Trapping the traitor

"You have a tailor in your team," Mary said once she was left alone with the Williams. She had ensured that they ride in her car since she could not take chances.

What do you mean?" Kara raised her brows.

Mary looked at her like she was the dumbest person she had ever met. "I mean someone from your team is communicating with the kidnappers," Mary replied. If only she had a choice she would not get missed up in all this mess.

She has never wanted to miss up in politics. The reason she and her cousin are not as close as they used to be.

"How did you come to this conclusion," kara asked not believing a word Mary just said. She had set up a good security system to check everyone she employed, especially if the person will be under Ray.

Mary gave her a stupid look. "Is it not obvious?" She questioned back.

Mary paused to think but she could not connect any dot since she could not seem to find anything. Everything had happened flawlessly.