I wanted to see her


The party was going on smoothly, I sat down at the quiet part of the hall like I usually do. Then suddenly there was a gun shot , followed by other gun shots. My security cleared the way and guide me safely to the car.

The driver started the car just in time for a lady who walked as though she was lost got in the way and we knock her down. The driver stop and they rush her to the other car. Watching from the review mirror I recognize the lady. She was one of the students who never bothers taking pictures when I was in class.

What was she doing in the VIP entrance? I wondered. The security men took her to the hospital. While I went home.

The next morning I woke up and asked my driver how the lady was doing. he said the doctor confirm that she was out of danger and would regain consciousness soon hopeful.

Which hospital was she taken to? I asked. Central he replied. Take me there I said.

Sir… he replied

I knew he was shocked, I have not cared about anything or anyone for the past two years. It was so unlike me to even ask after her or even want to visit her myself.

Have you gone deaf or tired of your job? I asked looking very angry. No sir he replied and started leading the way to the car.

I have no idea why I wanted to see her but I was worried all night about her, which was strange. I sat down at the back sit thinking about the past two years. I have gradually become the weir} d one among the CREW. I used to be so friendly and nice, I am still a nice person I don't just show that part of me anymore and all this changed because of Ammy.

I meet Ammy in my second year in Mount Wings, don't get confused, she was not a student but a cleaner. I was the only student who was taken a major in both creative writing and music. My parents made it happen. Mum with the support of Dad bought Mount Wings to make it happen.

Mum has inherit one of her family business in the entertainment industry. She is currently the CEO of Prime entertainment, which is one of the big names in the industry.

I know she only agreed with me going into music because that was the only way she can get me into the industry. Dad on the other hand was a business man.

The only thing I benefit as the only son of a Billionaire was his money and connection. He was never at home and having my time is a great gift I get once a Blue Moon. He was too busy with work and when he was not working, he was a womanizer. He basically have too many women in is life. Mum was just a truphy wife and she has learnt to accept that fact. I look at my mum and I knew the things my Dad did hurts her but she loved him so she stayed with him. Even when he was not with her.

I did not want to be that kind of man, I wanted to be different. Anyway I and the rest meet and started the CREW which was a huge success. Mount Wings was ready to promote us, very few people knew that my mum now owned the school and my Dad was willing to spend as much money as it took. By the end of our first year in Mount Wings we were celebrities. What do you expect, we were four rice kids.

Carl and the rest where womanizers they went out with different ladies and did as they pleased. I was different I was not ready to become my Dad. Mum was our manager and she kept telling me she was proud that I did not take the same step as my father or the Other CREW. I wanted just one woman, one special woman not have random partners and live a loosed life like my Dad. I did not want to be that kind of father or husband.

I always saw Ammy standing outside the music class during lectures. She walked away as quickly as she could once she heard any foot step. She looked beautiful even in her un-kept state. So I walked quietly to her one day and caught her before she heard my steps or think of running away. I have always wondered why she stood outside the classroom.

Why are you always standing out here? I asked. She bent her head and refuse to look at me.

I looked at her and I noticed she was scared that I caught her but I meant no harm. I was just curious why a young lady like herself, who should be in school is a cleaner. Knowing that she may not answer me and run away I decided to use a little threat. Or would you like to talk to the management instead I said innocently.

Am sorry, is just that I love music so much but I can't afford Mount Wings or any other school she replied. I could see the tears that dropped down her eyes and I am sure she was scared that I will report her. I some how felt bad with the way I treated her. So I smiled at her and told her to stop crying I was not going to say anything to anyone.

I saw her take a quick breath of relief. So I walked passed her into the class. After that day I did not see her standing outside again and it made me feel bad. I knid of missed her trying to run away anytime I was coming to join the music class and I did not know how to find her.

Two weeks after that I was practicing alone in the music room, when a cleaner walk in.

Good morning sir she said without looking at me. I nod my head without lifting up my head. I knew she was there to clean. so I asked if she can do that later. She agreed and was walking out when I raised my head and notice it was the same girl that usually stand outside the music room so without giving it much thought. Excuse me I said and she stop and turn around.

Now that we were looking at each other, I was not sure of what to say to her. She was putting on the cleaners wear which I see on ever other cleaner everyday but she was looking very beautiful in it.

Can I help you sir? she asked.

Not really, you are the one that usually stands outside music class right? I aske.

Yes sir but I promise ever since that day, I have not stood there again and I concentrate in my job she said. Her face seemed like she was still scared I will report her. Especially since I was able to recognize her.

Calm down, I have no plans of reporting. You said you like music? I asked her and she nod her head. Can you sing me a song? I asked. I had no idea why I asked her to sing but the words were already out and I could not take them back.

She looked suprise by my request. It nothing special is just that since you said you liked music I conclude that you could sing, can you,? I asked. Acting like I did not really notice the awkwardness in my request.

She pause for a few seconds before saying I could try. I nod my head, ready when you are I said. She took a deep breath then after a brief pause she started singing. She had such a beautiful voice and I am sure she got the talent.

That was how we become friends. She always joined me in the music room when I was alone and I gave her some music lessons so she would not have to stand at the door to get them. We had so many things in common and we got alone perfectly. Maybe too perfectly now that I think about it.

In no time we started dating but she refused to meet the rest of the CREW. It was totally her idea to keep the relationship a secret. She feared that my friends will think she was not good enough for me. I could understand her inscurity so I agreed to it and hope she got comfortable about the relationship. I loved her and I thought she loved me too.