That guy seems to be looking for someone


I opened my eyes and found myself in a bed. I looked around me and realize I must be in a hospital. I could see a male figure standing at the end of the hospital room, talking over the phone. When he was done he turned around. To say I was surprise is an understatement. I mean it was Ray that was standing in front of me, in my hospital room. Ah! I don't mind being in the hospital, if I will wake up to pleasant surprise like this.

I Pitched myself and blink my eyes twice to be sure I was not hallucinating or dreaming but he was really there. I remember what happened last night as soon as he told me I got knocked down by a car. I was surprise he offer to allow me, use his phone to call Dad.

I dial Dad's number because I knew he would be very worried. Hello, I heard Dad's voice. Dad it me Bella.

Bella dear, are you ok? I saw the news and I was worried he said.

Am fine Dad, I got knock down by a car and lost my phone I said.

What are you okay? he asked.

Yes Dad, I am at the hospital, I will be fine I said.

Okay dear, I am out of town I will ask the Secretary to send you some money for the hospital bill and to get a new phone he said. Okay Dad, I replied.

Take care of yourself, he said and ended the call.

Ray and the doctor come back and the doctor observed me. Then told him they would have to monitor me for another twenty four hours if no surprises then I could go back home. Ray nodded his head. The doctor left the room and I returned his phone and thank him for his help.

I will have the driver come pick you up and take you home, once you are free to leave tomorrow. The bill has been taking care of he said and walked out. He did not even give me the chance to say thank you or ask anything before he left the room like he was never there to beginning with.

The next day the driver came to take me home as promised. I rested as advice by the doctor. Monday morning I got set and went to school. Elizabeth ran to give me and hug as soon as she saw me. I was so worried she said.

I have been trying your number since Friday night but switch off. I even came to your place on Saturday but found it lock. what happened? she asked.

I was knocked down by a car I answered.

Oh my God! are you okay? She asked taking a look at me, to see if I was hurt.

I am fine, I have been at the hospital and lost my phone. I will get a new one after the class today.

She nodded her head. I am so glad you are fine, she said taking another look at me as if she wanted to be really sure I was fine.

We went to class and went to get something to eat late in the afternoon. Tracy joined us.

I heard the gun man came for Carl Tracy said.

Tracy you are always hearing things, I commented. Yesterday when I woke up, I did hear Ray saying something about finding the gun man but it was not in my place to mention it.

It just strange, one would never expect a thing like that to happen at Mount wings College Elizabeth said.

Why will someone want my Carl dead? Tracy asked.

We looked at each other, no one could come up with a reason. I am just glade they failed Elizabeth said. And an innocent lady die I commented. There was a pause and we all started eating our food.

That guy seems to be looking for some one Tracy said. I raised my head up and looked towards the direction she was facing. That's Ray driver I said who could he possible be looking for?

Ray's driver, you mean like the CREW Ray? Tracy asked.

Yes, I nod.

How do you know he is Ray's driver? Elizabeth asked in surprise.

Because he was the one that picked me up from the hospital home yesterday I replied.

Why will Ray's driver.... Tracy was saying then paused, it was Ray's car that knocked you down? she asked.

Yes I nod.

so it was Ray that took you to the hospital ?she asked.

I don't know, I just found myself in the hospital I replied.

Wait! what where you doing in the VIP entrance? Elizabeth asked.

I missed my way in hurry I answered.

Did Ray come to see you at the hospital? Tracy asked.

Yes I answered.

like you guy talked she asked

a bit I answered.

Oh my God! I wish I got knocked down by Ray's car Tracy said.

I thought your crush was Carl? I asked in surprise.

Yeah but I would not mind any of the CREW or all of them Tracy said.

Sounds like you want to become a slut I said. For the CREW I can be anything she said taking a bite of her snack.

Carl and Alex must feel very heart broken right now I joked and we all laugh.

Don't worry yourself Bella, I am sure the weirdo want nothing to with me or any other lady she said laughing.

The driver is coming towards us Elizabeth said. I turn just when Ray's driver got to our table. my boss asked me to give you this, he said handing over the bag in his hand. I could tell from the pack it was a phone. And to ask, how you are doing he added after the pause.

I am fine, tell him… I was about to reject the gift when Tracy took it from him. Tell him thank you she said. The driver nodded his head and left. She open up the bag and brought out a phone pack. I knew it was a phone I thought.

Where you really going to reject a gift from Ray? Tracy asked as she brought out the phone from it pack.

Sure, I don't see why he got me the phone. I already have plans of getting one I said.

This girl you are crazy, you know that right? Tracy tease. I rolled my eyes at her but did not say anything. I think am beginning to like this weirdo. I am sure he is just cold on the outside but really warm on the inside Tracy said.

It will be a good think if you like the weirdo that way I will have less people looking at my Carl Elizabeth said giggling. She laugh at Elizabeth words but said nothing about that and turn to me. If you don't want it I will keep it she said after a pause.

I reached out and took the phone from her. I think that will be rude. Beside you don't need a phone. And yet you were going to reject it Tracy said. Since you collected it I guess I will have to keep it.