Launch part 2

After the announcement of guilds, many small guilds formed and hunted larger monsters to level up.

When 2 weeks passed, more and more guilds formed, and the first major guild Holy land formed, the guild was formed by the top leveled player at the time.

That player was the first player to ever play World of Action, that player was Yo Jun-Ho. He had gotten the class Weapon Master, which can use any weapon at the maximum capacity.

When Yo Jun-Ho started the guild only his friends Kil Hye-soo and Hyon Sung-Nam was an archer and shield user. As Yo Jun-Ho and his friends leveled up more and more, his guild grew up more and more.

His guild's size was up to the hundreds, him and his friend were said to be the top players in World of Action.

When a month passes, more and more guilds had grown to up the hundreds except that wouldn't matter to the guild Holy Land who has grown to the size of the thousands. Many famous people who were streaming the game were joining the guild Holy land making the guild even more famous.

The guild's average level was close to 127 due to the tough requirements to level up, but as people make groups to hunt monsters they grew in levels quite fast. The guild's top three levels were 264, 243, and 196 because these three were the original three people who were in this guild.

The guild master was level 264 was caused by how he hunted much bigger monsters with his friends.

His friend Kil Hye-soo was an archer and hunted at a distance while Yo Jun-Ho protected them both with his shield.