WebNovelAnna annA40.00%

My Reflection

Anna screamed, the strange being screamed both screamed in the middle of the empty loft for what felt like an eternity. In reality, after 30 seconds, Anna reached out to touch the person in front of her. She felt real, she felt like it wasn't just in Anna's imagination and when she spoke she certainly sounded real enough.

'Wow that was weird' the person said. Anna was startled, 'who are you? W w what are you?'.

The person stood before her took a step towards Anna, Anna jumped back hesitant of the persons next move. But rather than move towards Anna she simply walked in wonder around the room. Anna repeated her question 'who are you'. This time the stranger replied 'I'm annA of course' Anna was shocked 'ok you are just my imagination and clearly I am going to wake up in a minute'. Anna pinched herself in order to wake herself up but she was awake and this individual was very much still there. Before Anna could ask any more questions annA marched to the door and headed toward the stairs.

Precisely at that moment she heard her mothers car pull into the driveway.

Before Anna could stop the strange visitor she was already at the bottom of the stairs as Anna's mother entered the hallway. Her mother was a tall brunette lady who was always most comfy in jeans and hoodies much like Anna. She had her arms full of the grocery shopping and urged the mirror image of Anna to help with the load 'don't just stand there grab a bag'. Anna hesitated on the stairs above, her mother believed this stranger was her! The stranger completely unobliging headed in the lounge investigating matters further. Anna's mother shouted through 'thanks Anna, I'll remember that when you want something from me'. Anna hesitated, should she tell her mother, this isn't her, she was here and willing to help, but she didn't want to worry her mother before she understood actually what was going on. So as her mother headed back out to the car Anna sought out the stranger in the lounge.

annA was looking at the photo frames which had been scattered on the mantel piece. images of Anna when she was at her old school. Anna asked again 'who are you' and was not sure what to make of the response 'your reflection'.