Break us up


I could not explain why my desires were so difficult to control. I had a strong feeling that it had something to do with the chocolate Sharon feed me. 

I noticed it tasted different and weird I could not put my thoughts together. Bella felt different. It looked like the Bella is my Arms currently was nothing like the Bella I knew.

I wanted to pause and look at her face. I wanted to be sure. It took me all my willpower to stop and cup her face but my sight was burry. I could not see clearly. "Are you sure about this?" I asked again.

"yes," Bella nodded her head and kissed me. Now I was certain that something was wrong with this Bella. Bella that I remembered was shy of being intimate. Wait Bella would always be conscious if her friends or my friends are around. So how did she become so bold? With this thought in my heart, I pulled back and looked at her.