Episode 6: Long road ahead.

The raindrops is pouring from the sky, thunder are striking, the wind are blowing and the enormous tornado are wiping out the Park. Fabiana is trying to kill the zombies that are trying to eat her, while Nicole is trying to get rid of the two zombie on top of her. Alexa is running as fast as she can to safe Nicole. "Nicole hold on!" yells Alexa as she passes Fabiana. "Son of a bitch!" says Miranda as she climbs out of the car to help them. Suddenly after Miranda climbs out, Ethan and Benny climbs out as well. "Why are you going to help them?" asks Craig, but no one notice that he is even talking. Mark also climbs out of the fan when suddenly a zombie grabs him on his arm. Mark was trying to get his gun out when Peter stabs the zombie in the head. "Thanks!" says Mark and went on running to safe Fabiana and Nicole. Miranda and Ethan started to help Fabiana, and Benny went to safe Nicole. Benny quickly shoots the zombies in the head, and picks up Nicole. Nicole is crying of fear. "Benny, thank god." Says Alexa as she takes Nicole. Suddenly a tree behind them falls down, while three other seventeen zombies approaches as well. "We have to go." Says Alexa, as she starts running back to the fan. "NO. You guys go, I'll keep them away." Says Benny as he loads his gun. "Benny what the hell are you doing?" asks Fabiana. "I'm saving you, go." Says Benny. "But the tornado will kill the zombies, Benny." Says Miranda. "You're wasting time, go." Says Benny. "Guys we have to go." Says Mark. Suddenly Miranda and Ethan runs back to the car, as well as Mark and Fabiana to the fan. Alexa doubted for a bit, when she also went back to the fan. She quickly gets inside the car, closes the door and tells Mark to start the fan."Hey, what is Benny doing?" asks Craig, as Miranda and Ethan gets in the car. "He's saving us." Says Miranda. "No, no, no, no. BENNY! COME BACK TO THE CAR YOU SON OF A BITCH. COME ON!" says Craig as he ties to convince Benny to come back. Benny looks at Craig and then he starts shooting at the zombies. "No! Benny!!" says Craig, when Miranda starts the car. "NOOOO!!!!" says Craig as the tornado drags Benny and the zombies inside of it, and while Mark and Miranda drives away just in time otherwise they would also be dead. "Nicole are you ok?" asks Alexa. "Yes." Says Nicole in a bit of a crying and sad voice still. "What's that blood on her?" asks Sarah. Alexa looks in shock at Nicole's arm that's bleeding. "Oh no, please tell me she not…" says Connor. "No, nothing bite me, I just scratches my arm when the grabber pushed me on the ground." Says Nicole. "Alexa?" asks Fabiana. "It looks like a scratch, it's not a bite." Says Alexa in relieve. "And you Fabiana? Are you ok?" asks Jolene. "I'm fine, they didn't got the chance to bite me." Says Fabiana. Suddenly Charli-April starts to cry. "Okay, sweetheart it's ok, shhh, hey it's ok." Says Susan as she holds Carli-April and make her calm. Sarah looks behind her to see if Miranda are following them, but then she also sees the tornado wiping out the whole park. "Just when we thought the dead aren't enough." Says Sarah as she sits back straight. "Yeah, we should just pull over to see if Craig is ok." Says Mark. "No, we should first pass the tornado, then we can pull over." Says Alexa. "How do we know that we are even going the right way?" asks Peter. "I have a map,  that Miranda gave me you don't have to worry, Peter." Says Mark as he shows Peter the map. "Ok." Says Peter. So they keep on driving in the rain back to Los-Angeles.



