Selfish person


"Will you stay the night?" Ray asked me when he woke up from his short nap. He must have been very tired from his trip. 

"I don't think so, I was just waiting for you to wake up before leaving" I replied.

He pouted his lips. "I thought you miss me?" He asked sounding like a kid who lost his favorite toy.

"Yes I did but mum is expecting me," I explained.

"Oh," he said, but he still looked sad.

"Let me ask her if I could come back a little late. That way I will stay til after dinner" I told him. His eyes immediately light up. Of course, I saw through his plans, he would not let me go after dinner. Picking up my phone I decided to text mum since I was a bit shy to talk to her.

(me: Mum can I spend the night at Ray's place. Promise to be home for lunch). I did not forget to add the please emoji.

Few minutes later my phone beep, and I was sure it was from mum.

(Mum: okay). Hmm just a word. How sweet.