Fix it


I have been trying in vain to keep my feeling for Bella to myself. I keep thinking about how beautiful she looks at the anniversary party. God when our eyes meet. I can't explain the feeling it gave me. I wanted to see her again but I have been managing myself not to do that.

Carl was not a serious person but he has been going all out for her in ways I have never seen him done for any other. He asked me if I liked her but I said I was done with love and ladies. Each passing day all I thought about was her.

When I saw the article I was a bit surprised. Bella looked so innocent and friendly. If not that the person in the video looks just like her, I would not believe she is the one. She told me that her parents die and her uncle who took care of her died recently. But the article had made not mention of her adopted father been her uncle. Could it be she was lying?

I was finding the article a bit hard to believe but with my experience with Ammy, anything was possible. The only thing I was certain of was that she was not a flirt. If she was she would have tried flirting with me before Carl. Or could it be that she was so good with being a two-face?

I was surprised to see Carl upload pictures of them together again. Was Carl really into her or it was something else? Maybe he was I thought. Bella is the only lady Carl has called special. She is the only one he has uploaded pictures with more than once. I have to warn him to be careful, I don't want him to have the same experience as I did with Ammy. The most frustrating part of all this was I like her. I try to deny it but I do. Even the article has not stopped me from liking her but fear has made me keep those feeling buried.

We meet the next day at the studio. What's up with you and Bella? I asked.

I am not sure yet Carl replied.

You have to be careful I said.

About what, Bella? She is sweet and caring she is different carl said.

Different what do you mean by different? I asked.

I can't explain, I find her very special and for the very first time, I am starting to believe you that we really can find love Carl said.

Wait! are you saying you love he? r Emmanuel asked before I could say anything.

Yeah, maybe am not sure yet. Why do you all look at me like it impossible? I am still human who wants to love and be loved in return, Carl said.

Carl, you are not even concerned about the Article W?ilfred asked.

Why should I? Carl's answer.

Because the article may be right, look at what happens with Ammy. Like you said Any lady that comes close to us was either there for the money or fame I said.

Please this is different from Ammy. You think Bella is a flirt? he asked looking at me.

No, I said.

Neither is she a thief she works at Wealth shopping mall. I went to work with her on Saturday. she even has a key to her boss's office which means she is trustworthy and not a thief like Ammy. I don't get why you are all making a big deal out of what happened. She only went to a bar and got drunk. You sound like she killed someone Carl said.

And what if she is with you for just the money? I asked.

I don't know why I should have a problem with that. let's be honest everybody wants something. I don't think she even wants me he added after a pause.

Why would you say that? I asked? She seems to be attracted to someone else but I will be patient till she comes around he said. Now quit judging her with what Ammy did. Carl said looking angry.

Who the hell is this Ammy you have all been talking about? Emmanuel ask.

Nobody I said.

It sounds to me like there is something more Wilfred said.

Fine my ex-girlfriend I said.

What! you had a girlfriend and we never knew Emmanuel said with surprise.

Well, I was going to tell you guys but she stole from me and ran away with another man.

Wow, Emmanuel said.

That is so messed up Wilfred commented. Emmanuel's phone beep. He took a look at it. There is new information about Bella he said. When will they get tried? Carl said. Emmanuel seems to be engrossed in what he was reading oh wow he said. Wow, he said again and we all could not understand the faces he was making. What does it say? I asked impatiently. One moment he said without taking his face off his phone.

After a while, he turned his attention to us. The guy in the video is a pimp Emmanuel said.

What!! We all said together. What on earth was she doing with a pimp? I thought to myself.

According to the new story she went to the bar with her boyfriend then left him to join the pimp. They are claiming she is cheating on Carl, Emmanuel said.

I don't remember calling her my girlfriend so how can she be cheating on me. Carl said surprised at the turn of things.

There are a lot of comments. Someone even said she is a well-known prostitute. Emmanuel said. It looks like a lot of people agree he added after a short pause.

We sat quietly for some time. This is all my fault Carl said looking hurt. How I? asked surprised.

Bella has done nothing wrong people just decided to step on her now that she is down. Maybe she had a fight with that boyfriend of hers, which is why she got drunk. And we all know how this pimps are. He must have taken advantage of her Carl explained.

Now that Carl mentioned it. It all makes sense. This is why I love Carl he is slow to judging and jumping to conclusions.

I need to fix this Carl said as he got out his phone. I need you to make a comment on a post and ensure it trends he said to the person over the phone and hang up.

After that, I saw him typing on his phone for a few minutes before putting it back. What did you do I asked.

Just a little PR to help he said. Okay, I nod can we go on with the rehearsal now Carl changed the topic.