Episode 5: Home

"Craig, drop your gun." Says Miranda as she puts her hand on the point of his shotgun. So Craig lowers his gun, and the group steps forward. "Mommmmmyyyy!!" yells Nicole as she runs to Alexa. "Hey baby!" says Alexa as she starts to cry and giving Nicole a hug. Suddenly after Alexa gave Nicole a hug, Sarah walks fast to her and then give her a hug too. "Mom, I didn't thought we would find you." Says Sarah in tears. "Well, here I am." Says Alexa. "Hey babe." Says Alexa for Mark. "Hey honey." Says Mark, while he hands Charli-April for Ethan to go and give her a hug. "I've missed you so much" says Alexa, and gives Mark a kiss. Suddenly Fabiana and Ethan comes closer with Susan to say hi. "Susan what's wrong?" asks Alexa. "She is busy loosing too much blood." Says Fabiana. "Come on let me go and lie you down so long." Says Miranda as she takes Susan. "Yeah I'll be there right now." Says Alexa. "Hey." Says Alexa as she hugs Fabiana. "Hey Alexa, your kids were strong, very strong." Says Fabiana. "Thanks for taking care of them." Says Alexa. "No problem." Says Fabiana. "Hey Ethan." Says Alexa and gives him a hug as well. Suddenly Peter comes out from behind Alexa and the rest that has already greeted Alexa went to greet Peter as well. "Oh here's Susan's baby, Charli-April, I figured you probably want to meet her." Says Ethan as he hands Charli-April to Alexa. "Oh my god, look at you sweetheart, look how beautiful you are." Says Alexa as and suddenly Charli-April gives her first ever smile. Suddenly Connor comes out from the shadows and his eyes are red of crying. "Connor what's wrong?" asks Alexa. "It's Mary, she didn't made it." Says Connor. "Oh my god, Connor I'm so sorry." Says Alexa and gives Connor a hug. "Christopher…" says Fabiana when Connor suddenly interrupts her. "Don't say his name! Please." Says Connor. "Sorry Connor." Says Fabiana when Connor went to say hi to Peter. Fabiana went to Alexa to tell her the story. After Fabiana has told her that Mary was dead and that Sarah took care of it, Alexa started to cry. "I'm so glad all of you are here, really, well except for you know Mary, and Nathan, but for the rest." Says Alexa. "Where is Nathan?" asks Ethan. "He was with me, but I don't know where he is now." Says Peter. "Alexa?" asks Miranda as she calls her to help Susan. "Oh shit yes, I'm coming." Says Alexa as she gives Charli-April for Ethan and runs with Miranda. "Don't worry now that we are all here, we can go look for Nathan and then we can be done searching for awhile." Says Mark.




4 Months Later


Miranda and her group as well as Alexa and her group are now all living in the Park. They made the Park a bit bigger, to have more space. Alexa is now the leader of the Park, Miranda is the second leader, Connor third and Jolene fourth. Connor is also now one of the hunters as well as Mark. Charli-April is now 4 months old, and Sarah is four months pregnant. Alexa and the other three leaders are talking of making the place bigger. Mark and Benny are out hunting. Craig and Peter are busy working on the fences. Fabiana and two other women, Shelly and Hannah are was washing the clothes, while Nicole and Sarah are putting in fresh flowers at a grave.  "These flowers are pretty." Says Nicole as she puts lavenders in a pot next to the grave. "They are called Lavenders." Says Sarah as she puts another bush of lavenders in the other pot, of the grave. "I kind of miss her" says Sarah as she stares at the grave. "Yeah, she took good care of us back at the gas station, and definitely made great food." Says Nicole. "Yeah, and she had an amazing voice." Says Sarah with a smile. "Yeah." Says Nicole and stands up. "Yeah, we should probably keep going" says Sarah as she gets up while holding her hand over hr baby bump. "Oh, ow." Says Sarah as she gets up. "What's wrong?" asks Nicole. "No the baby is just kicking me a bit, that's all." Says Sarah. Suddenly they here a voice behind them. "Yeah, being pregnant is not easy." Says the voice. Sarah and Nicole turns around and sees that it was Susan holding Charli-April that is paying with an apple in her hands in case of eating it. "Yeah tell me about it." Says Sarah. "Here I got you some apples." Says Susan as she gives Sarah and Nicole some red apples. "Thanks." Says Sarah and starts to eat hers. "I see you guys put some new flowers at Mary's grave." Says Susan as she looks at the grave, where the name Mary Smith is carved out. "Yeah, we thought it was time again." Says Sarah. "It's beautiful." Says Susan. "Thanks." Says Sarah. As Susan tells Charli-April to eat the apple, and she uses her hand to show her how to, there was a ring on her left hand. "It stills feel so unreal that you are engaged and are going to get married almost." Says Sarah. "Yeah Ethan and I talked about it, last night, we're thinking to wait a little bit longer before we get married, we first want to make sure that it's the right place to get married, I get the feeling that Ethan don't really want to marry me in a park so." Says Susan. "Oh ok, and what do you think?" asks Sarah. "I don't care where we get married as long as I marry him, it's fine." Says Susan. "Yeah, I can tell that you are really excited, it's been awhile since I saw you this happy." Says Sarah. "I know, if I have to say it myself." Says Susan in happiness. "Ok we will talk later, but I want to go and teach Nicole a few spelling words so long." Says Sarah. "Yeah of course, I'm glad you two have your own little school." Says Susan. "Yeah, I enjoy it a lot, and it makes me feel like a mom already." Says Sarah. "You are going to be the perfect mom for your baby." Says Susan. "Thanks Susan." Says Sarah and went to sit under a large tree that provides a lot of shadow to teach Nicole so spelling words, while Susan and Charli-April get things ready for dinner.




