WebNovelAnna annA60.00%

I am here

annA is beginning to feel a bit dizzy watching Anna as she paces back and forth around her plain and simple room. The attempt to create colour to the room with throws and cushions did not hide the bland magnolia walls. If annA was choosing accessories for this room she would ensure pictures are hung on the walls rather than the smalls frames scattered on the freestanding furniture.

Its quite humorous to watch her getting all agitated at the fact she broke the picture frame downstairs. Its a simple solution she doesn't like it so just get rid of it. Its not the first time Anna has been frustrated.

annA was here to support Anna to show her how to get things done. Not to deell on matters and let them burn you inside but to deal with them head on.

She wasn't entirely sure herself how she came alive from the mirror but the moment the glass broke she saw it as her opportunity to stand alongside Anna. Sitting on her shoulder just wasnt cutting it anymore. Anna would easily ignore annA's advice that she whispered inside her head. For example, the day they left Halton, annA told Anna to phone Harry Jones and tell him she was leaving, but no, Anna wouldn't listen. She now spent the last 4 weeks wondering what they would have said to one another had she just picked up the phone. Now annA was here she would have to sort that. For months she had watched as the two became good friends and spent more and more time together she couldn't understand how Anna could be so wet when it came to things so simple as telling someone you like them.

annA had never made it to human form before, she'd heard it was possible but whenever she tried to find out how, her teachers would always say you'll know when its time. Then, just like that, with smash of the glass, here she was. Her beings inner thoughts, stood before her.

She knows she isn't supposed to tell her being exactly what she is but is supposed to wait until her being works it out for herself. In the meantime, annA has the task of showing her being how to think for herself and to get along in this crazy world they call Earth.

annA had no idea where to start, but what she did know was that the bland magnolia wall had to go. annA spotted Anna's crafts which she had set up on her work desk beside the window; a large paint tin revealed the hottest pink and sat beside a paintbrush just waiting to be used. Without further thought, annA picked up the brush and began to flick the paint against the bare walls. Splashing colour across the room but it never hit the carpet. The paint only ever landed where annA had intended for it to hit. annA was busy making the wall look far more inviting she hadn't realised Anna was stood screaming for annA to stop.