It is three ours later, and the storm has finally calmed down. Alexa and the rest are still driving where it's just a road and trees. "Ok, let's pull over, over here." Says Alexa. So Mark pulls over on the left side of the road, Miranda follow his lead, and pull over as well. Suddenly the fans doors open, and Alexa climbs out, as well as the rest. Suddenly Miranda opens her door as well and climbs out. "How is Craig doing?" asks Alexa. "He didn't really said anything since we left the park." Says Miranda. "Ok, I'm going to see if he's ok." Says Alexa. "Ok," says Miranda and went to the rest of the group. "Craig?" asks Alexa as she approaches the car. Craig looks mad and stares at the trees. "Hey, I'm sorry about Benny I…" says Alexa when Craig interrupts her. "You know my brother went out there to safe your child. He did it, because you couldn't fucking do it soon enough." Says Craig. "I was on my way to help her, and I did try to convince your brother to come with us, I told him the tornado will kill the grabber." Says Alexa. "Well teach your child to fucking look around her if she wants to life." Says Craig. "Listen they came out of nowhere, and if you lifted you ass out of the car and came to help us, you could have convince Benny to come with us, but no you decided to stay in the car, because you only worry about yourself and no one else." Says Alexa. "You don't fucking know me, so you are the last one to say something. If your fucking child hurried up her ass, this wouldn't have happened." Says Craig. "Listen to me, and listen carefully, because I'm only going to say this once. If you ever blame my 8 year old kid for still getting used of surviving this shitty world, I will fucking end you!" says Alexa in a mad voice. "Oh, I'm so scared. Bitchass." Says Craig. Alexa throws him the middle finger, and slams the door in his face.


"What's wrong?" asks Susan. "That son of a bitch is blaming my 8 year old daughter for his brother's death, and telling me if my child would just have hurried her ass up, Benny will still be alive." Says Alexa. "He is going to regret that very soon." Says Mark as he walks to the car. Suddenly Craig slams the door open and climbs out of the car. "If you have something to say to me, then come on, I'm right hear asshole." Says Craig as he waits for Mark to come to him. "Don't you ever dare talking about my children ever again, do you understand me." Says Mark as he is right in Craig's face. "What? You're mad because I'm telling the truth?" asks Craig. "Oh, come on, man. How can you give a little girl the blame of someone else death, if she didn't even did anything wrong?" asks Mark. "You're 'little girl' is old enough to know what she doing." Says Craig. "I can clearly see you never had kids, and definitely don't know how to work as kids as well." Says Mark. Craig just gives Mark and evil stare. "Hey little girl, you are responsible for my brother's death, do you hear me? DO YOU HEAR ME?" yells Craig at Nicole. "Hey, now you've crossed the line." Says Mark. Suddenly Nicole starts to cry and Sarah gives her a hug while she comforts her. "Oh really?" asks Craig, as he punches Mark in the face. "Mark!" says Peter, as he, Connor and Ethan runs to Craig to get him off of Mark. As they try to drag Craig away from Mark, he stands up and punches all three of them in the face as well. Nicole is still crying, and Sarah is covering Nicole's eyes so that she doesn't see the violence. "Craig STOP IT!" yells Miranda. "Fuck you, Miranda! Fuck ALL OF YOU!" screams Craig as he continues to hit Mark. Suddenly Alexa grabs Miranda's gun and points it at Craig. "Alexa, what are you doing?" asks Jolene. "I'm fucking ending this." Says Alexa as she pulls the trigger, and shoots Craig in the arm.


"Oww, shit!" says Craig as he fells on the ground and holds his arm to stop the bleeding. As soon as Craig felled down, Peter, Ethan and Connor stands up and start hitting Craig. Alexa quickly runs to Mark as well as Susan. "Honey, are you ok?" asks Alexa. "Listen this isn't the first time so yeah. I'm fine." Says Mark. "Poor you, you are always someone's punching bag." Says Susan, as Alexa pulls him up. "Yeah, well, I'm the last problem to worry about." Says Mark as he looks at Craig getting beaten up. "Guys that's enough." Says Alexa. Suddenly Connor gave him one more hit, and then they stand up. "You want us to tie him up?" asks Ethan. "If you can find something, to tie him up." Says Alexa. "I still have some rope of the fence, I'll show you." Says Miranda. "I'll get the bandages," says Alexa. "No I will, I think you need to talk to Nicole." Says Susan as she stands up with Charli-April. Mark has a broken nose, and a chipped lip, but Craig has a broken nose, a swollen black eye, a chipped lip and a bruise on his forehead. Alexa is walking towards Nicole, but she is still crying. Alexa asks Sarah how Nicole are feeling, by using her hands, but Sarah just shakes her head to say no. "Hey, baby." Says Alexa as she goes on her knees and touch Nicole's arm to talk to her. "Mommy, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Says Nicole while she snobs on her tears. "Hey come here." Says Alexa as she gives Nicole a hug. "Don't you ever believe what he said, it was not your fault, it was no one's fault, ok." Says Alexa while she gives Nicole a hug. "But what if it was?" asks Nicole. "No, it wasn't, Nicole, ok. It was not you're fault." Says Alexa. "Ok." Says Nicole as she snobs on her last few tears. Alexa gives Nicole another hug while she gets some tears.