"Ok so what's the plan for the rest of the Park?" asks Jolene. "What do you mean?" asks Alexa. "I mean how further out do you want to make the Park, or are we ever going to grow bigger?" asks Jolene. "I think for now we are quite ok with the length and space of the Park, because all nineteen of us can fit in, so we are ok with that right now." Says Alexa. "Ok, that's good to know." Says Miranda. "But I have one thing to say. Ughm… I know that you found this place, Miranda, but I keep thinking that this isn't the perfect solution for a community, because if a herd comes through, or a storm, and we just have this small fences and tents, we can not protect this place." Says Alexa. "Yeah but we have survived many rainfalls before, and this are still standing." Says Miranda. "Yeah Miranda I know, but that was rainfalls, that wasn't a storm." Says Alexa. "Miranda I think she's right, we need a place where we know are safe, where we all can sleep peacefully at night, without thinking that a zombie will break the rope, and come eat us in our sleep." Says Jolene. Miranda sigs and says "What's your plan, Alexa? Where will we go?". "I was thinking of maybe we can go back to LA." Says Alexa. "Los Angeles?" asks Connor. "Yeah that is short for LA, Connor." Says Jolene. "Why there?" asks Miranda. "Because there is more places, and besides most of us comes from Los-Angeles, and maybe one of us know a place where we can stay." Says Alexa. "That's a stupid plan. Like do you know how far LA is?" says Miranda. "Yeah, it's 5 533.4 miles, and about two half days driving." Says Alexa. "How do you even suppose we get there?" asks Jolene. "Please, here are many cars that we can take, we can use about four cars, and try to get at least four to five people in a car we can make it work." Says Alexa. "Ok, but so far this place worked I just don't understand why you want to leave this place all of a sudden." Says Miranda. "Ok listen, we don't have to go right now, or tomorrow, whenever the time is ready." Says Connor. "Yeah, I didn't say once that we should leave immediately." Says Alexa. "Miranda sigs and says, "Ok, fine, but we should just tell the rest tonight at the campfire.". "We will." Says Alexa. So, Alexa goes to Sarah and Nicole, Miranda went with Jolene somewhere, and Connor picks up his bow and arrow, and went to guard the main entrance.


