Chapter 85

Jade waltz in on the high end section of the department store. She wants to rid herself of the dress she's wearing, it makes her skin crawl. Her body is longing for a mini skirt and a silk blouse that emphasizes her cleavage. She wanted to free herself from the old fashioned dress her mom made her wear.

She just came from this so-called "Book Club'' her mother made her join. It's a pretentious club whose members are mainly the wifes and daughters of prominent businessmen or politicians. Basically the top tier of the society. Every month they would gather to have some tea and discuss a random book to keep up the appearance of a Book Club. In reality, it's a way for those wives to find a match for their daughter or sons. Hence, her mom's insistence they joined it too and she has to wear these dresses to appear like a prim and proper lady befitting of her status.

However, it's been a while now since they've joined and the only ones who approached them were from families below the Simpson's status which is why she doesn't understand why her mom still insisted on them coming today. She believes it's just a waste of time since the real elites are not interested in these kinds of gatherings.

After another annoying event today, she rushed to the nearest mall and planned to doll herself up from head to toe. She will spend so much money today in retaliation to what her mom subjected her to.

"I want this and that silk blouse." Jade said, ordering the staff to get the things that she wanted to buy. The staff was already swamped with the numerous items she already selected but Jade couldn't care less, she wants to pay in one go so her mother could see that whooping big charge on her credit card. Besides, the staff were there to cater to their needs, it's not her problem if they cannot cope up with her.

Her mom will probably be furious with her but she's not even a bit scared as her dad will definitely side with her. The old man dotes on her and spoils her so much even though she's not his real daughter. He just wants an Alpha heir that's why she gets away with anything. On the other hand, her mom wants her to marry someone richer than her dad so she can have her future secure, it's just that her mom's methods sucks. She already told her dad to set her up with his business associates but her mom said her dad thinks she is still too young.

Jade roamed for another couple of minutes with the staff trudging behind her. She was just scanning the store and ordering the staff to take whatever caught her fancy when her eyes landed on another customer. The sophisticated woman looks familiar, her aura speaks of wealth that Jade knew she should be someone important. She tried to ignore the older woman until she realized who it was.

"How ironic, my mom forced me to those events just to meet someone important but failed and yet here I am trying to take my petty revenge by spending lots of money but coincidentally running into the "real deal"." Jade said, smirking.

She tried to approach the woman but was prevented by the sight of men clad in black suits. Of course Kate Andersen would be surrounded by bodyguards, so she tried to observe first and strategize how she can approach the Andersen matriarch.

She was busy subtly observing Mrs. Andersen when she noticed a man heading towards her direction. She instantly knew that the man's target is Mrs. Andersen, he must be a paparazzi or something. Jade wasn't surprised when the man bump into Mrs. Andersen, it was a classic strategy but not so bad since he was able to talk to Mrs. Andersen, somehow she thought she should have done the same.

She was half expecting the man to make a scene or pretend to be hurt to extort some money from the Andersen matriarch but she was surprised when he just apologized and left to do his own thing.

Jade just shrugged and forgot about the man already. She searched for Mrs. Andersen again but she's nowhere in sight. She thought she left already but she caught a glimpse of her guards near the fitting room. She decided to head towards her direction and find her opening to approach the older woman.

She was walking with the staff still following her when she saw something shiny on the floor. She was thinking of picking it up when she suddenly saw the man from a while ago pick it up and head towards Mrs. Andersen.

She walked fast trying to catch up, she's definitely sure the man would ask for some reward or somethin. Jade is completely convinced that the shiny thing she saw is jewelry owned by Mrs. Andersen and the man is using it to gain her favor. She can expose that man and gain the older woman's favor instead.

Once again, Jade was surprised when the man handed the jewelry to the waiting staff and asked her to return it to Mrs. Andersen, that's when Jade realized that the man doesn't know who Mrs. Andersen is.

"Hand it over." Jade ordered the staff as soon as the man left.

"Excuse me Miss? I-its for the madam inside. I-i was told to r-return it to her." The staff replied stuttering.

"Do you think I want that thing for myself? I'm just going to personally return it to her. I saw it on the floor and was planning to do that when that man picked it up. How dare you think I'm a thief or something." Jade hissed at the staff who reluctantly handed the bracelet over to her.

Jade approached the guards when she heard the knob on the fitting room door opening. She made sure that Mrs. Andersen will see her.

"Excuse me Sir, the woman inside dropped this, would you help me return it to her?" Jade said sweetly and with her most gentle voice.

"Howard what is it?" Kate asked curiously.

"Madam, she said she has something she would return to you." Howard replied.

"Yes dear?" Kate turned to Jade.

"Ahmm, Ma'am you dropped this on the floor, I just thought it might be important so I would like to return it back to you. I thought I would just hand it over to your companions since I saw your head inside the fitting room." Jade meekly replied, much to the surprise of the staff who experienced her bitchiness just a while ago.