"Ok, I just want to fix Mark up, before we go, if that's ok, with the rest of you." Says Alexa as she stands up, and rubs the tears off with her arm. "Of course" says Fabiana. "Craig won't be doing anything, I got him tied up to a  light pole." Says Ethan. "Ok, thank you." Says Alexa, as she went to Mark. Suddenly some zombies come out of the woods. "I got it." Says Fabiana with a sigh. She quickly stabs one of the zombies in the head, when Jolene stabs the other zombie in the head.

"God damn it, Mark." Says Alexa as she opens up the Med-Aid bag. "What?" asks Mark. "No I was just thinking like people like hitting you." Says Alexa. "Yeah it's like Susan said, I'm the punching bag." Says Mark. "Yeah, but your face is going to get serious damage if you keep getting hit in the face." Says Alexa. "Yeah, I should just be careful." Says Mark. "Yeah you should." Says Alexa, as she puts some alcohol on his bruises.




It was about 30 minutes later, after the fight, and Mark is now all patched up. Craig is still tied up to the light pole, and the group quickly went to take a pee while Alexa watched Craig, because she didn't had to do her business now. Alexa is standing there in silence looking around her with Miranda's gun she borrowed her just in case, while Craig just stares at Alexa. "So what's your plan?" asks Craig. "What the hell do you mean, Craig?" asks Alexa. "What are you going to do with me, you're going to leave me here, or what?" asks Craig. "I mind as well should." Says Alexa. Craig just smiles and laughs. "I told everyone back at the Park, to not choose you as leader, I warned them, and look where you took us as the leader!" says Craig. "Well, I'm very sorry that no one listened to you." Says Alexa in a sarcastic way. "You are going to destroy everyone of those people's life." Says Craig as he is slowly loosening the rope. "I'm only doing what I think the best is for the group." Says Alexa. "Yeah, well you are not thinking the right thing." Says Craig as he so close of coming loose. "Yeah, and would have done? Go somewhere a bit further away from the tornado without any plan, that is what a lazy ass leader will do." Says Alexa. "What was that?" asks Craig as he looks inside the woods. "It's probably the rest of the group." Says Alexa as she looks at the woods, while Craig quickly stand sup and sneaks up behind Alexa. "You don't have to worry about tha…" says Alexa when suddenly Craig hits her in the face, and fells on the ground. "Get the fuck off of me you asshole." Says Alexa as she tries to push Craig off of her. "Today is going to be the last day for you, bitch!" says Craig as he wants to push Alexa in the face, but just when he wanted to, a zombie on the left side grabs him on his arm. Craig looks at the zombie and shoots it in the head. As Craig looks at the zombie Alexa grabs he knife and stabs Craig in the stomach. "AHHH!" says Craig as he fells on the ground. "Fuck you, asshole." Says Alexa as she stabs Craig in the head repeatedly. Suddenly the group comes running out of the woods when they see Alexa stabbing Craig repeatedly in the head. "Alexa?" asks Fabiana, but doesn't gets a response from Alexa. So Fabiana quickly runs to Alexa and drags her away from Craig. "Get off me!" says Alexa as she wants to go back to Craig. "Alexa, he's gone, it's over. Ok. It's over." Says Fabiana. So Alexa stops and looks at the rest of the group. They have shock in their eyes, because they are trying to figure out what happened. "What happened?" asks Peter. "The son of a bitch got loose and jumped on me with a punch, luckily if it wasn't for the grabber, I could be dead." Says Alexa. "I'm sorry." Says Susan. "It's ok, he was just a problem in anyway." Says Alexa as she stands up. "Baby your head." Says Mark. "Yeah it's just a cut." Says Alexa as she touches her cut on her forehead. "Ok, we have to keep moving, the sooner we go, the sooner we will arrive at LA." Says Alexa as she hands Miranda her gun. "Oh, no you keep it, I have another one, that was Benny's." says Miranda as she shows Alexa to keep the gun. "You sure?" asks Alexa. "Of course." Says Miranda. "Thanks." Says Alexa as she went back to the fan. So they all went back to the cars and went on with their trip.




