Looking forward to the party.


Meeting Ray had been like a blessing to me. My life felt as though it was finally going to have some colors. He was so nice and friendly to a clearer like me.

All the students in Mount Wing were from rich homes and non would care about a clearer but Ray was different. Helping me out and making me feel special. 

I like Ray, it was not the same way I felt about Sammy. Sammy had a special place in my heart. Maybe it is because of how long I have craved to be loved that made me a little greedy for Ray's attention.

I knew we did not belong in the same world, but I let myself in when he asked that I be his girlfriend. I fell in love with the idea of dating a rich celebrity. Sammy was busy anyway, he did not even notice a thing. He worked many shifts at work to make sure he had enough to support me.