Chapter 84

Hi guys sorry to have kept you waiting and not posting an update last week. I was swamped with work (Booo excuses! excuses! Hahaha) and have been working really late so I just laze around last weekend and catched up on my sleep and forgo my initial plan to finish a chapter or two.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.


"What did you just say?" Lawrence couldn't help but ask his son incredulously.

Keith took a deep breath and stared directly in his father's eyes before answering. "I said. I got married."

Lawrence gripped the glass of whiskey in his hands as he tried to absorb his son's revelations. He gulped the remaining whiskey in his glass and poured himself another one.

"How long? How long have you been keeping this from us?" All this while Kate was trying her best to find a suitable wife for Keith and yet this brat of a son they have is already married.

"It's been over a month now." Keith replied nonchalantly.

"A month? How in the world was Keith able to manage hiding his marriage to them?" Lawrence couldn't help but think to himself. Being a member of one of the richest families in the world put them under constant scrutiny from the public. There are even paparazzis who dedicated themselves to following their every movement. Some even trespassed to their property just to get a glimpse on how they look at home or how they treat their employees among other things. This is the reason why they set up their own security team. To ensure that all family members and those working closely with them are always safe and secure.

People love gossip and scandals among the rich, the more scandalous the more people are invested in what's going on in their lives. Keith's marriage is definitely something people would want to know since they all have been following his lovelife. It always made it to the celebrity news whenever Keith went on a blind date. Most of the women Kate set him up with were either socialites or daughters from prominent families, models and there were even a few actresses. How Keith was able to hide his marriage and his wife's identity baffles his father.

Lawrence heaved a sigh as he stared at his son. "So where did you meet this wife of yours? Is she someone you met on business? Perhaps one of the women your mother introduced to you?" Lawrence asked.

Keith met his father's eyes before answering. "My wife is one of the intern students sent from Jules' university." He explained since his father was the one who made the arrangement with Jules' father to offer an internship for their students. "Oh and it's a "he". My wife is a man. I married a male Omega." Keith added, causing his father to release the glass in his hands.

"Let me just get this straight, you are married now for a month and to an Omega." Lawrence leaned back on his chair, massaging his temple as he let the words sinked in. For as long as he knew, there has never been an Omega in the Andersen family tree. His father and his father before him, ensures that their sons marry an Alpha. His parents as well as his grandparents are all married to a woman from a prominent family, had Kate come from a lowly background he might have been subjected to the same arranged marriage and not married to the love of his life. He has nothing against his sons marrying someone below their status but he never once considered them marrying an Omega. He's not against Omegas in general, it's just that it doesn't cross his mind that Keith would fall for an Omega.

Keith watched his father, he can tell that his old man was caught off guard with his news. He's completely sure his father is more affected by his wife being an Omega than Alex coming from a normal family. Images of Alex's worried face pop in his mind. His wife was so worried about today and what his family would say about their marriage. Alex's anxious face is not something he wants to see.

"I would just like to emphasize that I came here today not to ask for your blessings but just to inform you of my marriage." Keith said firmly. His strong pheromones are filling the room. Tension rises in the room as his father releases equally strong pheromones.

Lawrenced frowned at his son. As a businessman, he's proud that his son can be this intimidating as this would really help him a lot in running the company. However as a father, he does not appreciate this kind of behavior. He guessed maybe Kate is right, he gave their sons too much freedom that at times like this it backfires on him.

Lawrence pressed the intercom on his desk and soon enough Alfred knocked and entered the room.

"Yes Master?"

"Where is my wife?" Lawrenced asked the butler.

"She's with a guest right now." Alfred answered immediately.

"A guest?" Lawrence frowned. If Kate invited a guest at the same time Keith is coming home can only mean one thing. "Keith, wait until after dinner is over before telling your mother about what you just told me. Though you said you are not after our blessings, I will not say anything for now and I will respect your decisions. However it's not the same for your mother, you have to deal with her yourself. Talk to her after the dinner, for now let's keep this to ourselves." Because Kate has probably invited some girl she would like to introduce to Keith, Lawrence added in his mind.


Jade smiled sweetly at the woman sitting in front of her. She's trying her best to appear meek and innocent, based on her observations this type of personality appeals to the woman. The matriarch of the Andersen's is looking for that perfect richman's wife and she is giving it all in order to be that woman in her eyes.

"Do you like tea? It's my personal favorite, it's very light and aromatic but not too overpowering. It's very soothing isn't it?" Kate happily asked as they sipped the tea prepared by Alfred for them.

"Yes Auntie, it's just as you said." Jade replied smiling though in her mind she wanted to throw up already. Why do these pretentious women like to drink this abominable concoction? She prefers an ice cold mojito right now.

"I'm glad you like it. If you want I could ask Alfred to pack some for you. Maybe you can share with your mom, you said she likes to drink tea right? I'm sure she would love it." Kate offered to the younger Alpha. She's really ecstatic upon meeting Jade she seems very kind and a refined young lady.

"You're too kind Aunt Kate. My mom would love it." Jade replied and sipped her tea like she's having the time of her life. Well she does, excluding the tea she's having a blast. It's not everyday someone unrelated to the Andersen's were invited to a family dinner. "Ahmm, Aunt Kate, i-is it really okay for me to join your dinner? I don't want to intrude on your family time."

Kate smiled at Jade who's fidgeting in her seat. "Don't be silly, this is my house and you are my guest. I can invite whomever I want and no one can defy me. Besides, I want to introduce you to my husband. If not for you I would have lost something precious that he gave me. He should be thankful to you as well." Kate said, assuring the younger woman in front of her.

"Auntie it's really not a big deal I'm sure anyone would have done the same. You already thanked me and that's enough for me." Jade said, giving the Andersen matriarch her best smile.

"You are such a kind person, I'm sure your mom is proud of you because I would be if I was in her shoes. She really raised you well." I just hope that stubborn son of mine would see it too, Kate added in her head. She immediately invited Jade tonight as soon as Keith told her that he was coming home for dinner. She wanted the two of them to meet. She really hope the two of them would get along.