1 Day Later


It was one day later, and it was the evening. The group is at a little power facility, that has fences around it, so nothing from the outside can get to the inside. The men built a small fire to keep warm, and they are all just eating some canned spaghetti. "It's nice to just sit around a fire, and have a calm night, that is not in a car." Says Ethan as he takes a bite of his spaghetti. "Yeah, my back is sore of  the bloody seat of the fan." Says Sarah, as Nicole laughs at her. "Yeah, well being pregnant sucks sometimes, trust me. I was not so long ago pregnant." Says Susan and smiles. "No, it doesn't sucks for me at all, I'm very excited to have this baby." Says Sarah and eats her spaghetti. "Speaking of babies, have you decided on a name yet?" asks Jolene. "My dad asked me a few days ago, and I think I have." Says Sarah. "And?" asks Miranda. "Well if it's a boy, I will name him Ryan, my…" says Sarah and sigs. "My brother's second name. And if it's a girl I had an idea for Suzie." Says Sarah. "Oh, come on." Says Susan and rolls her eyes. "What?" asks Sarah. "You really want to name your baby after me?" asks Susan. "Yeah, it's just that you have meant so much to me in the past and still do, so that's why." Says Sarah. "You're so sweet, thanks Sarah." Says Susan as Sarah just smiles at her. "It's nice to name your baby after your brother." Says Alexa. "Yeah that's very sweet." Says Peter. "At least you will still kind of carry a part of him with you." Says Connor. "That's what I had in mind as well." Says Sarah. "I wish I could have met him, he sounded like a very nice kid." Says Fabiana. Mark and Alexa just have that sad silence in them. "Shit, sorry, I…I didn't meant to…" says Fabiana when Mark interrupts her. "It's ok. I think you two would have got along quite well." Says Mark. "Yeah." Says Alexa with a smile. "Still, I'm sorry." Says Fabiana. "Ok, anyway, where exactly are going when get to LA?" asks Ethan as he changes the subject. "I don't know yet, let's just first get to Los-Angeles, and then we can drive around and see what place is going to work for us." Says Alexa. "Ok, sure, we just keep in mind, that we only have enough fuel for about…let's say 13 more ours." Says Mark. "Ok, but will that be enough to get to LA?" asks Jolene. "Maybe, maybe not. But we should look if we can find some cars, or a gas station on the way just to make sure we have enough gas to get to LA." Says Mark. "Ok, we'll keep an eye out." Says Miranda. They all sat there for about two more minutes in silence and ate their spaghetti, when finally when everyone was done with their food, Fabiana stands up to take their empty cans. "Fabiana what are you doing?" asks Alexa. "No, I'm just going to throw them there in the corner, where nobody can see it." Says Fabiana. "You know it's really not necessary, Fabiana." Says Connor. "I know." Says Fabiana as she takes Connor's can. "Let me help you." Says Alexa as she stands up. "If you insists." Says Fabiana. "We should also probably get some sleep, because it's still a long road ahead for us." Says Miranda. "Yeah, we do." Says Susan, as she stands up with Charli-April.