It was about seven minutes later, when Mark and Benny came back with a dead pig on their shoulders. "Hi, guys." Says Mark as he and Benny puts down the pig on the ground. "You found a pig?" asks Jolene. "Yeah, thank god for the farm that are nearby otherwise I don't know where we will got food then." Says Benny. "That's great it's a nice treat to eat something different everyday." Says Jolene as Benny helps her take the pig to slaughter it. "Hi honey." Says Alexa as she gives Mark a kiss. "Hi, babe." Says Mark, while Craig leans on a tree staring at Mark with a death stare of jealousy. "Hi daddy." Says Nicole. "Hey sweetie." Says Mark as he picks up Nicole and give her a hug. "Hi, dad." Says Sarah as she gives Mark a hug.  "Hey, Sarah." Says Mark, as she sees Sarah rubbing her tummy.  "How's the baby doing?" asks Mark. "He's kicking the shit out of me, today." Says Sarah. "He?" asks Mark. "It's just a feeling that a have." Says Sarah. "So you think you're having a boy?" asks Mark. "Yeah," says Sarah. "And if it is a boy, I will name him Ryan." Says Sarah, in tears. "That's was your brother's second name." says Mark. "Yeah, I know, that's why I want name my child Ryan, cause then at least it feel that I have piece of Jason with me." Says Sarah. Mark has tears in his eyes, and then he gives Sarah a hug.




It was later that day, and it was nightfall, and the group is sitting around the campfire, talking, eating some pork, with canned vegetables, while they also have fun. "So did you two decided when you want to have a wedding?" asks Benny for Ethan and Susan. "Well, we decided that we're not going to rush it, we still have enough time to figure out when and where we want to get married." Says Ethan. "Yeah, the only thing is, that this is the apocalypse, anybody can die at any moment." Says Benny. "Yeah we know, we just waiting for the right moment." Says Susan while she breastfeeds Charli-April. "But Ethan you said you guys need to find the right place to get married, so you don't want to marry in the Park?" asks one of the woman called, Talia. "No…it's not what I meant, it just…" says Ethan as Alexa looks at Miranda. Miranda knots her head, to give signal to Alexa that she should tell them about Los-Angeles. "Guys there something Miranda, Jolene, Connor and I should tell you guys." Says Alexa as she stands up to talk to the group. "Ok, sure." Says Susan. "Ok we know you guys like this place, and stuff but we have discussed it today, that we want to go to Los-Angeles, where there will be more places to stay and there will hopefully still be a lot of supplies, there." Says Alexa. "What? We can't just leave the Park, after everything we did to it." Says Fabiana. "I know Fabiana, but we are not talking about going right now, but later , before the place falls." Says Alexa. "And what if the place doesn't fall?" asks Talia. "It's not about rather this place will fall or not, it's about that we have to go eventually, and then we are going to Los-Angeles, California." Says Miranda as she also stands up. "Well, I'm not going. I will stay here and the rest of you can go to Los-Angeles." Says another guy, named Joshua. "No, we are all staying together." Says Alexa. "No, the people who wants to go and try to survive, can come with us, and those who wants to stay here, and have a bigger chance of dying can stay here." Says Connor. "Connor, this is not what we discussed." Says Alexa. "He's right, Alexa." Says Miranda as Alexa walks to Connor. "What?" asks Alexa. "Those who wants to stay, let them be." Says Miranda. Alexa sigs and says, "What about you, Jolene?". "Yeah, I will go with Miranda. "Ok fine, but if something happens to you guys that will stay behind, it's not any of our fault." Says Alexa. "Nothing will happen to us, in anyway." Says Joshua. "Ok, but who is all staying behind?" asks Mark. "Well, I am definitely." Says Joshua as he raises his one hand. "Me too," says the other guy, named Kyle, as he raise his hand as well. "Who else?" asks Miranda. The rest of the group just looks around them to see if anyone else are going to raise their hand. "Ok, so it's just Joshua and Kyle." Says Jolene. "Ok, then it's settled…" says Alexa when suddenly the cans on the rope starts to make noise. It was obviously a zombie that are trying to get inside the Park. "I got it." Says Sarah as she stands up, and gets out her knife. She stands in front of the zombie, and stare at him for a few seconds when suddenly she stabs it in the head. As the zombie fells on the ground, Sarah turns around and went to sit with the rest at the campfire. "Ok, I'm going to take a piss." Says Craig as he puts his bowl on the ground and stands up. "Eww, there are people that are still, eating." Says Jolene. "Sorry." Says Craig in an sarcastic way and went to pee.




