A tool

Mrs. Wisdom.

I finally made a call to the lady called Josephine during the break, before the judge gives his viaduct after examining the evidence. As Josephine has warned the Agency did come up with late minutes of evidence.

      They brought a better argument, not only were they able to prove that I attempted to kill Bella but they were directly able to prove that Steve acted on my order. Even my attempt to kill Bella years ago was brought up. All these years it never crossed my mind that, Gladness was a memberber of the Agency.

The surprising fact was that the useless pimp guy came up with evidence and testified. I have always thought  I was smart but today's hearing only proves my stupid to me.

Back then I thought that once matt was dead I will become the one in charge since our children, we're not done with their studies. I had even verified everything with Steve since he was a lawyer, but neither of us understands the Wisdom, wealth family.