It was very later that night, everyone was already asleep, except for Alexa that was lying on the blanket with Mark in front of the fire, with her eyes wide open. She sighs and turns around on her back, and rubs over her eyes. Suddenly Mark turns around and wakes up. "You're still awake?" asks Mark. "Yeah, I can't sleep." Says Alexa as she stares at the stars. "You feeling ok? You have a little bit of stress? What's wrong?" asks Mark. "I just…" says Alexa as she turns around and looks at Mark. "I still see Craig's death in my head, and I can just fucking forget about it." Says Alexa. "Why does Craig bother you, is it because he tried to kill you…?" asks Mark. "No it's not that. I keep thinking of how I killed him, and how kept on going without stopping." Says Alexa. "He was trying to hurt you, and would have hurt the group as well, and you only did the right thing." Says Mark. "I know, but…" says Alexa and sigh. "Nicole see me, Sarah saw me…they saw me destroying a human's brains, without stopping." Says Alexa in a sad voice. "Hey, but they understand that you only did it to protect them." Says Mark. "But what example am I showing them?" asks Alexa. Mark just sighs. "There are going to look at me as a monster, and then they are going to turn into a monster, because that's the example I'm showing them." Says Alexa. "Babe, the example you're showing them, is a survivor, someone that will do anything for the people they love and care about. So don't you feel bad because of it." Says Mark. "It's just…" says Alexa as Mark interrupts her. "'It's just…" nothing ok? Forget about it, you did the right thing, I know, they know it, as well as the rest of the group." Says Mark. "Thank you." Says Alexa. "Yeah, of course you need to forget about shit like that." Says Mark and gives Alexa a kiss. "Ok." Says Alexa with a smile and turns around. When Alexa turned around she closes her eyes and went to sleep.




"Mommy! Mommy wake up!" says Nicole as she pushes Alexa to wake up the next morning. Alexa opens her eyes, rubs over her eyes, and looks at Nicole. "Morning, honey." Says Alexa as she stands up. "Hi mommy." Says Nicole. Alexa rubs over her eyes again, when suddenly Mark stands next to her and talk. "Oh, you're awake, we almost left you here." Says Mark as he picks up his pillows. Alexa just stares at him. "It's just a joke." Says Mark as he stands up. "I know, but why do you just suddenly starts talking next to someone?" asks Alexa. "Sorry, I thought you saw me." Says Mark. "It's ok. Hi" says Alexa as she gives Mark a kiss. "Did you slept better after we talk?" asks Mark. "Yeah, you always know how to talk something out of someone's memories." Says Alexa and smiles. "I know." Says Mark and laughs. "Hi mom," says Sarah walking towards Alexa while she rubs over her baby bump. "Hi, sweetie. Did you slept well?" asks Alexa as she stands up. "Yeah, I did, my back is still a bit sore, but otherwise I'm fine. And you?" asks Sarah as she hug Alexa. "Yeah, I did thanks." Says Alexa. "Yeah, it's actually the first time I see mom sleeping the longest off us all." Says Sarah. "No you're wrong, this one is the winner." Says Susan as she comes from behind them with Charli-April in her arms. "Ok, ok fair enough." Says Sarah and laugh. "Are we all ready to go?" asks Alexa. "Yes, we are. We are just quickly getting our stuff, and when you are awake we can go." Says Susan. "Ok, sure, I'm ready when you guys are." Says Alexa. Susan nods her Head and went back to pack her stuff.


A few minutes later, everyone was ready to go, and they were all just quickly standing around while they discuss a few things. "Ok, so first thing I want to talk about is, who's is going to drive what today, for our last trip?" asks Alexa. "I already talked to Mark, and I will drive the van." Says Peter. "I will drive the car then if that's ok with Miranda." Says Connor. "Of course I don't care." Says Miranda. "Ok then also remember to look for cars that still looks in ok shape, because we can use their gas, fill up our, when we need to." Says Alexa. "Ok, will do." Says Susan. "I think if it's safe, we can stop at the highway, and look there for some gas, and even supplies, because we are going to pass highway today." Says Alexa. "We can stop in anyway, and have a few people on the lookout just for in case." Says Ethan. "Ok, we can do that." Says Alexa. "Ok, so is everything sorted? Or do you still wanted to say something?" asks Jolene. "No, I'm fine. Did any of you guys still want to stay something?" asks Alexa. The rest of the group shakes their heads, and they all got their stuff and went to climb in the cars. In the van it is Peter, Mark, Nicole, Sarah, Alexa, Fabiana, Ethan, Susan and Charli-April. In the car it is Connor, Miranda and Jolene. After they got in the cars, Peter started the van and Connor started the car, and they went on with their trip, back to Los-Angeles.




