Take care of Bella


I notice Bella stayed in her room and did not come out. I asked Gladness to make sure she eat. I knew Gladness was fond of her that is why I gave her the task. Dad was gone and I felt it was my responsibility to take care of her. Maybe not as much as Dad but I would do my best. Mum luckily has been very busy planning Dad's funeral to have her time.

I was looking out my widow, when I saw Bella sitting in the garden. It was the first time in five days that she will come out of her room. I picked up my shirt and decide to go and sit with her. As I was walking towards her I noticed My sister was already by her side. I did not need any one to tell me that my sister had nothing nice to say to her, so I increased my pace.

So you made your way out of your room today I heard Daniella said. Leave her be if you have nothing nice to say, I told Daniella as I got close enough.

Daniella laughed out, it seems like you have a new savior but trust me he would not be able to protect you like Dad did, she said.

I ignore her and went to sit next to Bella. How are you doing? I asked. I was surprise she was not in tears at my sister's words. Anyway she must have gotten use to her unkind ways. I don't understand why mum hate her so much. As for Daniella I knew she just hate the fact that Bella is better than her at a lot of thing and she was more beautiful.

Am fine, she said and even managed to smile.

That's good to know how is school? I asked not wanting to talk about all that has been happening. I still find it hard to believe myself. Sometimes I still wish I would wake up and discover it was some kind of dream..

Fine, Exams are by the corner she said.

Then it a good thing Dad's burial is tomorrow, that way you can go back and concentrate on your studies I said she nod without saying anything.

What's the point? Daniella said. I was surprise she was still there. What do you mean by that? I asked. She laughed and said mum is not going to spend that much money on her education and you know it.

Yes I do but hopefully Dad left a trust fund for her education, I said. Now move away if you have nothing nice to say. she rolled her eyes and walked away. Don't worry I am sure Dad left something and even if he did not, I will share my allowance with you. it may not be enough but I know how to get money from mum. Don't worry, we will figure it out together I said and held her hands. She looked at me and smile but she said nothing.

Later that day the family lawyers come to the house with a doctor. They said according to the Wisdom Wealth instruction they will always carry out a DNA test on us before they could hand over Dad's properties. It was strange but it seems mum was already aware of this as she nodded her head in agreement without any questions. After taking blood sample from me and Daniella they asked for Bella. But Bella is not our child mum caught in .

Yes we know. The lawyer answered.

So if you know that, what's the point of taking her sample? mum asked

because she is a Wisdom one of the lawyer answered .Did my husband put her in his will? mum asked.

No your husband did not leave a will technically. He only asked that should he die before he prepared one, his properties should be shared into two equal parts among his children, the Lawyer answered.

And Bella is not a child of his, mum said in angry. We know that one of the lawyers answered making a failed attempt to hid his anger when he was talking.

Madam, we know that, like I said early she is a wisdom that why we must take her sample too, another explain. I walked up stairs and called Bella down. Her sample was also taken but I could see that it disturb mum. We will come back two day after his funeral. once he has been buried we can declare his properties, and share it among his children like he instructed the lawyers explain before leaving.

The next day I got set for the ceremony and I drove down to the church with Bella. Mum has not said anything since after the lawyer left yesterday. I could tell something disturb her.

After we laid Dad to rest mum and Daniella left. While I and Bella stayed back for a while. Dad was laid to rest in the same place as Bella's parent were buried. I guess you can call it the Wisdom wealth cemetery. Bella went to her parent grave side and sat there for a few minute, I wonder what was going through her mind.

When we got home, Bella had a headache so she went straight up to her room to rest. I sat with mum and the guest we had. There was a small after party. Gladness and the other maids helped with the serving. Where is Bella? mum asked. She had got headache so she is resting in her room I answered.

Go and call her, she should help with the serving she said. Mum I just said she was not fine, So? mum caught in. If you get Bella down here I promise I will make a scene. The maids are doing fine with the serving. For crying out loud we laid Dad to rest today. try and be nice to make him happy.

Mum rolled her eyes at me. She did not bother to send for Bella. I knew she did not want me to create a scene as some members of the media where still around. I was really going to try my best to protect her, it a good thing I am a legal adult. Since I will get my inheritance tomorrow I will take better care of Bella financially but I could not guarantee that mum will not hurt her.