Torture team.


"Who are you working for? " Kara asked the question a thousand times. Since discovering the mole in the team she got for Ray she had not been at peace.

She could only imagine what would have happened to Ray if Bella's bodyguard had not followed after Ray, the night of the party. Although she blames her husband for everything she felt a little grateful that the situation leads to catching the traitor in her team. She was happy about the way everything played out.

'How did someone like him manage to pass her security check?' The man in question continues to give her the indifferent look. He was surprised that he got fished out. He had been as careful as possible yet he got caught. 

He felt like a man between the devil and the red sea. He knew the couple before him would never let him go if he does not spill all that he knew. But even if they did. His other boss would have his head as soon as possible.