
"Hey, umm Adam do you think that maybe you could uh s-slow down?"

Adam didn't say anything and just glared at Jackson sending him chills down his spine. Jackson gulped and sunk into the passenger seat gripping onto the seatbelt as if it was his lifeline. Which probably was at that moment.

Adam was speeding across the streets going over 100 miles per hour skipping red lights and cursing under his breath with an intense look on his face. Even though he was physically there mentally he wasn't. His eyes were on the road but his mind was elsewhere. It didn't take long for Jackson to notice Adam's strange behavior.

"Adam...you doing alright buddy? Umm, do you think you could like slow down a bit?"

"Hmph, there you go again always having something to fucking say! As if nothing I do is ever good enough for you!"

Jackson was startled by Adam's sudden outburst. He didn't know what was going on with Adam but it was making him feel uneasy. All he knew was that Adam was behind the wheel and if he continues speeding at this rate something might happen and he was not trying to take any chances. But, before he could say anything Adam began shouting again.

"All you could do is beg, beg, beg, and whine and cry about every FUCKING LITTLE THING!!!! All you ever care about is YOURSELF and nobody fucking else." Adam pressed harder on the gas pedal holding the steering wheel tightly to the point his knuckles were turning white.

"Then, you blame everything on ME and make Me look like the bad guy. ' I did this and I did that' all thy stupid bullshit lies you say just to get your way!"

Jackson slowly looked over at Adam his expression full of fear. Adam's face was turning red, veins popping out of his neck. If looks could kill his intense gaze would do so. Luckily Adams gaze was focused on the road and not on Jackson but that still didn't help him feel any less anxious.

"Adam I think it'll be best if you pulled over right now." Jackson suggested.

Adam didn't listen to him and just continued staring off into the abyss. He stopped yelling and just kept quiet pressing harder onto the gas pedal. The car kept going faster and faster, the engine roaring, Jackson yelling next to him, but all the noise was drowned out by his thoughts. He didn't see anything but red, he couldn't hear anything but the voices in his head cussing him out causing his anger to rise even higher.

"Adam...Adam. ADAM!" Jackson shrieked as he tried to grab the wheel from Adam as a truck was heading straight towards them.