Kate thanked her profusely, apparently the bracelet is an important treasure for her that she was really grateful to Jade for returning it which delighted Jade. She was just planning to return the bracelet for a chance to be acquainted with Kate Andersen, she didn't know that the Andersen matriarch would feel indebted to her because of it.

It's common knowledge that Kate Andersen has been setting up blind dates for her eldest son. So far no one has been successful in capturing the heart of Andersen's heir. Jade believed it was because none of those women knew how to deal with him. They are just a bunch of idiots who think flaunting their cleavage will get Keith Andersen's attention.

Everyone knows that Lawrence Andersen dotes on his wife and will do anything to make his wife happy. Jade completely believes that if she gets Kate Andersen on her side it would be easier for her to become the next Mrs. Andersen.

In over a month that she met Kate, the older woman had already invited her to a few afternoon tea and even asked her to join her on her shopping spree. So when she received her call this morning asking her to join in their family dinner Jade knew she had her under the palm of her hand and it will just be a matter of time before she conquer Keith Andersen as well.

"Honey, this is Jade Simpson, the young lady I told you about. She was that sweet girl who returned my bracelet to me. I don't know what I would do if it's not for her. I'll be devastated if I lose that bracelet." Kate said, introducing Jade to her husband.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Andersen." Jade said, offering her hand to the master of the Andersen family. "I already told Aunt Jade it's not that big of a deal, I'm sure anyone in my shoes would do the same." Jade shyly added.

"It's nice to meet you as well Miss Simpson. My wife is right, we should be thankful to you. The bracelet was my gift to my dear wife on our 25th wedding anniversary and she really treasures that, she'll be devastated if it's not for you." Lawrence replied while shaking Jade's hands. The bracelet was indeed special as he had it specially customized for his wife. It's so special that it could even be used to purchase the latest Ferrari sports car.

"I told you she's a real sweetheart. I wish I had a daughter like her." Kate professed loudly when she saw Keith arriving.

"Good evening mother." Keith greeted his mother.

"Jade, darling this is my eldest son. He's the president of our company and he's already of marrying age, but I don't know why he's still not tying the knot. He's too busy with work. He just needs someone by his side, if only he would listen to me." Kate said while rolling her eyes at her son.

"Why don't we head to the dining room? I believe the food is ready." Lawrence interjected before giving Keith a subtle glare as if telling him to follow his order to talk with Kate after dinner.

"Yes, I think we should." Kate agreed. "Keith be a gentleman and assist Jade to the dining room." Kate ordered which Keith followed reluctantly.

Kate dominates the dinner conversation and tried her best to make Jade look good in Keith's eyes. On the other hand Keith as well as his father and brother just ate in silence.

"Jade you're graduating this year right?" Kate asked.

"Yes Aunt Kate."

"I envy your mother, if only my son would do the same." Kate sighed as she glanced at her youngest son.

"Mother, don't worry about me, I'll graduate this year." Kiefer replied nonchalantly.

"By the way Jade , what are your plans after graduation?"

"I plan to help out in my father's company, I want to be able to give back to my father for sending me to school and raising me." Jade replied.

"Ohh, you plan to work? That's very filial of you. How about if you get married?" Kate asked curiously.

"I plan to support my husband in his work as much as I can, though I would prefer to stay at home once we have kids." Jade replied, knowing that is what Kate wanted to hear.

"You're really such a sweetheart. Your future mother in law would be lucky to have you." Kate replied.

"Too bad mother, that's not gonna be you." Kiefer replied, earning a death glare from his mother.

Jade just smiled at the youngest Andersen's statement, she was actually furious inside but she tried her best not to show how she actually feels. What's important is that Kate likes her immensely, though it would be great if Keith would spare her a little glance but she's not worried. In time she will fall in her trap.

"Thank you so much Aunt Kate for having me over tonight. I really hope I didn't intrude on your family time." Jade said as they were having some tea after dinner. She's really had too much tea today but it's just a little sacrifice for what she would get in the future.

"I already told you it's fine. By the way, how are you going back home?" Kate asked, though her husband and her sons already knew where her questions were leading to.

"I already asked our driver to pick me up, he will be here anytime soon." Jade replied.

"Oh no, I invited you here, I should be arranging for your ride home." Kate replied, waving her hand exaggeratedly. " Keith, why don't you take Jade home?" Jade turned to her son.

"Oh, honey, I have some important things I need to discuss with Keith, maybe we can ask one of our drivers or Kiefer here to drive her home." Lawrence replied, they have to discuss Keith's marriage with Kate tonight and he's sure Keith will not want to send home the woman his mother is setting him up with.

"Sorry I can't, I'm the lazy son so I would be playing games on my computer." Kiefer said to Jade who was dumbfounded that things are not going according to her plans.

In the end, she was drive home by one of the family drivers.