
"The surgery was successful, but the patient is not out of danger yet. There might be a chance if she survives the next forty hours," the doctor said. The patient's condition was more critical than the doctor let on, but he did not go into details. Looking at the group before him, he chose his words carefully. They all took a deep breath at his words; even though Bella was not out of danger, the hope, no matter how small, was welcome news.

"So, who would like to come with me to discuss the patient's condition in detail?" the doctor asked.

"I will," Mary, Shantel, and Ray answered simultaneously.

"Let me go," Shantel suggested. "Why don't you wait until Bella is transferred to a ward where you can see her?"

"Okay," Mary agreed. She wasn't sure she could bear to hear everything the doctor had to say. Waiting to see Bella felt more comforting.