The report

There were a total of seven candidates all with their supporters present in the great Hall of Summoning. The Supporters were from different houses and belonged to different factions. They all belonged to prestigious noble houses and then there was Duncan who didn't have any clear name and he was known as a hybrid. The thought swam in Malcolm's head, bitter and odd with a taint of suspicion. He belonged to the house Araragi and they were known by their grey hair and pale red eyes; they were pure blood vampires that bred between themselves to keep the blood pure.

The Araragi was a dukedom and they had wide influence in the vampire world. The Ambrosia needed a reliable one for the dragon seat; she wanted to leave Revampirina and Darsoania in the hands of him for her to go back to the main kingdom that was full of pure vampires. Her long absence would be taken badly by the seven houses. Therefore, she needed to go back.