

Two weeks passed by in a flash with nothing different happened. Kara managed to wrap up her work and made the necessary preparations for her vacation with Ben. She had deliberately kept the news about her vacation secrets since her security wanted to use it as a way to trap Ray's kidnapper. 

According to the men handling the traitor, the person behind Ray's kidnap found out about the vacation, so they were using this to set a trap for him. On the surface it looked like nothing serious was going on, but Kara double the security around Ray. 

All staff in Prime entertainment were surprised when they heard the news of kara taking ten days off work. It was the first time she was taken more than two days off work. 

"Are you set?" Ben asked as saw Kara climb down the stairs in a casual outfit. "yes," Kara nodded her head. Her relationship with Ben has improved over the last few weeks. In fact, she felt it was worth it to have waited this long.