WebNovelAnna annA80.00%

Not so invisible

annA left the bedroom and decided to take a look downstairs. Anna's mum was still in the kitchen and the glass in the lounge had been cleared up and the frame removed.

annA walked through the lounge into the rear of the property.

The dining area connected the living room and the kitchen, and the air was filled with the smell of the home cooked food that was stood on the stove. annA could hear Anna's mother humming a tune as she slammed and banged pots in the kitchen. annA wondered what it would be like to have a mother. For as long as she remembered her teachers had cared and looked after annA. She didn't even know if her kind even had parents. annA was deep in thought, as she circled the dining area lost in thought about what her parents would be like if she dod have them. Running her hand along the wall, feeling the texture of the wallpaper as it hung boldly on the dining room wall, lost in deep thought, annA didn't

hear Anna's mother enter the room.

'Now what are you doing' Anna's mother questioned. annA looked over her shoulder, to see who tall, blond haired woman was referring to. But no one was there, no one except her. Her mother can see her, oh no this was not good, not good at all.

annA took a breath, trying to think how to respond but before any words could be formed, Mrs Rose continued to speak ' I know its hard Anna, its hard for everyone, moving from our house, leaving our friends and having to stat afresh, but I need you to get in board. I need you to embrace the situation and realise the anger and sadness you are feeling right now, won't be around forever'. annA froze, she was never told that this could happen. The teachers always made her believe only her chosen one would be able to see her she hadn't prepared for any other person to see her. She believed she would be hidden and out of sight. Now what was she supposed to do ?

annA nodded and tried not to speak. She was frightened in case her voice gave her away. If she was discovered she may never be able to finish her task and may never return home. She was so excited to get an opportunity to help she hadn't taken the time to consider that this could happen, and if it could happen, what she had to do to protect her and her chosen one.

annA started to back away from Mrs Rose; in times of uncertainty her answer was to always flee. Her eyes locked onto Mrs Rose, begging for her to walk away but the opposite was taking place, Mrs Rose was heading towards her. annA continued to step backwards she stumbled as she caught the doorway between the dining area and lounge. It hurt annA's arm but not as much as the pain if she got caught. 'Anna stop moving and talk to me, you are being ridiculous' Anna's mother pleaded. annA stuttered trying to find the words to respond but her head would only shake, shake in disbelief that she would be found out.

annA's mouth began to move as she searches for the words when, without warning, a loud screaming alarm broke the fear. The smoke alarm from kitchen broke the intensity of the moment and distracted Anna's mother long enough for annA to escape and head back to the safety of Anna's room.

annA slammed the bedroom door as she heard Mrs Rose fight with the smoke alarm downstairs. The loud piercing noise certainly wouldn't allow anyone to sleep through thats for sure.

Anna was laid on the bed still in the same position as when annA left. With a pillow over her head reciting rather loudly it was just a dream and things weren't true and she will soon wake up.

The slam of the bedroom door broke Anna from her brooding and made her pay attention.

'We have an issue' annA panted, Anna's eyes lifted from the pillow and bore into annA. 'What possibly could be more problematic than you being here'.