It was the next morning, quite early still, Craig is patrolling, while Jolene helps Talia with the clothes. Birds are flying around, and it is very cloudy, with a few black cloud spots in the sky. The wind is also blowing. In Alexa's tent she is still sleeping like a rock under her warm blanket, while Mark holds her. Just next to Alexa's tent it is Sarah's and Nicole's tent, Nicole is sleeping like a baby as well as Sarah while she holds her tummy. Next to Sarah's tent it is Fabiana and Jolene's tent. On the other side of Alexa's tent it is Ethan, Susan's and Charli-April's tent. Next to their tent it is Peter and Connor's tent. In front of those four tents it is Miranda and Talia's tent, then it's Craig and Benny's tent and then it's Joshua and Kyle's tent.


While Alexa is sleeping, Mark wakes up and gives Alexa a kiss on her cheek. He stands up and he is just in shorts, no T-shirt. "Oh, goddamn" says Mark as he quickly stands up to put on a T-shirt and jacket. Suddenly while Mark is busy to put on his shoes, Alexa wakes up. She yawns and rubs over her eyes, and then she turns around to Mark. "Morning, babe." Says Alexa. "Morning, love, quick warning it's cold today, so just dress up warm" says Mark as he puts on his one shoe. "Thanks, mom, I'm sure I took would have taken note of that." Says Alexa and smiles. "Really? Mom?" asks Mark. "Yeah." Says Alexa. "I'm just being a gentleman that's all." Says Mark. "I know." Says Alexa. "You better," says Mark as he smiles and kiss Alexa. "So what are my wives plans for today?" asks Mark, as Sarah sits up straight. "Well, I told Miranda that we should maybe put another row of rope and cans, to make a second layer" says Alexa as she gets her jacket. "Is it because of what some of the people in the group said last night?" asks Mark, as Alexa puts on her boots. "I don't care about what three out of 17 people say, really." Says Alexa as she folds up the blanket on the bed. "So you don't care if they stay behind?" asks Mark. "No, if they thinks their safety are better to stay here, then they can stay here." Says Alexa. "But don't you always say that we should stay together?" asks Mark. Alexa sigs of frustration and says, "Yes, I do always say it, but for god sake…people are suppose to know in the apocalypse people should take care of their own safety, and if they think that they have safety here, then why am I going to stop them?". "But you as the leader is suppose to…" says Mark when Alexa interrupts. "Me as the leader are not people's minds, me as the leader take care of safety because that is what I'm think best, and if some thinks it is best, to risk their lives staying here than so be it." Says Alexa, with frustration in her voice. "Ok, well I'm only trying to help." Says Mark. Alexa sigs, and says: "I know, and I'm not mad at you, it's just sometimes it's hard of being the leader and controlling people's life, it's not who I was before, and it's still not me sometimes.". "Well, you don't have to be if you don't want to." Says Mark. "I know, but I am, because everyone are counting on me, to protect them." Says Alexa. "Hey, babe listen to me." Says Mark as he went closer to Alexa. "If you don't want to be the leader, you don't have to, they will understand." Says Mark. "I know, but for now, I will stick as the leader, but if I still don't want to be the leader, I will ask Miranda about it." Says Alexa. "Ok, if that is what you want to do, then I'm not going to stop you." Says Mark as he holds Alexa's hand. "Thank you." Says Alexa. "Of course, you know I'm always there for you." Says Mark and gives Alexa a kiss. "Well we should probably get going and start the day." Says Alexa as she stands up. "Yeah, we probably should." Says Mark. "Will you make sure the kids are awake?" asks Alexa. "Of course babe." Says Mark and walks to Sarah's and Nicole's tent to make sure their awake.