The group has been driving for about an hour, and are now on the highway, but no cars is do far to be seen. "Is kind of strange, that we haven't seen any cars yet." Says Ethan. "Yeah, as far I'm concerned a lot of people tried to head out of the city, when the shit hit the fan, so it is a bit strange." Says Fabiana as she looks at the empty roads. "As long as it doesn't mean that something terrible is waiting for us at the other side, we'll be fine." Says Alexa. They sat there for about a minute in silence when suddenly one of the van's tires pops, and the van started sliding on the road. "Shit! Hold on!" says Peter as he tries his best not to roll the van. It wasn't long when Peter got control over the van again and stopped in the middle of the highway. "Son of a bitch!" says Peter out of breath. "What the hell was that?" asks Susan as she holds Charli-April tight against her. "I don't know, but one of the tires definitely popped." Says Peter. "Goddammit." Says Ethan. "Ok, let's see what we can do, everybody just keep you eyes peeled." Says Alexa as she opens the van's door.


"What happened?" asks Connor as the group and the three of them climbs out of the cars. "We hit something, we going to need a new tire." Says Mark. "Shit." Says Connor. "Are you guys ok?" asks Miranda. "Yeah, we're fine. This is just exactly what I didn't wanted to happened." Says Alexa. "Alexa it's not you're fault" says Alexa. "Still, we shouldn't waste time." Says Alexa. "Well, we're gonna need to find a new tire." Says Jolene as she looks at the flat tire. "No shit, Jolene." Says Peter. Jolene stands in guilty silence. "Ok, so here's the plan. Peter, Ethan, Fabiana and I will go look for a tire, and some gas, while the rest of you stay here and have a lookout for if something happens." Says Alexa. "Ok, on it" says Connor as he gets his bow and arrows ready and went to secure the area.




"Why did you ask me to come with you?" asks Fabiana, as she, Alexa, Peter and Ethan walks further on the highway, looking for cars. "I wanted to bond with you a bit. Should I have asked someone else?" asks Alexa. "No, not at all, I love it, just don't know why you asked me." Says Fabiana. "You're part of us now, so of course I would want to bond with will all of you, when I have the chance." Says Alexa. "Yeah, I really don't mind hanging out for with you." Says Fabiana. The four of them kept on walking and talking for about one more minute when they finally comes across a car. Peter looks through the window to see if any zombies were inside, but there weren't. He slowly opens the door and then check if the car's engine will start. "Goddammit." Says Peter. "I am going to assume that it's bad news." Says Alexa. "Yeah the goddamn fuel is empty and there is no battery in this car." Says Peter. "Well, that must be sign." Says Fabiana. "A sign of what?" asks Peter out of frustration. "There must be cars up ahead, because this cannot be the only car on the highway." Says Fabiana. "Fabiana is right. The people would have tried to escape the city when it started to fall, so there must be something ahead." Says Ethan. "Well, let's go then." Says Alexa, as she starts to walk further on.




A few minutes later while they still haven't found any cars, Alexa, Fabiana, Peter and Ethan just had some fun, talking nonsense.

"Remember the first time we met you and Mark, and I shot your tire?" asks Ethan. "Yeah, I was so pissed at you for doing that, I was really on the point to hit you, but luckily Mark stopped me." Says Peter. "Yeah, but I'm glad we stuck together." Says Ethan. "Yeah, and then we still needed to find a tire for my car." Says Peter. "Yeah, and then I also went with you." Says Ethan. "Yeah, you're right." Says Peter. "Yeah, I'm glad you guys are with us, and besides if it wasn't for you, Susan would still have been lonely right now." Says Alexa. "Yeah, that's true." Says Ethan. "Do you guys know when you guys want to get married?" asks Fabiana. "Well, Susan and I talked about it, and we thought it is the apocalypse indeed, so we see if we're back in LA." Says Ethan. "I'm happy for you guys." Says Fabiana. "Gracias." Says Ethan.

As they walk Peter stops and stares in front of him. "Son of a bitch" says Ethan as the three of them stops as well. The highway in front of them were packed with cars. "See, what did we told you, Peter?" says Fabiana. "Ok guys, Fabiana and I will go look for gas, and then Peter you and Ethan go look for a tire?" asks Alexa. "Yeah no problem." Says Ethan. "Ok, stick together and if you see any supplies that you can take without a risk, take it as well." Says Alexa, and they split up and went to do their chores.




