I Do... Again.

"It's almost time!" Julie spoke excitedly as she watched me look myself over in the mirror.

My hair was done up in loose curls and my make up had been applied. The ivory strapless gown clung to my body and flared out at the bottom. The only thing left to do was to wait for the start of the ceremony.

"How are you doing honey?" My mother asked as she held Scarlett in her arms.

I took a deep breath in and let it out. "I'm nervous to be honest. I don't even know why, it's not like we aren't already married."

"It's still a big deal though, so it's understandable." Victoria chimed in.

I had chosen her to be a bridesmaid for me. She and I had become friends since she started working at the store and it just felt right. She has the same dark purple dress as Julie that flowed to the ground. It was helpful she was on good terms with Justin as Damon ended up making him a groomsman so they would be walking together. Sterling was his best man of course.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in." I spoke as I turned to see who it was.

Martin came inside. "Everyone is here. Are you ready to start?" He asked.

I nodded. "I'm about as ready as I can be."

He looked between the three other women in the room. "May we have a moment alone before everything gets started?"

"Of course." My mother smiled. "Come on ladies."

We waited for Julie and Victoria to follow her out. Martin then turned his attention back to me. "There's something I've been meaning to give you, but I was under strict orders so I couldn't until today."

"What is it?" I asked.

He pulled out a rectangular box from his tuxedo's jacket pocket. He opened it up to reveal a beautiful diamond necklace. "Constance wore this on our wedding day. She wanted it to go to whoever was strong enough to take on our son. She knew at an early age he could be an intense handful and it would take someone special to come in to handle him. She made me promise if anything happened I would give it to his bride on their wedding day, as long as the bride was worthy of course."

"It's beautiful." I responded as my eyes remained glued to this necklace.

Martin took it out of the box and helped me put it on around my neck. "She really would have liked you Kaydence. I wish you could have met her."

"Me too." Part of me was a little sad that I would never truly get the chance to know my late mother in law. I could only learn about her through stories.

"Well, I fear if I keep you in here any longer Damon will come in here himself and carry you down the aisle." Martin chuckled. "Shall we?"

"Yes." I nodded with a smile.

He opened the door to let me out. Julie was on standby and handed me the bouquet of flowers. I then proceeded to hook my arm with Martin's. I had asked Martin to walk me down as my father wasn't here to do it. He was the closest thing I had to a father figure over these last few years.

We headed down the stairs where the guests were waiting as the music started. This place had been cleaned up very nicely. We had white and dark purple flowers in various places. The carpet runner for the aisle was purple as well. It led up to where Damon stood with Sterling by his side in front of everyone.

Everyone else had now made it down the aisle as I came into view. Damon's eyes locked onto me and I could see his face overcome with emotion. Sterling had a smile plastered onto his face as Martin walked me down. My mother was now seated with Scarlett on her lap.

The music faded as I reached the end of the aisle. Martin gave me a hug before letting me go so that he could take his seat. I took another step and looked Damon in the eyes. His emotions were still very clear on his face.

"Welcome everyone." The minister greeted everyone. "We're gathered here today to celebrate the union of Kaydence and Damon Tipton." He continued on with the usual speech they give at weddings, then it became time for our vows.

Damon held my hands in his as his icy blue eyes looked into mine. "Words cannot describe the way you make me feel. You are my other half, the other half that I didn't know was out there until I laid eyes on you. If it wasn't for you, I really don't know where I would be right now other than in an office working myself to death just so I wouldn't feel lonely. You are my everything Kaydence, I vow to always be here to protect you and love you until the day I die."

It was my turn now. "We've never done things the traditional way since day one, but our love story will forever be my favorite. I will never regret anything that has happened because it all only brought us to where we are. I fall in love with you more each day because of it and I see how much we've both grown. You are my forever Damon and I will always be by your side no matter what."

Once the vows were finished the minister moved on. "Do you Damon Tipton, take Kaydence Tipton to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold, in sickness and in health?"

"I do." Damon smiled.

The minister then turned his head to me. "Do you Kaydence Tipton, take Damon Tipton to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, in sickness and in health?"

"I do." I smiled at Damon in return.

"May we get the rings please?" The minister asked.

Julie handed me Damon's wedding band and I placed it onto his finger. Sterling then handed over the wedding band and the emerald engagement ring that had also belonged to Constance at one point. Damon placed them onto my finger and we waited for the minister to move on.

"By the powers vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife." He began and then Damon proceeded to interrupt him.

"Again." He spoke which made everyone in the room chuckle.

The minister then continued on. "You may kiss the bride."

Damon wrapped an arm around me and our lips met. We moved together in sync for a moment as everyone cheered and applauded for us. We then pulled away from each other and turned to the crowd. Damon held my hand in his as we made our way back down the aisle.

We spent the time in between the wedding and the reception getting the pictures done and out of the way. While we did that the staff Martin had hired moved the chairs from where they had been set up for the ceremony to the tables. We had a meal prepared for everyone in attendance that was about ready to be served.

After we finished up the pictures we headed back inside where the guests were already seated. Damon and I took our places at the head table and the food was served. We all began to dig into the meal. We had given people the choice of chicken or steak. It was served with some rolls and vegetables along with a salad.

