Bad light.


When Kara got home that evening she was surprised to meet Ben at home. "welcome," He smiled at her. He had come back home early hoping to eat dinner and welcome her like this.

Kara nodded her head not knowing why she could not get immune to his smile. It was a surprise to her that he was at home so early.  The husband she knew only came home when he needed her to do something for him and even then he did not get home before her.

"How was work?" Ben asked completely ignoring the puzzle face from his wife.

"It was great and stressful as usual," kara gave him a half-smile as she spoke. "How was your day," she asked back trying her best not to be too comfortable and expect things to continue like that.

"It was great, You should go have your bath so we can eat dinner, " Ben said when he saw Kara just kept looking at him and stop on her track. An awkward moment passed between them.