Connor is standing at the south side of the road securing the group, with his bow and arrows, while Mark secures the north side of the road. Jolene is sitting with Miranda, Sarah, Nicole, Charli-April and Susan, talking.

"You saw anything yet?" asks Miranda as Connor keeps securing the road. "No, it seems quiet, you definitely would have heard something by now, if it weren't quiet." Says Connor. Miranda smiles, and go and stands next to him. "I really do think going to Los-Angeles is a good idea, I mean I doubted it at first, but Alexa is the leader, and I think she knows what she doing." Says Miranda. "Yeah, for a doctor she definitely knows what she's doing." Says Connor, and the two of them kept on talking.




Alexa is busy filling up the jerry can with one of the cars on the highway's fuel, while Fabiana holds a shotgun looking out for anything that can kill them. "It's strange that it's so quiet out here" says Fabiana as she looks around her. "Yeah, so there must be a bigger chance that shit can hit the fan." Says Alexa, as she continue to fill the jerry can. "Yeah, probably" says Fabiana. "Just keep a lookout." Says Alexa. "I am, don't worry." Says Fabiana. A few seconds later, Alexa puts the tap on the jerry can, and stands up. "Ok, this one is full, now it's your turn." Says Alexa. "Ok, let's see." Says Fabiana, as she goes to the next car in front of the one Alexa used. Fabiana opens the car door slowly, she gets in and open the gas tank. So the same routine was for Fabiana, Alexa looks out for zombies while Fabiana fills the jerry can.




Ethan and Peter are walking around with their weapons in their hands, looking for the right tire that will fit the van's. "What about this one?" asks Peter as they pass a Ford Ranger Pickup Truck. "Let's see, and let's hope the size is right." Says Ethan as he kneels down and start loosening the screws. While Ethan does that, Peter looks at the car behind him to see if there's any supplies. "What do you see?" asks Ethan. "Not much, the windows are to rusty, but I will see if I can make a plan." Says Peter. "Just be careful." Says Ethan. "Of course I will." Says Peter. So Peter rubs his hand on the window to look through. Just as Peter rubs his hand on the window, a zombie from the inside slams on the window. "Shit!" says Peter. "What's wrong?" asks Ethan. "Nothing, we just have a little visitor" says Peter as he slowly opens the door. As Peter opens the door the zombie keeps stretching his arm trying to grab Peter, but it can't do much, because it's trapped by the seatbelt. Peter immediately stabs the zombie in the head with his lead pipe, and loosen the seatbelt, and throw it outside. Peter climbs in the car and start searching the car. He first looks in the sun visor, but only finds a family photo of the zombie. On the photo it's the zombie as a woman with her two children. And with the photo he finds her ID as well.


Name: Amanda

Full name: Amanda Easter

Last name: Peerson

Sex: Female

Date of birth: 1978-07-21

ID due date: 2025-09-01

ID number: 379214770321

Signature: ÆPeerson


"Amanda Easter Peerson…hm, strange name, but ok." Says Peter as he throws her photo and ID out of the car. Secondly Peter searches the glove compartment, and only finds some cigarettes, a hundred dollars, and some information about the car. Peter then pushes the button to open the trunk of the car to see what's inside the trunk, but while Peter are still in the car a zombie from the back of the car sits up straight and grabs Peter over his neck. "Oh shit, Ethan need some help, please." Says Peter as he tries to keep the zombie away from his neck. Ethan immediately leaves everything that his busy with and go and help Peter. Ethan was ready to shoot the zombie, but then Peter stops him. "No, use my pipe, no need to draw more attention." Says Peter as he shows Ethan where his lead pipe is. "Ok, try to push the grabber away from you so that I can get a clear hit." Says Ethan as he gets in position to kill the zombie. Peter sits a few seconds in doubt, but then suddenly he knock the zombie with his head and gets it off of him. Peter quickly gets away, and when the zombie got up again, Ethan stabbed him in the head. "God…that was close" says Peter out of breath. "Yeah, that was." Says Ethan as he gives Peter back his lead pipe. "Thanks." Says Peter. "Yeah, no problem." Says Ethan and gets out of the car. "How long will you still be?" asks Peter as he gets out of the car as well. "I'm about done." Says Ethan as he pick up the tire. "Will it fit the van?" asks Peter. "Yip, I'm positive that it will." Says Ethan. "Oh, thank god." Says Peter, and walks to the trunk. "Hey what are you doing?" asks Ethan. "I'm just quickly going to see if there's ANYTHING useful in this car." Says Peter as he starts to search the trunk. "Do you need help?" asks Ethan. "No I got it." Says Peter. Just when Peter starts to search the trunk he sees a small cooler box in front of him. He opens it and sees some useful supplies. "Holy shit." Says Peter. "What did you find?" asks Ethan. "Found some beer, and some energy bars and one fucking lemon." Says Peter. "Ok, well at least there's something for the kids to eat." Says Ethan. "Yeah, and we got some beer to celebrate when we're back in LA." Says Peter as he takes the cooler box and closes the trunk. "Yeah, thank god." Says Ethan with a laugh when he suddenly looks in front of him in shock. "What?" asks Peter as he looks behind him. "Oh shit." Says Peter as he sees a big herd of zombies approaching them. "Son of a bitch, we gotta go." Says Ethan as they starts to run, back to Alexa and Fabiana.




