you're pretty tired yourself. It's been a busy night." My mother spoke as she took a sip from her tea she had prepared. "I made you one too."

I sat down beside her and picked up the cup that was on the table. "This wedding stuff is a lot of work. That's for sure."

"That it can be." She agreed.

"How are things with you and Simon?" They had been together for months now. They had to be getting serious to some degree at this point.

"I wanted to talk to you about that actually." She bit her lips nervously. "I just wanted to wait after your big day."

"Go ahead and tell me now." I wanted to know what was on her mind.

"Simon and I have talked about him moving in with me. I just don't want it to be too weird for you or anything. Especially since this house was mine and your father's." She expressed her concerns.

"I'm okay with it." I gave her a reassuring smile. "After everything mom you deserve to be happy too. I'm sure dad understands that as well, just because you're moving on doesn't mean you don't love him any less. Just don't sell the house or anything."

"I could never." She responded. "Too many memories I would have to leave behind and I can't do that."

"We've come a long way, you and I." I spoke before taking a sip of the tea that had been prepared.

"Yes we have." She smiled. "Two years ago I was pretty much prepared to die. God knows I wanted to give up so bad, but I couldn't leave you like that. I couldn't put you through losing a parent again."

"I know it was hard." I could feel myself beginning to get emotional at the memories of her in the hospital bed, she was almost unrecognizable at the time. "For the both of us."

Her eyes looked into mine. "But we did it. It may have been with Damon's help but we still did it, now I get to watch my little girl get married and I couldn't be happier."

Things had definitely changed a lot since I met Damon that first time. When I met him I was stubborn and broken. I was on the verge of losing my mother and I was in a horrible relationship. I was damaged and thought the best way to protect myself was doing things my way and that caused me to do some stupid things, like keeping the truth from Martin and allowing Justin and Ava's plans to go on longer than they needed.

He had to have been more dedicated to us than I had thought at first. No matter what he could've left at any time but he stuck around even as I made stupid decisions and gave him reasons to leave me behind. I think the only reason he stayed by me though is because he was broken himself. He understood me and I never truly realized it at the time.

During that time his feelings had to have been comparable to mine while dealing with his post traumatic stress disorder. It was hard and frustrating, but he was just going through alot and needed me just as much as I needed him before. I could see he had grown from that though, he showed emotions more and he was more open with me about the things going on in his head.

Our relationship had it's up and downs throughout these two years but we made it all work out in the end. I never gave up on him and he didn't give up on me. Now we were stronger than ever. We had accomplished many things together and we worked as a team on everything. This is how a relationship should be.

I was grateful for that damn agreement we made. I agreed to it because I was desperate at the time but it turned out to be the best decision I could have ever made. I was even grateful for Justin, even when he was a piece of shit. If he never picked me up the chances of me meeting Damon Tipton on my own would have been very slim.

I couldn't imagine my life any differently, I wanted everything exactly how it was. I felt fulfilled for once in my life. Damon and the kids were my everything. I never want to even have to think about life without them.

I continued talking with my mother for a little while longer before deciding to call it a night. It was about midnight now and I needed to be up by eight to head for Willow Pond. My dress and everything else was already there. I just had to show up and get ready.

I gave my mother a hug and crept upstairs. I tried to be as quiet as possible since I wanted to avoid waking Scarlett up. If that happened then I could be up longer than I wanted it and that would make tomorrow that much more exhausting. I opened the door and entered the room quietly. I walked over to the portable crib and made sure Scarlett was still sleeping. I then crawled under the covers of the bed and closed my eyes. Tomorrow I would be marrying the love of my life, again.