Every Little clue


I check the video Ray was talking about after our call. I immediately recognize the lady in the video. She was one of the ladies throwing insults at me yesterday.

Why are they so interested in gaining my attention? How could they go as far as saying so many lies against me? I asked myself as I continue to listen to her.

She even had the nerves to claim to be my fan. All this lead me to a simple conclusion. I hate living in the spotlight.

Dropping my phone I walked over to the bathroom to have my bath. I have decided to ignore her. This was the battle of words. And I am sure the moment I drop a response her friend will jump out as a witness. So my best shot was to ignore them. 

I did not have the time to argue with them on social media. After taking my bath I dressed up before heading to the kitchen to eat breakfast. 

My phone rang a few minutes later. "Good morning mum," I greeted as I place the phone in my ear.