launch part 1

When World of action was launch to the public, billions were logging in to play.

When the first player joined, they were greeted by a secret class called Weapon Master.

As more players join, they choose a class that was given to them. The chooses were Warrior, Archer, Shield user.

When players started to hunt monsters like slimes and leveling up, players found different classes like Beast tamer.

After a week of World of Action came out, the community all said the same thing about a single class, the farming class was useless.

The community said that the farming class was useless because you need an insane amount of money to do anything and the base damage for the weapons that the farmer can use are 1-2 per hit.

After an update, There were many changes such as guilds, new ranks, and new classes. This update changed that people can team up and kill bigger monsters in the game like Werewolfs and Low-level Devils.