WebNovelAnna annA70.00%

What is going on

Anna couldn't believe what she was watching, it was like being in a comedy sketch, where the clowns throw paint at one another to make the audience laugh. This, however, was no sketch and certainly no one was laughing. Anna's shouts were so loud her mother dashed upstairs to see what the problem was. Anna just sat and stared helplessly from her bed and annA continued her wilful destruction.

Anna's mother charged into the room, her face indicated her feelings of the situation. Anna's mum was livid. All she could see was the sheer mess on the walls. Paint splattered in no sense of order just thrown onto the wall like an angry rage.

Anna was sat on the bed with the paint can by her feet. Her mother had no idea what would possess her to do such a thing. 'What on earth have you done?' her mother exclaimed. Anna stood and headed towards her mother 'it wasn't me, it.. it .. it was her' Anna turned towards annA who stood between her mother and the full length mirror in her room. Her mother just stared straight through the stranger in the room. Straight to the reflection of Anna in the mirror.

'Anna, I know you were not happy with coming here, but this is not the way to deal with things'. The disappointment in her mothers voice was enough to break Anna. She was confused as to why her mother could not see this person before her and how her mother could possibly believe she would do something so childish and wrong.

Anna's mother left the room before she did something which she later would regret. Anna had learnt long ago, her mother would remove herself from a situation rather than explode and lose all self control. The silent treatment was enough to let Anna know her mothers feelings.

After her mother left the room, Anna stared at the stranger before her. 'Who are you, why are you doing this'. annA stood towards Anna. I am annA, everything you want to be and more. I am here to share everything you want to do'.

Anna was confused, she had never asked for any of this and certainly not for a person who looked like her but could not be seen by her. Anna needed to know more about this person.

'What do you want annA, why are you here?' Anna asked far more heightened than she had intended to sound.

annA thought quite pensive of the question, i'm here to help of course'. At this retort Anna exploded, help, help, this thing had been here for less than an hour and had already smashed the antique mirror, broken the picture downstairs and redecorated her bedroom in such a fashion her bedroom walls looked far more fittings for a Pollock exhibition than her bedroom wall.

Anna took a deep breath before speaking again. 'You need to leave, wherever you came from, go back, please'. Anna's eyes pleaded at annA who just grinned. 'I'm here now and I have a job to do. There are so many things you do not like about your world and I am here to fix them'.

Anna was more confused than ever now. Theres a lot of things that she doesn't like but was fairly certain they didn't need to be fixed.