

Few minutes after eating.

My phone started ringing, Ray help me with it. It was an unknown number. I picked it up and listen. "Bella where are you? I heard the voice. Your car was said to be brought back by some guy yesterday. Are you okay?" she asked.

God is mum I thought touching my head. "Since when do you care?" I asked.

"Come on Bella I care I have always cared," she answered.

"No, you don't, all you have ever cared about was making those who kill your husband and unborn child pay. You cared nothing about me who is still alive," I snapped.

"Bella, you were safer in his care than mine," she said. I could tell from the sound of her voice it seems she was crying.

"When I needed a mother you were dead so please stay dead. At least now you have what you have always wanted," I said coldly. I don't know why I was so angry but the more I spoke to her the more I felt hurt.