Once everyone was close to done Julie stood up to make a toast. "I just want to let you know how proud I am of you Kaydence. You've come a long way since we first met, we both have. I'm so happy you found Damon, I can see he makes you truly happy and that's all I could ever want for you. Congratulations you guys."

Everyone clapped and then Sterling stood up.

He cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "I'm so happy for you Mommy and Daddy. I'm glad I could be part of this. I want to say thank you for bringing me home and giving me a real family. You guys are the best parents and I'm so happy we're all together."

"I'm happy we're all together too." I gave him a smile after he had finished.

The reception proceeded after that. Damon and I had our first dance and then mingled with everyone who had come to show support. Some were clients and partners he had a close relationship with and some were our distant relatives we had seen last night. As we talked to people I looked around the room to the ones who had been closest to me.

They all seemed so happy. My mother toted Scarlett around on her hip with Simon beside her. Justin and Victoria were actually smiling and laughing with each other. Julie and Cody were feeling up her stomach. Martin was walking around with the biggest smile on his face. And then there were Trish and Peter who socialized and seemed pretty happy themselves.

Everyone was just happy. It was like we were all getting out happy endings. For once life was good for us all and I would do anything for it to stay that way.

It came time to cut the cake, of course I couldn't resist shoving a piece in Damon's face. He was more than happy to return the favor. We cleaned up after and started saying our goodbyes. We had a jet to catch for our honeymoon, we had decided to go back to the resort in the Bahamas where we first admitted our love for each other.

We gave the kids a hug and kiss goodbye before we left. They would be staying with my mom while we left for the next few days. Everyone came outside to see us off as we got into the car that had 'Just Married' written on the back window. Spencer then began to head for the air strip the jet was waiting for us on.

We got onto the jet as soon as we arrived. Charlie took off once we were secured in our seatbelts. When the sign went off for seatbelts Damon and I agreed to change into more comfortable clothing. We went right to the bedroom in the jet and he closed the door.

I looked back at him as he was stripping off his tuxedo. "I'm going to need some help." I spoke as I already knew I wasn't getting this dress off myself. It had a corset back that I couldn't get undone on my own.

"Okay. Hold on a minute." He responded as he took off his button up shirt and pants.

He then walked up behind me and started to help me out of the dress. He had moved my hair out of the way and I could feel his breath on my neck. It was sending chills down my spine and I couldn't help the excitement I was beginning to feel.

I stepped out of the dress as it hit the floor. His hand wrapped around my throat firmly as he pulled me back to him. I could feel his erection against my ass as he held me against him. "We have a few hours to kill and it is our wedding night." His tone was dark and seductive as he spoke. "Why don't you please me?"

He loosened up the grip on my throat and I turned around to face him. His eyes looked into mine and I lowered myself down to my knees. I pulled down his boxers and wrapped my hand around his shaft. "As you, Mr. Tipton."

He bit his bottom lip as I took his erection into my mouth. I moved my head back and forth, taking him as far in as I could. His hand fisted my hair as he began to let out low grunts. "Fuck Love, that feels so good." He spoke lowly.

I continued on until he had decided he had enough. He gently tugged on my hair to pull me up to him. His lips crashed down onto mine with hunger. His hands gripped my hips firmly as he led us back to the bed. He then laid me down and began to kiss down my body.

My breasts were already exposed as the dress had a built in bra. He took one into his hand and began to knead it while pinching and pulling on my nipple. He took the other into his mouth to nibble and suck on. I let out a low moan from the pleasure I was already feeling.

He then moved on, placing his kisses down my stomach to my underwear line. He hooked the fabric with his finger and quickly pulled them off, exposing me completely to him. His hands spread my legs apart as he buried his face into my core. He swirled his tongue around my clit giving little nibbles here and there. The longer he continued on the more I could feel my climax build.

"Damon." I moaned out. "Fuck me, please."

He stood up and looked my body over. "How hard?"

"Hard." I bit my lip as I anticipated what his next move might be.

He placed the tip of his shaft at my wet and ready entrance. He then thrusted into me nice and rough. He continued pumping in and out of me over and over again. I gripped the sheets tightly as he was hitting all the right spots.

He then pulled out of me abruptly. "On all fours." He ordered.

I didn't waste any time honoring his request. I quickly got into the position as I wanted him to fill me up again. I needed him so badly right now.

He placed himself back at my opening and began his rough thrusts again. He gripped my hair to help keep me in an arched position for him. His free hand gave my ass a slap over and over. He then used it to grip my hip firmly.

"Touch yourself." He ordered in a dominating tone.

"Yes." I responded as I moved my hand down to please my clit.

It didn't take long for my body to be overcome by my climax. I let out moan after moan as he continued his hard and forceful thrusts into me. His grunts got closer and closer before he finally reached his own.

We pulled apart after a moment and I cuddled up to him on the bed. Damon wrapped an arm around me as we caught our breath.

"So, things have been good lately. Do you think all the craziness is over?" I asked.

Damon let out a chuckle. "No, we have two children Love. It's probably only getting started."