Sarah gives a big yawn and rubs over her eyes, as she wakes up. She looks at Nicole next to her that are sleeping like a baby. She just smiles and stands up, to get ready. She quickly put on some other clothes, and then she goes to Nicole to wake her up. "Hey sleepy head, it's time to wake up." Says Sarah as she shakes Nicole to wake her up. "Hi, Sarah." Says Nicole in a sleepy voice. "Did you slept well?" asks Sarah. "Like a baby." Says Nicole. "Yeah, it looked like it." Says Sarah with a smile. Nicole just giggles. "Just want to say you need put on a jacket when you get dresses, it's quit cold today." Says Sarah. "Thanks Sarah." Says Nicole. "Is the baby ok?" asks Nicole as she looks at Sarah's baby bum. "Yeah, the baby is fine, thanks Nicole." Says Sarah. "Ok." Says Nicole. "Are you happy to become a aunt?" asks Sarah. "Yesss, I'm so excited!' says Nicole with excitement in her voice. Sarah smiles of happiness and says, "That's all that matter, because you are going to be a wonderful aunt." Says Sarah. Suddenly they hear Mark's voice coming towards their tent. "You girls awake? And if you are can you I come in?" says Mark as he stands outside of Sarah and Nicole's tent.  "Yes dad you ca come in." says Sarah as she sits next to Nicole on the bed. "Oh both of you are awake, mornings." Says Mark as he enters the tent. "Morning dad." Says Sarah. "Morning daddy." Says Nicole right after Sarah. "Morning girls, you slept well?" asks Mark as he gives them a kiss on their head. "Yes, thanks dad." Says Sarah. "That's good, and are the baby still kicking?" asks Mark. "Yes, no problems yet." Says Sarah. "That's good." Says Mark as he sits next to them. "I just told Nicole to wear a jacket because it feels a bit cold today."  Says Sarah as she stares at Nicole. "Yeah, it is kind of cold today." Says Mark.  "Where's mommy?" asks Nicole. "Oh mommy is busy getting ready for the day, which you two should also begin to do, we have a lot of work to do" says Mark. "Well I'm done, let's leave Nicole alone to get dressed, then I can go and say hi to mom." Says Sarah as she stands up. "Yeah ok." Says Mark as he gets up as well. "We'll be outside, come join us when you're done, ok." Says Mark as he stands in front of the tent's door. "Ok, daddy." Says Nicole. So Sarah and Mark went outside so that Nicole can change. "Morning bro." says Ethan as he comes outside of his tent. "Oh morning Ethan." Says Mark as they close the tent's door. "Morning Susan" says Sarah as she comes outside of the tent with Charli-April in her arms. "Morning Sarah." Says Susan as she gives Sarah a hug. "Do you think a storm is coming or what?" asks Ethan for Mark. "I don't know, with these clouds anything is possible." Says Mark. "We'll I guess we are just going to have to see, what happens." Says Ethan. "Yeah, but why are you asking?" asks Mark. "No, because I wanted to come with you today when you go hunting, but I don't think we will go if it rains." Says Ethan. "No don't worry I'll ask Benny, and then we probably will go early today, before the storm starts." Says Mark. "Ok." Says Ethan.




It was about ten minutes later, everyone was starting with their tasks, Miranda and Alexa were doing the fences, Benny was helping Joshua to guard the place, Fabiana and Susan were helping Jolene with the food and drinks, while Mark and Ethan went hunting, before the storm hits. Craig was out with Peter to find gas for the cars at the Park.


"I think this second layer will help a lot, when grabbers come by." Says Miranda as she tightens the rope against the pilar. "Yeah, because if they come they will be trapped and have very less chance of falling over and getting in the camp." Says Alexa. "Exactly what I was thinking. Suddenly they hear lighting beginning to strike. "Ohw, looks like storm's coming." Says Miranda as she looks at the lightning in the clouds. "Yeah, so we better hurry." Says Alexa as she tightening the other side of the rope on around the other pilar. "Luckily the tents don't normally get so wet, unless it's like a fucking huge storm." Says Miranda. "Yeah, thank god for that." Says Alexa as she hear gnarls of a zombie heading towards them. "Ok let's quickly see how our fence are working." Says Alexa as she steps back. The zombie walks towards them until he was against the fence trying to get in. "Looks like it works." Says Alexa as she gives Miranda a high-five. After they gave each other a high-five Miranda takes out her knife and stabs the zombie in the head. Suddenly light raindrops starts to fall down. "Ok when it starts to rain harder we should all just go inside our tents." Says Alexa as she picks up the rope to start with the second side of the camp. "Yeah, no problem." Says Miranda. Suddenly a bunch of raindrops starts pouring on the ground, and it's raining like crazy, the wind are blowing, so that the fences start to rattle. "Everyone make sure there's nothing that can blow away, or fell over!" says Miranda. Suddenly all of them went to get down the clothing, and looking that it's safe.