"All right, this one is full and ready to go." Says Fabiana, as she puts the tap on the jerry can. "Good, now let's see if we can find anything useful in one of these cars." Says Alexa as she turns around and begin to look with Fabiana in the car she just took the fuel from. Alexa went to look in the trunk, and Fabiana inside the car. "You see anything we can use?" asks Alexa. "No just an empty cooler bag, and you?" asks Fabiana. "No I just see pillows, and blankets, and we have enough of them." Says Alexa. "Oh yeah we do." Says Fabiana as she come and stands next to Alexa. Suddenly the two of them hear someone screaming. "ALEXA!!" the voice screams. Alexa looks at Fabiana and then back to where the scream comes from. "PETER IS THAT YOU!!?" asks Alexa. "Yes, we have to go!" says Peter as they finally got to Alexa and Fabiana. "Why?" asks Alexa. "There's a herd coming." Says Ethan. "Son of a bitch. Ok, come on!" says Alexa with a sigh and they start running back to the group.


"Ethan you found the right tire, right?" asks Alexa as the run back to the group. "Yes, I did." Says Ethan. "How much would you need to put it on the van?" asks Alexa. "About two minutes." Says Ethan. "Ok." Says Alexa. "Guys, they're coming." Says Fabiana as she sees the herd following them back to the group.




"Why are they taking so long?" asks Jolene while all of them are standing outside waiting for Alexa and the rest to come back. "I don't know." Says Susan. "Well, are they ok?" asks Jolene. "We would definitely have heard something already, if they weren't." says Mark. "Ok." Says Jolene with a sigh. "Uh…guys." Says Miranda as she shows the group something. It was Alexa and the rest running as fast as they can back to them. "Babe are you ok?" asks Mark. "Get your weapons ready, we have herd coming." Says Alexa as they stop at the group. "Oh shit." Says Miranda as she starts to load her gun. "Sarah?" asks Alexa. "Yes, mom?" asks Sarah. "There's a gun inside the van next to my bag, grab it and come help us." Says Alexa. "Ok." Says Sarah. "Oh, and take the kids with you." Says Alexa. "Ok, come on Nicole." Says Sarah. So she grabs Charli-April and went to the van.

"Ok Nicole, keep Charli-April and do NOT move from this seat, ok?" says Sarah as she gets the gun. "Ok." Says Nicole as she holds Charli-April. Sarah nods her head, closes the van's door and went to help her mother.

"Peter come help me with the tire please!" asks Ethan as he runs to change the van's tire. "I got you." Says Peter as he went to help Ethan. "Ok, everybody get ready, and be careful!" says Alexa as they get in position. "You got it." Says Connor as he gets an arrow. It was just a few seconds and the herd was in sight for them to start shooting. Alexa takes the first shot, and suddenly after her, Mark, Miranda, Sarah and Mark also starts to shoot. Connor aims for the one zombie on the right, and then he shoots the arrow right in it's head. As soon as Connor shot the arrow, Jolene, Fabiana and Susan also started shooting. And then the whole group was shooting at the herd while Ethan and Peter change the van's tire.