At ease


I could not believe my ears when Mum explained what had happened, at the party. I knew I should not blame Ray.

Ray did not want to go to the party it was all my fault that we were there. I turned off my phone because I wanted to take my time to digest the information. I was wondering if Ray knew about the plans of his parents to marry him to another. Could that be the reason he did want to go to the party? The more I thought about it the more my head hurts.

I was not angry with Ray but I needed a little alone time before I listen to any explanation he would give.

After I received the call From Ray's mum I become sacred. Just that morning Elizabeth was telling me about Ray's father's revival I wondered if he had something to do with Ray's disappearance.

I was worried but I was not willing to talk to Mrs. Williams. How could she use me to convince Ray to attend a party just to disgrace me? How could she do that to me?