It was just before the storm started. Craig stops the Volkswagen fan in front of 24Hour Rest Stop and Gas Station. "Well I guess this is it." Says Craig as he stops the engine and loosen his seatbelt. "This place looks fucking haunted, dude." Says Peter as he looks unsure to the gas station. "Yeah, well this is the end of the world, so…and besides this the only close gas station we have." Says Craig as he opens the door and gets out. So Peter did the same. "Here you go." Says Craig as he gives Peter two jerry cans to fill up with fuel. "Damn, looks like there's a ugly storm coming." Says Peter as he looks at the thunder. "Yeah, so we better not dilly Dallin, and just get what we need, and go back." Says Craig as he picks up two jerry cans as well, and closes the trunk. So Craig went to the cars on the left side of the station, while Peter went to the right side of the station, to get gasoline. The thunder is striking from a soft noise to a loud noise. Craig is busy to extract fuel from a blue pickup truck to fill his jerry can, while Peter fills up one of his jerry cans by extracting fuel from Toyota I7. While Craig fills up his jerry ca he suddenly hears a noise coming from the back of the gas station. He first ignores it, because he has more important things to do, but when the first jerry can was filled up, he hears the noise again. He puts up the cap of the can and put it down, and then he went to investigate silently so that Peter won't hear or see him.


On his way to investigate the noise he takes out his gun, just for in case. Suddenly crows in front of Craig sees him and flies away with a loud noise. "Son of a bitch" says Craig as he slightly jumps. Craig looks at the Crows flying away and then he went further to investigate the noise. Just when Craig turns around the corner, he sees a bunch of zombies eating two people. Craig gasps ad hides around the corner just before the zombie could see him. He slightly peeks around the corner just to see how many there are, but as he peeks around the corner a zombie turns around and looks at Craig. Craig quickly turns around just before the zombie could see him. Craig loads his gun, and peeks around the corner one more time, but just as he peeks around the corner the zombie was right in front of his face. "SHIT!" says Craig as he tries to aim for the zombie's head to shoot him, but just then another zombie on his left, grabs him, and tries to bite him on his arm. Craig struggles a bit to get loose, but he eventually just before the zombie got time to bite him, he kicks the zombie away from him. He quickly shoots the zombie in the head, and then he did the same to the zombie in front of him.


Peter is already busy to fill his second jerry can, when he hears the two gunshots goes off. Peter quickly turns around and look at Craig's side when he doesn't see him there. "Craig!" screams Peter to see where he is. "Peter help!" screams Craig from the back of the gas station. Suddenly Peter gets his lead pipe and runs to the back to help Craig. "Peter hurry!" yells Craig. Craig tripped after he fired the gunshots and now the zombies are all on top of him. "Get…the…fuck off…" says Craig as he tries to get the zombies off of him. "Oh, my god, Craig." Says Peter as he comes around the corner and sees the zombies on to of Craig. Peter quickly stabs to one zombie on his head, as Craig get the chance to get his gun, again. Craig shoots two of the zombies, and then he got up. Peter is continuing to stab some of the zombies in the head and Craig shooting some zombies, and it was not long and all of the zombies were dead. "Man," says Craig as he holds his knees to catch his breath again. "You ok?" asks Peter as he walks closer to Craig to check if he's ok. "Yeah, I'm fine." Says Craig. "You're not bit or anything, right?" asks Peter. "Peter, I said I'm fine." Says Craig as he put away his gun. "What the fuck where you thinking?" asks Peter. "I heard a noise coming from this side, and I thought it someone that might needed help, so I just came to look what it was." Says Craig. "Well, that was not part of the plan, the plan was we should get fuel, and get out of here, and that was exactly your words." Says Peter as he puts away his lead pipe. "Well, at least I want to help people." Says Craig when Peter interrupts him. "Yeah, and you could have died, if I didn't showed up in time.". "Yeah, but I didn't." says Craig as he puts his face closer to Peter's. "Well, if your so goddamn positive that you would have made that, then you shouldn't have called my name to help you." Says Peter, and walks away back to fill up Craig's last jerry can. Craig just sigs of madness and goes back to the front too.


