Working The Night Shift

After about an hour Adam decided it was time for him to go to bed too. He stayed in Emmas' room watching her sleep for the whole hour. Before he left he kissed Emma's forehead and wished her goodnight. As he walked out the door he turned off the light and said,

"Don't worry sweetie, you're safe with me. I promise I will never let anyone lay a hand on you or your mother. Ever."

Adam shut the door gently and walked towards the kitchen where he ran into Jesse.

"It's been years since you last called me by my full name," Jesse said smiling a bit.

Adam didn't look at her and just continued to get himself a glass of water.


"Listen, I know this whole living situation is a little weird but I just need a few weeks and if you could just try to make this work for Emma I'd appreciate it. If it's the rent you're worried about don't worry I will pay for all of my things and rent-"

"Us living together isn't a problem." Adam suddenly said.

"Oh well, then what is the problem, Adam?" Jesse replied.

"It's nothing."

"What do you mean it's nothing? It's something if whatever is bothering you managed to change your entire mood."

"Listen, Jesse, I don't want to argue with you so please just forget it, okay?"

"I'm not trying to argue all I'm trying to do is to help you."

"Well, maybe I don't need your help, okay?"

"Ugh, okay whatever."

"I'm sorry, but I just don't want you to get involved with my issues cause I know for a fact that you'll get worried about me when you don't have to."

"I know I know but I just can't help it even after our divorce I still get worried."

"Worried about my well-being or just worried that I might die and won't be able to pay child support anymore?"

"No, you idiot!" Jesse shouted back at Adam punching him in the arm. Adam didn't even flinch and just began to laugh at her reaction.

"Hey, it's not funny." Jesse frowned.

"Haha, yeah you're right you're right," Adam said between laughs. He cleared his throat trying his best to hold down his laughter but there was still a huge smile on his face.

" Dying isn't something to joke about. Plus, you were the one who agreed to pay after we divorced."

"Yeah yeah I know Jesse. I was just joking."

"Now's not the time for stupid jokes. Last time I remember you were the serious one in the relationship."

"Your right your right."

"Now I know something happened to you, Adam."

"What do you mean?"

"Your behavior is completely different."

"Hm, well I don't know about that but-"


Both Adam and Jesse jumped up by the abrupt ringing of a phone. Adam pulled out his phone from his back pocket. After reading the name on the caller id he sent a nervous glance at Jesse; Jesse waved out her hand to signal him that it was okay to take the call. Adam whispered 'We'll continue this conversation later' which Jesse replied with a nod before he answered the phone as he made his way out of the kitchen.

"Hey, Jackson what's up?" Adam asked.

"Sorry if I'm disturbing you right now," Jackson replied.

"Oh no of course not Jackson it's just 2 am and I'm exhausted and was about to go to bed." Adam sarcastically said.

"Hey man, I said I was sorry, okay?"

"Alright nevermind that let's just go straight to the point."

"Right, anyways I called you this late because we need you back here at the office asap."

"What? This late? Why?"

"Well, if you wanna find out then get your butt over here."

"Fine, I'll be there in ten minutes."

"I'll be waiting."

And with that Adam hung up the phone, grabbed his coat, and began to walk out the door.

"Where are you going?" Jesse questioned as she looked up at him from the couch she was sitting on.

"Take a good guess."