"What the hell are you doing?" asks Craig as he sees Peter filling up the jerry can. "I'm filling your shit, which you were suppose to be doing, but instead you go and risk your life because you heard some fucking noise." Says Peter as he looks at Craig. "Like I said, at least I like helping people." Says Craig with an evil voice. "Listen…" says Peter as he puts on the cap of the can and puts it down on the ground. "Don't you ever tell me I don't like helping people, because YOU don't know a goddamn thing of who I am, and what I loke and don't like." Says Peter as he point his finger to Craig. "That's not what I said." Says Craig. "Oh my god…" says Peter with a sigh and laugh. "Grow the fuck up man, you're not a fucking a child." Says Peter. "Oh, really." Says Craig as it starts to rain. Both of them stands there in silence and looks at the rain. "We should probably go, back" says Peter. "I guess." Says Craig as the wind starts to blow like crazy. The street light are shaking as well as the power cable's. They both get their jerry guns and runs back to the fan. On their way to the fan they hear a very strange and strong noise up in the sky. It was the wind that was blowing so bad. As they look up in the sky they see the wind slowly starting to create a tornado. "Son of a bitch come on!" says Craig as he keeps running back to the fan. They quickly puts the jerry cans back in the fan when suddenly Craig waits patiently for Peter to finish. "What are standing around for? We gotta go." Says Peter as he closes the fan's door. "You are not coming with me." Says Craig as he pushes Peter away from the fan and then pushes him on the ground. As Craig quickly runs to the fan to drive away, Peter gets up and tries to catch Craig. Just before Craig got in he shoots shots at Peter to block him of catching him. So Craig quickly got in the fan and rives away. "Fuck you, you motherfucker!" screams Peter as he throws Craig the finger. Suddenly the thunder strikes again, but this time very loudly that one of the street light fells down. As soon as the street light felt down, Peter suddenly starts to run back to the Park, as fast as he can.




While Craig is driving he keeps looking at the tornado to see which way it is going, but it was heading the same way as where the Park is. "Shit." Says Craig as he starts to drive faster. On his way he sees from a distance, a person waving his hands and screaming to stop. Craig suddenly stops the car to see who it is, when he saw that it was Mark and Ethan. "Come on get in!" says Craig as he opens the door for them. Mark and Ethan quickly gets in, to get out of the strong wind. "Now that's what I call a miracle, thanks Craig." Says Ethan as he puts the shotgun on the ground. "Yeah, man thanks I don't think we would want to have to run so far." Says Mark. "No problem." Says Craig as he wants to keep on driving when Ethan suddenly stops him. "WAIT!" says Ethan as he looks through the back window. "What is it?" asks Craig. "It sees something. It looks like a person." Says Ethan. Craig just fronts as he realise that it is Peter. "Shit, it's Peter." Says Ethan as he quickly opens the door to help him get in the fan. "Peter, what the fuck are you doing out here?" asks Mark as he sees that Peter is wet and out of breath. "This motherfuck…" says Peter when Craig interrupts him. "This motherfucking tornado is heading right towards the Park. "What there's a tornado coming?" asks Mark. "Yeah, so we better hurry, to tell the others." Says Craig as he drives as fast as he can back to the Park, and looks at Peter and smiles.




The thunder is striking more and more, and the rain is pouring on the ground, and the wind is blowing crazy. "Are you sure, we shouldn't go and look for the other?" asks Connor. "We can't take that risk right now, because what if something goes wrong here?" asks Miranda. "Here's a lot of people to protect this if something happens, but if I need to go and find my two brothers, I will." Says Connor as he runs to the other car that is a Ford a 1998 model. "Mom?" asks Sarah as she looks for Alexa. "Sarah? What wrong? Where's your sister?" asks Alexa as she walks to Sarah. "She's with Susan, I wanted to see if everything's ok." Says Sarah. "Yes, why wouldn't anything be fine?" asks Alexa. "I don't I just didn't see you coming to the tents so I just wanted to see if you're ok." Says Sarah. "Oh, no we're fine I will be there right now." Says Alexa. "Mom where dad?" asks Sarah. "He still out, but I'm going to see if we can go and pick them up." Says Alexa. "I'm coming with you." Says Sarah as she walks with Alexa to the car. "No, Sarah stay with your sister, and Susan." Says Alexa as she stops Sarah from coming with her. "No, mom I want to help." Says Sarah. "Please, Sarah, listen to me. Just stay here just if something happens." Says Alexa. "Ok." Says Sarah with a sigh. Suddenly the fan comes around the corner, and Connor immediately climbs out of the other car. Suddenly Mark, Craig, Peter and Ethan climbs out, and runs to the group. "Oh, thank god you're ok." Says Connor as he sees Ethan coming towards him. "Honey, what's wrong?" asks Alexa as she hears Mark's stress in his voice. "There's a tornado coming, right now, towards the Park. " says Mark with serious voice. "Please tell me you're joking." Says Miranda as she walks to Mark. "No he's not lying, Miranda. We have to go." Says Craig. "Son of a bitch." Says Alexa as she turns around. "EVERYBODY GET YOUR STUFF AS QUICK AS YOU CAN, AND GET THE HELL IN A CAR. THERE'S A TORNADO COMING!" says Alexa to everyone at the group, to get out of there. Suddenly Alexa starts running to the tents when suddenly Talia screams as a zombie grabs her on her arm. "Oh shit, Talia!" says Benny as he runs to Talia to stab the zombie in the head. Suddenly there where about seven zombies at the fences. Suddenly Alexa shoots one of the zombies, when Mark wanted to help her too. "No, Mark go get our stuff so long, I'll be right there." Says Alexa as she with, Benny, Connor and Talia kills the zombies.




Charli-April is playing with a teddy bear while Nicole plays with her. Susan just sits there and talk to them and having fun, until the tent opens. "Babe, we have to go." Says Ethan as she runs inside the tent and starts packing some stuff. "Ethan what's going on?" asks Susan. "There's a tornado coming and we have to get out of here." Says Ethan as he continues packing. "Oh, ok." Says Susan as she gets up to help Ethan. Suddenly Sarah comes running in as well  and calls Nicole to go with her. So Nicole quickly runs with Sarah to their tent to get their things as well. "What should I do?" asks Nicole as Sarah starts packing. "Give me all your clothes, and toys so I can pack it." Says Sarah. "Ok." Says Nicole as she starts giving Sarah her stuff. "Hurry Nicole!" says Sarah. "I'm trying!" says Nicole. "I'm sorry we just need to hurry." Says Sarah. After a few minutes Alexa came to tell Sarah and Nicole that they should go. Sarah quickly picks up her and Nicole's suitcases and goes with Alexa to the cars. Everyone was already except for a few. On their way  they see the tornado that is about a mile away from them.


They finally where in front of the Park. Mark quickly throws their suitcases in the fan. While Craig puts his suitcase, as well as Miranda's, Benny and Ethan's. "Where are the rest?" asks Jolene. "Their still coming." Says Alexa. "Well they need to hurry." Says Jolene. "Where are we going?" asks Miranda. "To where we said we are going if this place falls, Los-Angeles." Says Alexa. "Ok, we'll follow you guys is that ok?" asks Miranda. "That's fine." Says Alexa. At this point the only people in the van was Susan with Charli-April, Peter, Connor, Sarah, Mark that is still loading suitcases, Fabiana and Nicole about to climb in, Alexa and Jolene as well. In the other car is, Miranda, Ethan, Craig, and Benny, and Talia is on her way. "Do you think Joshua and Kyle still staying?" asks Jolene. "I don't know." Says Alexa. Suddenly their hear the back fence breaks and sees that the tornado broke the fence. "We have to go!" says Alexa. Jolene quickly gets in the car. "Come one guys hurry!" says Alexa as Fabiana and Nicole are on their way to the fan. As they runs to the fan they see how the tents goes inside the tornado. "Ahhh!!!" screams Joshua as he goes inside the tornado. Not long after Talia and Kyle also went inside the tornado. "NOOO!!' says Miranda. Just when Fabiana and Nicole wanted to get to the fan a zombie came out of nowhere and grabs Nicole. "Nicole!!" says Fabiana as she wants to kill the zombie but then another zombie grabs Fabiana. And all of a sudden there where like twelve zombies inside the Park and a tornado. "No, Nicole!" says Alexa as she jumps out of the fan to help Nicole and Fabiana. While Fabiana tries to kill the zombies she sees how the tornado getting closer to Nicole. "NO, Nicole!" says Fabiana. "NICOLLLLEEEE!!!" screams Alexa as she suns to her to safe her, but at the same time the tornado are getting closer and closer.